Chaeyoung laughed a little bit and kissed Lisa's shoulder. She pulled herself from Lisa's warmth and layed down on her back, fixing her eyes on the ceiling.

"You know, I never thought my life would look like this."

Lisa draped an arm across her torso and began to trace patterns with her finger across her chest.

"And how'd you think it would look?" Lisa asked.

At first, Roseanne didn't reply. She just breathed. In and out. Focusing on the feeling of Lisa's hand gently moving across her heart. "I suppose for the longest time I thought my life would look the way everyone else wanted it to look,"

Roseanne finally replies. "Married, with a kid, a house. The whole picture."

"And that's not something you've ever wanted?"

With that question, Chaeyoung's eyes welled with tears. She tried to blink them away but one slipped out and rolled down her cheek. Of course she wanted those things one day. She just never thought she'd get that kind of life. Never thought people like her could.

The younger girl was quick to lift her hand to Roseanne's face, wiping away the tear and gently caressing her cheek. "Hey, come on now. Don't cry, baby. It's okay."

A little embarrassed by the sudden emotion, Chaeyoung covered her eyes with her hands, hoping to stop new tears from falling. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm ruining a nice moment with you right now."

Lisa reached for Chaeyoung's hands and pulled them from her face. She cupped her cheek and leaned in, kissing her forehead, her cheeks, and finally her lips. There she is again, Chaeyoung thought, that breath of fresh air.

"Rosie," Lisa said when she pulled back.

Their faces were so close and Lisa could see every bit of worry and every fear etched across the blonde's face.

"You don't need to apologize for feeling things. I'm glad you feel like you can open up to me, that you're comfortable enough with me."

"That's the thing. I didn't think I could feel this comfortable with someone, but here you are. It's so new for me, to feel like this. To WANT to feel like this. Because for most of my life, I didn't think I could because it wasn't what people in my life wanted for me, it's not what was expected of me. It was wrong."

Aside from the conversation about her ex fiance, Lisa didn't know a whole lot about Chaeyoung's personal life but she got the sense that Rosie had been dealing with her sexuality for a long time. It was a scary thing to go through, especially as an adult who had probably spent years trying to pretend like there wasn't a nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach every time a pretty girl looked in her direction or every time a man hit on her.

"It's not wrong. There is nothing wrong with you. You and me, in this bed, right now? This is natural. This is so natural."

Lisa took Roseanne's hand and placed it over her own heart. "You feel this?"

Chaeyoung swallowed and nodded.

"This," Lalisa said, "is how I feel with you."

"Your heart is beating so fast," Chaeyoung whispered.

"Can I be honest with you?" Lisa shyly asked.

Roseanne smiled, her eyes shining and loving, seeming to to almost sparkle despite the room being dark.

"You were very honest with me outside tonight."

"More honest," Lisa replied, now needing it to be her turn to take a breath. "I might seem all rough around the edges, a tough nut to crack, but you make me a little bit nervous."

Upon hearing this, Roseanne sat up a bit, leaning back on her forearms. "Really?"

"Come on, Rosie. Have you seen yourself? You float around this place like a ray of sunshine and make everyone smile. I've always been more of a cloudy day with rain kind of person but when you showed up, it was like huh, sunshine is actually pretty great. Who knew?"

With Lisa laying there beside her, her long black hair spread across the pillow and her soft smile, Roseanne felt something wash over her entire body. Love? Surely it couldn't be love. Could it? Was it possible for a person to come into your life and find their way into your heart so deeply so soon?

She didn't know, but what she did know was that eventually the sun would come up and it would be another day. So she wanted to make this time she had with Lisa, these quiet moments with her, last for as long as she could.

Roseanne moved in and her lips met Lisa's gently at first, and then with a hunger that neither woman could deny.

Lisa hummed at the feeling and when Chaeyoung swiftly moved on top of her, she knew sleep wouldn't meet them for quite some time. Sure, they might be tired in the morning. Chaeyoung had been so tired for so long, but it would be absolutely worth it now because she wasn't alone anymore.

Everything that had brought them to that moment and everything that would come next, it was worth it. They could be tired together. They could be so many things, together.

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