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"What do you think you're doing, young lady?" Aizawa stared at Emi in disbelief as she walk to him as cheerful as she always is. "I haven't ask you to come in." Emi stunned as she looks at Aizawa's prosthetic leg, for all a sudden her smile fades into some sad and pity eye performance-something Aizawa hates more. 

He rolled his eyes, as she tried to cheer herself up with a laugh but end up looking ridiculous. "How are you!" she shouted excessively, "...bro?" Aizawa rolled his eyes once more, looking away to the television screen in front of him. 

Emi sat on the sofa beside him, still trying to change the atmosphere. "So, how is life?" She said, trying to keep her eyes away from Aizawa's leg. She knew he wouldn't like her staring at it-like she did before. "Life? Jobless, legless, quirkless, want more?" He said, as dull as always as if it doesn't hit him at all. 

"I'm sorry," she muttered, staring at the floor. She felt genuinely sorry for him, but knew he won't like that either. "You did nothing," he said. She didn't reply. All there's left was silence between the two. Not the awkward type, more like the pity, sorry and annoyed type. 

"Leave, Fukukado," he uttered cold, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

Emi stared at him questioningly. 


Emi startled. Her eyes filled with tears as she stood right to the door and walk as fast as she could. "Fucking leave, Emi," she muttered, "Eraser don't want you around."

Emi speed-walked down through the stairs. It's dark outside when she's out, probably since she waited long enough before deciding to walk into Aizawa's apartment that she knew wasn't locked all along. She walked through the cold night breeze of winter with her hands on her pocket and her jacket zipped up covering her burning cheeks straight to the bus station. 

She arrived just in time. 

Thanks to Eraser, at least I get to buy a ticket.

She bought a ticket to Kyoto-where Ketsubutsu Academy is. It doesn't take so long before she got in the bus and sit there for the next 4 hour ride. She felt disappointed, but more than that, she felt sorry for Aizawa. 

It must've been so hard on him, I shouldn't have come. I'm only making him feel worst. I bet he's sorry now. I hope he's not sorry though, he shouldn't be. It's so childish of me trying to joke off his hard days. He'll probably hate me even more. But I want to help him, what should I do?

It's almost 3 AM, she will arrive in no time. She thought of getting sleep on the way, but couldn't. She  felt so sorry for making Aizawa's day much worst. The school will start at 8, she'll have 5 hours until then and maybe 3 hours of sleep. 


"Are you OK, Ms. Joke?" one of her student asked, worried. The hero got black circles in her under eyes. Her eyes are barely half opened, yet she managed a smile making sure she's alright. "All good, kiddy." It's obvious that she's been crying, she stared at the ground every time no one's watching. 

As the class ends, she stood up to collect the papers from each students. "I'll collect it and send them to your office after," a student said, reassuring. "You look like you need to rest." She admit she do. Emi held a thumb up to the kid as she walks away to the teacher's lounge. She opened the door looking as drunk as possible, then dumped herself to her seat with the computer on for no reason. 

All eyes were at here whilst she covered her face with an open notebook and pretended to sleep-while she couldn't. Her feet moved restlessly, non that anyone noticed.  

The moon is beautiful, isn't it? (eraserjoke)Where stories live. Discover now