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"Eraser," she murmured. She sighed, "Oh God, I forgot how much better it felt calling you that." Aizawa smiled.


The day finally come when Emi will be discharged from the hospital. It's been weeks, she could hardly remember how the outside world smells like. Emi stood, trying to keep her balance-it's been a while since she stand on her own, standing makes the world slightly spin in her sight. 

Aizawa gazed at her, "You sure you wanna walk? I can ask for a wheelchair if you want it." Emi shook her head, "No, thankyou." 

Hizashi walked into the room after signing some paperwork. "We're done, are you ready?" Emi nodded excitedly. Aizawa gazed at her, smirking. "Alright then," Hizashi said as he lifted Emi's bag on his shoulder and off they go.

Aizawa walked Hizashi and Emi to Hizashi's car just beside his. As planned-or more likely as decided by Hizashi-he will drive Emi back, while Aizawa can head home right away. "See you soon," Aizawa said, standing next to Hizashi's car with Emi sitting on one of the front seat, "take care."

"You too, Eraser," she replied, "thankyou for everything."


As the sun goes down, Aizawa found himself standing in front of Emi's block. He stalled about the front door, puzzled-rethinking what on earth brought him here. He stood there, staring at the door knob, ignoring a couple or two passing through the hallway skeptical. 

It's almost like he drowned in his own empty thoughts then suddenly brought back to life as he heard shouting from the inside. It was Emi's, he recognized it. Aizawa rushed in, ignoring the fact that it might be nothing-then he'd be seen as a freak knowing the door wasn't locked the whole time. 

He entered to seeing Emi, sleeping on the couch, shivering. She broke out in cold sweat. Her face covered in sweat. Aizawa walked closer, slowly this time. He kneeled about the couch, laying his palm upon Emi's shoulder, concerned. 

"Emi," he called.

"Emi, can you hear me?" he called again.

Emi gasped for air as she instantly sat up in shock. Their eyes interlock. Aizawa found his heart beating in an abnormal rhythm as he stared deep into Emi's gray eyes. Those eyes felt mistaken, those eyes used to spark all the dark away. Aizawa haven't seen Emi as energetic as she used to ever since the incident, and more than he'd like to admit, he misses that Emi Fukukado, that Ms. Joke-that very one he'd do anything to get rid of. 

Emi tighten her grip on Aizawa's arm as she breathes. "Emi, you're OK," he muttered. If only he knew how much it calmed her down. "You wanna talk about it?" Aizawa sat beside Emi as she shook her head, "It was just a dumb dream." Aizawa turned his eyes on Emi, "It's not when it makes you feel bad," he explained.

"No, it is" she muttered, "I was just drowning. It happened before, comes and goes. You don't have to worry about it, unless you're flirting with me, Eraserhead." She managed a faint smile. Aizawa rolled his eyes, "You need to start taking things seriously." Emi chuckled, then fell silent as she realized something was odd.

"Why are you here?"

Aizawa stuttered, he was thinking of the same thing earlier, "I-I was just passing by," he said. "-I guess," he murmured. Emi raised her shoulder, it doesn't matter anyway, it's just Eraser. Her response was far too different than what Aizawa had thought-the indifferent side of Emi, he'll never get used to that.

Aizawa was too lost to even notice the television was on all along and Emi's now staring at it. The news was showing a list of villain attacks happening at the time time in different parts of the country. Aizawa knew, just as how her eyes was staring through the screen, she wasn't paying attention. 

"Emi?" Emi hummed, questioning-not turning her face to Aizawa. "You want to watch a movie?" It's a rhetorical question, Aizawa didn't even mention it in a questioning manner, but Emi nodded anyway. 

She walked closer to the TV, then notice Aizawa heading to the door-as to leave. She raised an eyebrow, questioning as Aizawa's eyes met her's. 

Can you at least ask with words? 

"We're not doing it here," he smirked. 

The moon is beautiful, isn't it? (eraserjoke)Where stories live. Discover now