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"Without being condescending, may I still call you Eraserhead?" she said with a faint smile. 


Aizawa rushed his car leading the way of the ambulance behind him. He got no choice but hit the gas as full speed-Emi got no time. "Joke, please," he muttered as he kicks the break button, parking his car not so far away from the ER entrance. He run towards the nurses bringing her out of the ambulance at speed. 

"Pro-hero, stabbed 15 minutes ago in the abdomen, lost her consciousness 5 minutes later, her real name-" the nurse seem to be thinking as they bring her deeper to the already hectic area. Aizawa cut, "-Emi, Emi Fukukado, Ms. Joke-" he seem irritated, "-can you please not spend any time thinking of any unnecessary shit?" 

A nurse practitioner was streaked seeing Aizawa the way he is. "I'm sorry, sir," she said as they reached the entrance to a surgery room, "you're not allowed to come in." Aizawa nodded wearily, "please make sure she's out alive." The surgeon smiled, "we will try our best." 

Fuck your best, just keep her alive already.

Aizawa walked towards a metal bench away from the operating room wearily, with his hands upon his head. He sat down, covering his face with his hands combined as he hear people talking.

"It's Eraserhead!"

"Mom, see! It's Eraserhead!"

"Joke, Please," he muttered, "Emi."

After a while, Hizashi and Nemuri came running towards the former hero. Seems like they got the news. "Shota, you're here," Hizashi said, not expecting Aizawa to arrive faster than him-as he and Nemuri sat beside Aizawa, "what happened?" Aizawa didn't reply, his hands still covering his head. 

"She's on surgery," Aizawa replied as he stood up, walking away of his 2 friends. The two heroes look shocked. They left school to come check on Emi, but didn't really knew what was happening to her despite her being stabbed by some flying object. 

Aizawa walked to the restroom, with his casual half-lidded eyes, full-black attire and bloody hands. He washed his hands, leaving blood stains on the sink and some on his hands. At this point, he can still smell Emi's blood on his hands. Later, he walked out of the hospital onto his car. 

He opened the door harshly and dump himself into it. Rain stars to pour, he turned the wiper on. Aizawa grabbed a cigarette from a box in his pocket and harshly took a lighter from the cupboard in front of him. He left the cupboard open as he lit the tip as he stuck it in between his lips. He inhaled roughly.

"I don't want you to die."

"What were you thinking, Joke," Aizawa exhaled. The smoke blurring his vision of the pouring rain. He felt his throat burning as he took another breath. 

"I don't want you to die either, you piece of shit." Aizawa pressed the cigarette to the ground as he leave his car unlocked. The rain kills the burning tip. Aizawa walked through the rain back to where he left Hizashi and Nemuri. But they weren't there as he reached the same bench, so he decided to walk towards the surgery room. 

There stand Hizashi and Nemuri standing in front of the door looking just as worried as they were if not more. As Aizawa reached closer, the surgeon came out of the room looking suspicious. "How is she?" Hizashi asked, impatient. 

"She's alive," the surgeon stated, letting Aizawa breathe in relief. "But she have been down longer than we expected, we can't assure when or how she'll wake up." They nodded faintly. The surgeon patted Aizawa's shoulder encouraging. "Also, when she wakes up, make sure she got enough rest," he said, "other than the surgery, she seem exhausted."

I knew it, Emi.

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