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"If you're not busy, do you want to catch up some coffee?" he asked, slightly biting his lip hoping for an expected reply. She smiled, then nodded. "Are you flirting with me," she teased, "-Aizawa?"


Emi grabbed two coffees from the counter, then walked towards their-Aizawa and Emi's-table just about the window. "Black coffee, no sugar, for the darkest person I know," she chuckled as she placed a cup in front of Aizawa. For one he actually smirked at her words-it made her day. "So, what are you up to?" she asked, but instantly regret it as she thought Aizawa might feel offended. "More like what you're up to," he replied, "you're not supposed to be here at this time, you didn't get yourself fired did you?" 

She squinted her eyes. "Of course not," she shouted, "those people love me!" 

"Aizawa," she called cold, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come to your apartment the other day." Aizawa raised an eyebrow as he took a sip of coffee. "Why's that?" he replied. She couldn't reply. "I-I don't know, it just doesn't feel right." He doesn't quite understand what she meant, nor will he ever be used with this serious side of Ms. Joke. "And why did you come in the first place?"

"I-I just wanted to know if you're OK, I guess," she murmured-it's hardly audible. "Well if that was it I'm the one to apologize," he replied with a faint smile. 

Emi tried to break the ice with her jokes. They were unexpectedly hilarious. Aizawa giggled, although his eyes can't seem to get rid of her terrible eye bags. It's worst than his, she looks so tired with her sea-green hair hanging on a messy bun. "Have you been sleeping?" he asked again-not that he remember asking the same thing earlier. Emi raised an eyebrow, it's getting more and more obvious how exhausted she is. "Are you flirting with me, Aizawa?" She laughed, he rolled his eyes. "I'm serious," he stated. "I'm more-rious," she replied, laughing.

"You look dead," he stated. 

She managed a giggle, "Is this what this is about, to ask me if I've been sleeping? Aizawa, you're the one having sleeping problem." 

He rolled his eyes, "Don't lie to my face, I may lost my quirk, I'm not blind." She rolled her eyes, irritated. "I'm fine!" she shouted, standing up as about to go. "Mind your own problem," she murmured, enough for Aizawa to hear-although she hope not. 

She have walked a few steps away from the table-leaving Aizawa confused and her coffee untouched-as a knife came straight to Aizawa's direction-the one he didn't notice. 

"ERASER!" She jumped towards it in shock as the knife stabbed her stomach. Aizawa's eyes widen. He run towards the hero, trembling. He held her head to his thigh as his hand hold hers, worried. Other customers were shouting, some walked towards her, some other goes for help. "What were you thinking, Joke," he muttered. Blood were all over her, her eyes half-lidded. 

She looked up at Aizawa, tears coming off her eyes, "Eraser, I don't wanna die," she said with a heavy breath. She stared deep into Aizawa's eyes as if it was the last thing she wished to see. "You shouldn't have-" Aizawa said, but Emi cuts, "I don't want you to die." More tears flowing though her pale cheeks. "Please don't die, Aizawa." 

"I don't want you to die-" blood starts coming out of her mouth.

"Stop talking, Joke-" he said as her words starts to hurt his chest.

"WHERE'S THE FUCKING AMBULANCE?" he shouted at the crowd. Most just stood confused. "Aizawa," she called faintly. Aizawa turned his eyes to Emi. He grabbed her hand tighter, "Stay with me," he muttered.

"Without being condescending, may I still call you Eraserhead?" she said with a faint smile. 

The moon is beautiful, isn't it? (eraserjoke)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat