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Everyone-including the students-was in their hero costume except for Aizawa. 

"Eraser, you're here!" said Emi surprised as soon as the figure reached the P.E ground. Aizawa nodded, "Nice to meet you." Emi gazed at Shinso and tossed an awkward smile pretending to know nothing about how strangely close he and Aizawa looks. Thanks to Hizashi for speaking up just in time, she didn't have to stick with that awkward moment for so long.

Hizashi stood in front of the student's line as he's about to do an expected dramatic greeting. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you," he announced, "THE BEST JOINT TRAINING EVER IN THE HISTORY OF HUMAN NATURE!" Everyone fell silent, especially those from Ketsubutsu High-they were pretty sure they didn't sign up for this. Aizawa rolled his eyes while Emi burst into laughter in agreement with Hizashi. 

"Also, to make things even better," he continued, "WE HAVE OUR FAVORITE ERASERHEAD AKA SHOTA AIZAWA!" Aizawa rolled his eyes once again. Shinso gazed at Aizawa. If there's anyone who knows how much Aizawa hated it when that hero name is announced-it's Shinso. Despite, everyone else applaud in excitement.

"So, to begin with, you're all going to do a one-on-one battle with each other," Hizashi uttered. Everyone stared at him in complete shock. "What about quirk introduction?" Uraraka asked. Hizashi grinned, "Let me finish."

"To make it even better, we picked who each of you are going to fight against already that you wouldn't have any time to get to know what their quirk is until the fight!" Hizashi continued with an evil laughter, "And to answer Uraraka's question-No, there will be no quirk introduction!" The students from both schools squinted their eyes on him, "Villain."

"It's a good training though, since once you're facing real villains they too won't start introducing themselves," Aizawa uttered, complementing Hizashi's. The students nodded. Hizashi squinted his eyes as the day only started but Aizawa already took all his spotlight. 

"First, Shinso and Shindo," Hizashi uttered-reading it from a list of students he earlier took from his pocket. "I suppose this is the first time they've ever met since Shinso wasn't in the hero licensing exam nor the hero course until today-which means he wouldn't have any idea what Shindo's quirk might be. Although, if Shindo watched the sport festival and paid enough attention to it, he might've known Shinso's quirk."

Everyone from class 1A fell silent. It doesn't seem like a fair pair at all. "Do we really need to watch this? He'll beat him up straight," uttered Bakugo. Despite his harsh words, deep down they agree. It's too obvious who's winning, especially since Shinso's quirk won't work unless the opponent reply to his sayings-which definitely wouldn't happen if Shindo knew his quirk all along.

Shinso seems to be nervous about it too. Today will be the first time he'll show the binding cloth fighting style he's been training with Aizawa for a while and he must do it well-especially since it is likely that everyone will start comparing him to Midoriya. Also, Aizawa's there. He sure didn't want to let the man down. 

Shindo was already standing in the center field as Shinso was just about to walk there. "Hitoshi," Aizawa called, causing the boy to stop and turn around, "you can do it," he said with a genuine smile. Shinso nodded. 

"I knew it," Todoroki murmured as he smirked.

As expected, Shindo's first attack was groundbreaking. As his quirk vibrates anything he touches-or at that moment the ground-Shinso struggle to even stand on his feet. But as he knew all along, that kind of powerful quirk wouldn't last for long-just like Aizawa's erasure. He knew the world must've been fair in some point. 

It took a while before Shindo stopped. Shinso smirked, "Any problem?"

As he raised an eyebrow he asked, "Are you not going to fight back?" 

And the moment Shinso have been waiting for has arrived. As Shindo reply to him, he no longer have the power to control himself. Sweats flowing through his cheeks as he tried to escape. Thanks to his powerful quirk, he can manage some small movements even under Shinso's brainwash. 

"Whoahh, he can actually move," uttered Ochaco.

Shinso smirked, "Maybe not." He ran towards his opponent about the exact time he said that as he tossed his binding cloth towards Shindo who easily dodged it. Shinso jumped over Shindo and kicked his shoulder mid-air which cause the dark-haired boy to fall to the ground. Without further thinking, he throw his binding cloth towards him. It tangled around Shindo's body and fixed him to the ground. 

"This kid," Aizawa smirked. 

"Now that was unexpected," Kaminari said as Shinso walked towards the other students, "great job, man."

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