315 15 31

Time Skip: 3 months

It has been confirmed that Kurogiri of the League of Villains have escaped, at the state he was there is no way he's far-so as soon as you see someone suspicious please contact the police ASAP

Words on the streets, posters stuck to every pole of the city and every broadcasting network for the last three days. Shota Aizawa was just making his way to a mini-market for a fruit punch or a nutrition pouch-either will work. With a raven hoodie and his hands tucked in the pocket holding a knife for safety. And the backpack? It's just where he keeps his binding cloth slash used-to-be-capture weapon, too embarrassed to have it all over his neck like old days-it'll be too obvious, something his former pro-hero colleagues pursued him not to be. The hood was on, covering his head all the way to his forehead. He was looking down-which once again, just to avoid recognitions-not that he was well-known as an underground hero.

Kurogiri was Oboro Shirakumo-he can't still believe it. The Shirakumo? Was he the villain they fought against during the USJ attack? They've never even been in a stupid fight as high schoolers. But at this point, there's really nothing he can do.

His eyes widen. There's an attack just a couple blocks from where he's standing between two abandoned buildings. He sighed running his way to the shooting sound. Snipe? he thought-stopping just before neither of them can spot him, he does patrols now? 

"...Shirakumo?" He muttered, his eyes widen as he noticed who the villain Snipe is up against. "-Kurogiri," he corrected, still standing in his hiding place. At this point, Snipe was turning endless bullets to Kurogiri who dodged most of it. Snipe was never best at close combat, Aizawa figure he most likely will just keep pushing bullets 'till it hit Kurogiri's fatal spot-which he too didn't know where but sure it exists somewhere, everyone has one.

"I'd help you if you're actually Shirakumo," he muttered looking down-pulling the hood deeper to cover parts of his eyes. He drowned his own thought, of the what-ifs he hasn't got in years of Shirakumo. His chest pounding on whether on not he should step in to help Shirakumo who's now on the ground. Months-maybe a year-of arrest and energy absorption must've disabled him from using his quirk for a while at least.


"You're Shota Aizawa from my class, right?" The cloud-haired student asked, standing with a hand rubbing the back of his neck-not quite sure if he got his name right. Aizawa who's sitting at the cafeteria table turned him a confused look before slightly nodding-causing Shirakumo to breathe out in relief. "You're having lunch alone again? Why don't you join us?" he uttered, gesturing Aizawa to join his table with Hizashi in it. Aizawa shook his head almost immediately-not in a rude way. 

Shirakumo pouted, "No?" He stared back and forth at the tray he's holding and Aizawa who shows no interest in him being there then took a seat in front of him. "Alright, I'll be the one joining you then," he uttered grinning before placing the food tray on the table. Aizawa squinted his eyes at the sandwich he was holding-not so much into having company. 

Shirakumo unwrapped his lunch as he turned his face to Hizashi yelling, "HIZASHI COME HERE! I FOUND A MEMBER TO OUR DREAM TRIO!" 

"Dream trio?" Aizawa muttered questioning. "Yes, isn't that cool?!" Shirakumo leaned forward, his eyes gleaming in excitement, "A future hero trio of constant laughter, that way we can always outnumber the villains," he clenched his hand to a fist, pushing it to Aizawa's chest for a fist bump, and with a soft smile he said, "and we'll have each other's back." 


Aizawa tossed his bag away, leaving his binding cloth behind as he rushed to Shirakumo. Snipe stared at him for a while before flying another shot to Shirakumo. It was a good shot, Aizawa knew. He jumped in front of him, lucky enough to have it hit his abdomen and not his heart. 

Snipe stalled at the view as his hero instincts told him not to turn another shot. Kurogiri stalled as well as Aizawa bent over with a hand covering his torso the blood spilled to the concrete-not much visible through his black hoodie. He gagged followed by more blood spilling from his mouth. 

"If you're gonna die again," he muttered, slowly pulling his hoodie even deeper since there is a good chance Snipe would recognize him, "don't do it on my watch, you idiot!" He roughly wiped the blood from his mouth with an arm then pulled a knife from his pocket. 

"Run," he uttered assertively. 

"Who are you?" Kurogiri asked.


And so he did, not quite sure what on earth is happening. Snipe squinted his eyes before walking away, "I have no reason to fight you."


A sudden knock on the door made Emi roll her eyes-pissed. She was just getting to the good part of the series she's currently watching. The characters, THEY WERE ABOUT TO KISS! 

She glanced at the clock reading 2 AM. Who on earth would visit this late? She thought suspiciously but made her way to the door, slightly running just wanting to get it over with so she can hop back to bed and end the series real quick. 

The knock loudens and coming at a much faster pace. The figure managed to call her, "Emi..." although it was hardly audible. 

Aizawa pulled his hood off weakly as the door opened to tell her who he is. Still bent over with a hand covering his torso and another hand on the wall for support. The loss of blood darkens his vision, he might actually pass out at some point. Emi stalled as she saw the person standing before her, "OH MY GOD, ERASER!" she shouted, "YOU SHOULD BE AT A HOSPITAL!"

Aizawa flinched at the sudden volume change then sighed.

"Can you please perform that baby surgery of yours?" he uttered teasingly, looking up to her.




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