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"My God Mr. Aizawa how did you get there you fast!" shouted Kaminari fascinated. Shinso worriedly ran towards the former hero then sighed as he realized that his mentor was alright. Hizashi who was so much closer to Emi stalled. 

Oh shit

"Be careful next time," Aizawa walked away as he felt blood dripping from his calf, leaving Emi wide-eyed in confusion. Shinso ran after him as he noticed Aizawa limping the further he get. Before he's close enough, Aizawa turned his face towards the boy and said, "Back to your group, brainboy." He tossed Shinso's binding cloth to him. Shinso sighed. 


"ERASER!" Emi shouted as she ran towards the dark-eyed man. Aizawa turned at her, "Hm?" Aizawa's very close to opening his car door when Emi stood by him. "Let me drive you," she said, panting. Aizawa raised an eyebrow, "And why would I want that?" Emi sighed then forcefully grabbed the key from Aizawa's loose grip. "You won't lose your reputation just by having a girl drive you home," she said as she swifts to the driver seat, "just let me help you too OK?" Aizawa sighed. 

"Whatever you want, Joke," he muttered as he walked to the other side of the car. 

"Are we heading the right way?" asked Emi as she turned the steering wheel with her eyes locked to the road. Aizawa faintly nodded-not that Emi noticed. 

All there was only a comfortable silence between the two before Emi decided to break it.  "Thankyou for what you did, I owe you," she uttered. "No big deal," he replied faintly, "glad I made it there on time." He continued, "Just try to stay away from trouble next time." Emi smiled genuinely as she peeked at Aizawa with the corner of her eyes. "And you still got your mad speed, Eraser," she uttered, "impressive." Aizawa chose not to reply to that. He folded his arms and stared at the streets as Emi's words fades mid-air. 

"You left your blinding colored jacket back there," he uttered dull. "Oh really? It's been weeks," Emi giggled, "I bet you kissed it everyday cause it smells like me and decided to give it back today that we'll meet again." Aizawa rolled his eyes, "Isn't that a too-specific-accusation?"

"Not it it's true," she replied flirtatiously. 

"It's not."

"It is."


Emi mumbled, "It is." Aizawa rolled his eyes, "Whatever." Emi chuckled, "Well, you could've called me Eraser, I've been looking for it actually." Aizawa slightly justified his sitting position as he felt his leg stinging-Emi turned her gaze at him. "I did actually," he uttered faintly. After a while, they reached Aizawa's apartment building. Emi grabbed her bright yellow jacket from the back seat before she got out. Emi smiled as she felt a sense of deja vu from where she's standing-the parking spot, the view. Emi wrapped herself in the jacket and gave herself a comfortable hug. 

"IT'S A BEAUTIFUL NIGHT!" She shouted with her hands raised up high. Aizawa turned at her with an eyebrow raised-confused. He smirked, "Are you always this hyperactive? It's been a long day." 

"Yet we're alive," she took a deep breath then genuinely smiled, "life is beautiful, Eraser. I plan on living forever." Aizawa rolled his eyes, "Yet you keep getting into trouble." Emi giggled, "Yet you'll come and save me."

"You can bring the car home, I won't be using it tomorrow anyway. There won't be any bus until the next hour," he continued as he limply walked away. 

"You injured?" she asked worriedly. "It's fine," Aizawa sighed. "Let me see," uttered Emi as she ran towards him. "No," he replied short. Emi rolled her eyes as she bowed to have a look, "Come on." She pulled the bottom of Aizawa's pants up, "Jeez, do you even know how to treat this?" It looks like he randomly tied the cut with layered bandages to stop it from bleeding. Aizawa rolled his eyes. 

"I said it's fine."

"I said it's not." 

Aizawa rolled his eyes, "What do you want?" Emi holds her chin, pretending to think. She grinned, "Fix that of course!" Aizawa took a moment of silent before replying, "No." 

The moon is beautiful, isn't it? (eraserjoke)Where stories live. Discover now