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Emi woke up and felt a piece of moist cloth on her forehead. She took it off as she sat up finding herself still in Aizawa's apartment. Her eyes widen as she realize the sun is out. She looked around, in search of a figure who don't seem to be there. 

Emi placed the piece of cloth on the table next to the couch then stood up. She picked her purse with her as she walked towards the exit door. She's actually feeling much better now she thought she can simply run back home-but of course she didn't. As she reached the apartment lobby, Emi passed through Aizawa-the person she have been looking for. 

"Eraser," she called, "I'll get back now, thankyou for everything." Aizawa nodded, "I'll drive you home," he said as he lead the walk. Emi raised an eyebrow, but agreed anyway. Aizawa groped through his pocket for the key as they reached the car. Before they know it, they're on the way to Emi's.

"I suppose you're feeling better?" he asked-not turning his eyes on her. "Yes, thanks to you," she grinned, "You're very traditional with that cloth thing, it's romantic." Aizawa raised an eyebrow as she continued, "I suppose you're starting to agree that we're star-crossed lovers didn't you?"

"What cloth thing?"

Emi smirked teasingly, "So we're playing the 'I cared but I don't want you to know' game now? okay, I can stick with that." Aizawa raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I have no idea what you're talking about but whatever." 

After a little while, they reached Emi's apartment. "Got your keys this time?" he asked. Emi grinned as she pulled her apartment key from her pocket lifting it to her eye level, "All clear." Aizawa nodded and leave before she walked in. Emi stood by the lobby as Aizawa's car get out of sight, then walked in. 


"The cloth thing, huh?" he muttered as he lift a piece of cloth on the table. Next to it was a bowl half filled with water. He raised his shoulder apathetically. There's only one possible figure-Hizashi. But he's too tired to spend more time thinking about it. It doesn't matter whether it's Hizashi or any other being anyway. Emi's feeling better because of it and there's no reason to be upset about it. 

Aizawa dumped himself on the couch as his hand reached for the TV remote and turned it on-not that he planned on watching it. Training Shinso took much more of his energy now that he's no longer used to hero works. He folder his hand as a pillow for his head as he stared to the ceiling. "Will she have another nightmare tonight?" his thought brought him to thinking of her. 


Shota Aizawa: Are you free on Saturday night?

Emi Fukukado: Is this a date?

Shota Aizawa: No

Emi Fukukado: Well, I'm not

Shota Aizawa: okay

Aizawa sighed regretting his decision on asking her at the first time. Now he's just be one of her 'joke mine'. But just a few minutes after, he received another message. 


More than he'd like to admit, that message made him smile. Just Emi Fukukado being Ms. Joke. 

The moon is beautiful, isn't it? (eraserjoke)Where stories live. Discover now