Chapter twenty-eight~ Owen

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Yes, I'm aware they're coming.

"Sure thing." I yelled back.

I wasn't actually going to do that. They wouldn't care less if my hair was gelled or not, they would judge my every move either way.

Many more minutes went by and before we I knew it we were at the church. Saint Cecelia's to be exact. 

It was a pretty church, one we only went to a handful of times each year. It was also the nicest looking one in a 10 mile radius.

As we got out of the car, I could see Hollis and her family a few cars away. They seemed to be waiting by the cars rather than near the big group up front.

I ran up to her and kissed her cheek, "Hey. You look amazing."

"Oh this old thing." She grinned, "Thanks Owen, you're not too bad yourself."

If I ever needed to be humbled, I had Hollis. 

She had a seductive grin on her face still. 

I laughed, "What?" 

She got onto her tippy toes and whispered in my ear, "I bought this dress so you can take it off later."

I  instinctively looked behind us and our families were still by the cars.

She I gave her and up down look, taking all her beauty in.

"Oh, that I can definitely do." I whispered back, "That, I can't wait to do."

"Owen, is that you?" I heard a voice say from the side of us.

I turned my head and saw the one and only, Emile and Anthony Geise.

My grandparents.

I immediately started blushing and Hollis started smirking. They probably didn't hear us talking dirty but they caught us at an awkward time.

"That would be me." I said.

I took a step towards them and gave them a hug.

"Have you been standing in cow manure because you've shot up like a sprout." My grandfather jokes.

The same joke he made the few times that he's met me. 

"Anthony stop it. That joke is getting ridiculous." My grandmother said, hitting him with her church program.

"Who is this?" My grandfather said while looking critically at Hollis.

I protectively wrapped my arm around her, their stares now on Hollis.

"This is my girlfriend, Hollis." I said with a big smile.

She held out her hand with a smile, "Hi, I'm Hollis Green. It's great to meet you two." 

My grandmother had a bunch of thoughts coursing through her brain, you could tell by the way she was looking at Hollis.

"You must be Esme Lennon's child." She said with a fake smile.

Again, she thought her own child was a bad mother for having me young. The thoughts she was probably having about Hollis and her family.

Oh God, just wait until she figured out Brooklyn was pregnant.

"Mom? Dad?" My mom yelled walking over.

"Must you be that loud, Bianca?" My grandmother said.

I could basically hear my mom whisper to Esme saying, "Yep, that's them."

"Bianca, come here." My grandfather said to mom.

She picked up her pace and walked over to them. She gave them a hug and stepped back. I could definitely see why she would be intimidated by them.

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