Capturing Y/n

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*after everything with Ultron, the avengers realised they needed you. One of the strongest freaks of nature in the world*

Wanda is sat waiting for the perfect opportunity to do what she is planning on doing.

Your powers: super strength, xray vision, flight and invisibility.

But generally you're a really nice person.

You're walking down the streets of London. This is what you're wearing

 This is what you're wearing

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You have earphones in. You're 18 years old.

Your phone rings. It's a random number.


"Hello. Is this Y/n Y/l/n?" A woman with a Sokovian accent asks.

"Yep. That's me. What can i do for ya?" You ask.

"This might sound a little weird but you need to go to Buckingham Palace right now."

"Why something special going on?" You ask.

"Uh.... yeah. There's.... uh..... the queen requested certain residents of the UK to go. You're on that list."

"That's weird as hell but sure." You say.

"Okay. Perfect. Right now."

"Kay bye."

You end the call and put your earphones in. You fly to Buckingham Palace and land outside.

When you see nobody, you laugh.

"Of course. Fucking got prank called. Damn that one was good. Clever as hell."

You turn around and a tub like box lands on top of you. You pull out your earphones and put them in your pocket.

"Uh... WRONG PERSON!" You shout, banging on the box.

People stand outside of the box and look in.

"How did you fall for it?" A girl, with a Sokovian accent, asks.

"It seened genuine." You say.

You sit down and lean back on your hands.

"But i kinda think you have the wrong person." You say.

"No. We have the right person." A guy in an iron suit.

You shrug.

"Okay. But uh... mind telling me why you've decided to capture me?" You ask.

"Because you're the final piece of our puzzle." A guy, with a top half face mask on, says.

"Okay. Sounds cool. Wait it's just hit me that I'm actually needed for something. Holy shit that's epic. It's about time. So what's this puzzle?" You ask.

Wanda Maximoff imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now