Chapter 43 Absence

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XiChen walked fast to find Wei Ying. He had received a message, but not from the one he wanted.

WangJi told him Wei Ying was in the library, so he headed there. He saw a mountain of books and scrolls, guessing it was the work of one man, he went towards it.

Wei Ying didn't even notice him at first, busy copying characters onto parchment, scribbling out and rewriting others.

"I have a message, Brother Wei." He said, cautiously, not wanting to disturb his thought process. Wei Ying was under a lot of pressure these days; everyone had noticed.

"From Jiang Cheng?!" He shot up, breaking XiChen's heart.

"No." He reluctantly admitted. It had been four days since his last message and everyone was worried, more so Wei Ying.

Wei Ying looked distraught.

"It will be okay. Your brother is fine." He wished with all his heart.

Wei Ying tried to smile. "You're right." He agreed, as if only then realising who he was speaking to. "I'm sure he's alright. If the only excuse he gives me when he's back is that he forgot, it'll be more than just a laxative in his tea."

XiChen couldn't even laugh at that.

"Who's the message from?"


"You said I have a message? Who sent it?" Wei Ying rubbed his tired eyes.

"Oh, Nie Huaisang." He handed it over. He had been so excited when it came, and then the despair when it wasn't from Jiang Cheng was crushing.

"Dark Nights and Lonely Places?" Wei Ying frowned, trying to remember where he'd heard that before.

"I've read that somewhere," XiChen said, thinking hard.

"Really?" He suddenly slammed his palm on the tiny space not occupied by scrolls. "I remember! The Soothsayer told me that!"

"Is it a spell?" XiChen asked, looking at the door that led to the Forbidden room.

"You think we'll find the answer there?"

XiChen nodded. "It sounds...dark and forbidden, doesn't it?"

They were just about to go, when a timid scholar came forward.

"Um, we found something." He presented a piece of parchment.

"This is relating to the characters on the knife?" XiChen asked.

The scholar nodded.

Wei Ying came out from behind the table and stood next to XiChen, reading over his elbow.

"Does this mean to take over, possession?" He suddenly asked, looking at XiChen for confirmation.

"Yes, but in relation to the knife, considering it's a spiritual weapon plus with this character," XiChen pointed to the next one, "it means possession by force."

"It could mean two things," Wei Ying said, thinking fast. "Either it only works through possession, probably against the holder's will, or the holder exerts possession by force." He took the paper and folded it into his robes.

XiChen took him into the Forbidden room and they began their search. Wei Ying was carrying a bundle of scriptures and scrolls when he suddenly felt excruciating pain in his arm, and cried out, dropping them. He clutched his arm to his chest, tears streaming down his face.

"Brother Wei!" XiChen ran to him.

Lan Zhan was just coming down the stairs when he heard Wei Ying cry out. He was by his side in seconds. He picked him up easily and took him straight to the healers.

Wei Ying wouldn't let them touch him at all, so Lan Zhan hesitantly knocked him out.

The healer unwrapped his bandages. Lan Zhan couldn't look away. Blood seeped out from the now clear sign of the dragon carved into his Wei Ying's skin.


Five days until the Autumn Equinox, four days since they'd last heard from Jiang Cheng.

Wei Ying had woken up in better shape, cooperatively drinking the healer's concoction without complaining. That was how Lan Zhan knew something was bothering him.

He had returned straight to the library to resume his search, until late at night, only the threat of punishment from rule breaking stopping him from staying the night.

Lan Zhan watched him sleep and had an idea of how to get his mind away from the many problems weighing him down. He would talk to Brother tomorrow.


Lan Zhan knocked on the door of the Hanshi and entered just as XiChen was standing up.

"I was on my way to see you." He said.

"What for?"

"Actually, I wanted to speak with Brother Wei, but I hoped you would also have some input. Shall we go to him?"


"Why did you want to see me?" XiChen asked as they walked to the Jingshi.

"Wei Ying has been too troubled lately. Can Brother organize a night hunt?"

"You think that will help?" XiChen asked, doubtfully.

"Yes. Wei Ying cannot sit still, and is worse if nothing occupied his mind. But he has been thinking too much about these problems. It's making him tired."

That was the longest speech he had ever heard from his brother. XiChen smiled affectionately. "How about tonight?"

Lan Zhan smiled his thanks.

"Brother Wei." XiChen entered first. "How is your arm?"

"Much better." Wei Ying beamed at him.

"How would you like to accompany the youngsters on a night hunt this evening?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"Of course! I can't wait!" Wei Ying exclaimed. And then turned to Lan Zhan. "Hold on, you did this, didn't you?"

"Mn. Better for Wei Ying."

Wei Ying kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

"I actually found something else." XiChen said, embarrassed by their show. He knew he shouldn't be because neither cared who saw them, but still...

"Oh? What did you find?" Wei Ying turned his full attention to him.

XiChen handed him a scrap of paper.

"Dark Nights and Lonely Places, Even though they be, I am your shining light, May you come to me." Wei Ying read it out loud. "But XiChen-Ge, what does it mean?"

"I don't know. I was hoping you could tell me."

"I feel like this is really important." Wei Ying scratched his head. "Where did you find it?"

"A torn book of spells. I'm afraid there was nothing else to help us." XiChen replied. "I should go and inform the juniors about tonight. You should rest, Brother Wei."

Lan Zhan pushed the protesting man into their bed and firmly tucked him in.

WangXian Forever 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora