"Thanks, Tae. I'm really grateful I have a friend like you, honestly." A small silence followed but it was a comfortable one. He picked up my drink from the table and held it closely to my lips.

"What are you doing!?" I giggled at his randomness.

"You had this kinda thirsty look on your face" he chuckled. The glass pressed against my bottom lip so I opened up as he tilted it. After nearly the entire contents had been emptied he put it back on the table, quick to wipe a small drop from the side of my lip that had fallen. His touch was enticing, a combination of alcohol and sexual tension was leaving me dizzy.

Jimin and Jungkook had been watching what the events unfold between us for a while, they'd decided it was time to intervene.

Jimin reached to take a hold of my hand, pulled me to my feet.

"Jiaaa, stop flirting~ It's your turn to pick a song" He teased, handing me the ipad.

"Ahhh okay, okay, I know" I giggle. Giving in to his request and searching for a song I liked. Jungkook was halfway through pouring another round when I'd come to a decision. My song came on and all eyes in the room turned expectantly to me.

Gee gee gee gee baby baby~ I started singing and doing the dance for this classic, only to receive a mixture of reactions.

"Jia, omg please stop. Your Aegyo is killing me" Jimin fell into a a squeaky laughing fit. Jungkook got up and started doing the dance with me. Tae grinned from ear to ear, watching in amusement as we went for it. As the song finished light fatigue hit. I leaned against Jungkook for support. He peers into my face, asking if I'm okay. I managed a nod. Suddenly, he scoops me up in both arms like it was nothing and takes me over to the couch, putting me down next to him.

"You can borrow my shoulder if you want," he gently offered.

"You're sweet" I leaned against him without a second thought.

Jimin and Tae started a ballad as I lay against Kookie. His voice is still floating through my mind. "Hey, Kookie... " I hesitated, he glanced at me, I went on, "If I wrote you a song, would you maybe, sing it?" I asked, shyly... I hope he didn't think that was weird...

"Please write one for me. I'll definitely sing it" he didn't even hesitate to accept.

"Okay then, I'm going to write you something amazing. Please wait for it" I smiled, glad that he was so open to the idea. I slipped down a little. But, strong arms wrap around my mid, pulling me up. Kook was holding me firmly so I wouldn't slip down the couch. As flustered as I was, I stayed there with him, enjoying the tenderness. My focus shifted to Jimin and Tae as they had their big finale. Kookie and I burst into applause which they high-five and laugh at.

Jimin plopped down beside us, calling my name sweetly. No hesitation as he pulls me closer to him so that Kookie can have his turn singing with Tae.

"Are you having fun?" He asks, tucking loose strands of hair behind my ear.

"Yess, I just need to slow down for a bit" I gave a faint smile. Jimin carefully shifts me onto his lap. I gave in, nestling my face in his shoulder. He held me close, and I started to feel more sensitive. Noticing the solidity of his thighs as he gently bounced me up and down, I watched Tae and Kook perform Bang Bang Bang.

"How are you all such good performers, I seriously can't take my eyes off any of you" I mumbled into his chest.

"Really?" Jimin gave a cheeky smile.

"Yeah, and... Jimin... You have the voice of an angel"

"I like your voice more, Jia, can you sing a song for me please.." He pinches my cheek playfully.

Before They Were Bulletproof // OT7 BTS FF x OC ᵖʳᵒˡᵒᵍᵘᵉWhere stories live. Discover now