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They bond too well to keep track of time. Hizashi and Emi spent hours tossing each other mindless jokes and as much as he'd hate to admit it, Aizawa knew exactly they're having such enjoyable time. 

"I think it's late," by that, Aizawa gazed at his watch then nodded in agreement. "Will you still let me use your car? I promise to bring it back by noon." Aizawa nodded once again, "I'm not the type to change my minds." Emi giggled then nodded. Throughout their conversation, Hizashi raised an eyebrow. "What do you need his car for?" asked Hizashi curious. 

"To get home, since I left mine in school." Hizashi grinned as he lay a hand on Emi's shoulder, "I'm here remember? I can drop you home." Emi haven't thought of it. How could she? It sure is better for everyone. Also, Aizawa will likely need his car ready before she's able to bring it back. "Ok then," is all that comes out her mouth. Aizawa rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

In a brief time, they're out of sight. And by that, Aizawa's apartment is back to normal. As silent as it have always been. 

Even with Emi's skilled 'baby surgery', Aizawa can still feel his leg pulsating in pain. Unfortunately, recovery girl's quirk only works with someone with a quirk-no matter how incredibly useless their quirk is. Means that there's no chance for it to work on him, also that he'll have to stick with it for days until it gets better. To throw his mind off it, Aizawa lit a cigarette and tuck it between his lips. 


11:47 PM

A sudden knock on the door echoed everywhere in the house-even when it's just a one time doubtful knock, Aizawa knew someone's behind that door. If he's asleep already, he'll likely urge to kill anyone knocking at this hour of the night, but thanks to the cat videos, cigar and his throbbing leg, he's damn awake. 

He walked limping on his prosthetic leg-cursing whoever it might be. He turned the key and pulled the door casually. "E-Eraser, I-I'm very sorry," Emi stuttered as the door opened-she wasn't expecting him to actually hear it, "I think I left my key somewhere here." 

Aizawa invites her in with his dull gesture. "How do you even get back here? You look terrible." Her face sweaty, shirt wet, her jacket messily tied upon her neck like a cape. She look terribly exhausted. "That's what you get of running all the way back," she replied. Aizawa smirked, "You know you could've called Hizashi, he'll be more than happy to help." Emi hummed, "I guess-"

"Found it!" she shouted as she lift the key up high causing it to annoyingly clicked to each other for a moment. "Alright, I gotta go, see you, sorry again by the way."

"Joke," Aizawa called as Emi's just about to head out. Emi raised an eyebrow and hummed in response. "You can stay...if you want to," he said as he instantly regret it. He knew saying those words will just leave a huge opening for her deadly jokes. He sighed. "Are you flirting with me?" Emi grinned. "I said 'if you want to'," he repeated while squinting his eyes, "it's too late already."

"You're underestimating me?" she replied with a serious tone. Aizawa stalled as he thought on what to reply. He might've said something he shouldn't, "That's not what I mean." What didn't come cross his mind earlier is that Emi is still Ms. Joke. She cracked a laugh, "I'm kidding, you need a sense of humor." Aizawa rolled his eyes.

"I'll stay," she uttered with a soft smile. "What?" he replied almost immediately. Emi raised an eyebrow, "Oh, you were joking?" Aizawa stuttered with one of his hands scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, "Well, yes -no, I don't know, you're not supposed to answer yes."

Emi squinted her eyes then raised her shoulder. "Alright then, see you around," she said as she stepped closer to the exit door-although she stopped as soon as she felt a grip holding her arm. "No, you can stay."

The moon is beautiful, isn't it? (eraserjoke)Where stories live. Discover now