"No situation is worth your sanity, dad. I'll be fine."

His own son pushed him to call for a divorce and move on from the toxic environment he called home. Though he was hesitant he went ahead with the paperwork. As promised, his son made him proud by entering college and becoming a man worthy of praise. 

"I guess this is how things are supposed to be," Thaddeus muttered to himself. He glanced at the family photos on his desk. Two were of three kids when they were younger and the other two were of his new wife and the boys. Raymond and Jackson gave any viewer the thought of them being blood brothers when they only met a year before the wedding. Moving on was the best decision he made.

It was nearing lunchtime when his workday became interesting. Barreling through his office door, with an extremely pissed off look was his ex-wife, Mya. She was immaculately dressed, hair well done, and striking a pose that supposed to be dramatic and intimidating. To Thaddeus, she only brought annoyance to his daily life.

"You fucking son of a bitch. You had to stoop that low to gain another child's attention. It's out of my good heart that I agreed to keep the alimony cost low and this is what you do to me? Where is she and why did you tell her?" Mya was practically screaming instead of calmly explaining what had her in a huff. This was his normal for years. 

"Oh crap, Mr. Lincoln. She slipped past security and took the stairs." The hurried and breathless explanation came from his secretary who came rushing into his office. 

"It's okay, Dariah. Give us fifteen minutes then invite security up," he returned, his gaze firmly on his ex-wife.

"Security?! You're calling security on me," Mya shrieked.

"They will be here less than fifteen minutes if you don't calm the fuck down and explain why your presence is here in this building. Knowing how ignorant you can be, I can have the cops here sooner if you like. Now. What is your problem?" Thaddeus stated in a bored tone. 

The lack of fire in his statement and laid-back attitude made her anger flare higher. She stalked closer to him and planted her closed fists on his desk, bringing her face closer to his. 
"You told her about the affair, didn't you? I came home and met the place a mess, her room fucking empty. I've been calling her for days after she hung up on me..." she began.

"Stop. Days? When was the last time you spoke to her?"

Mya backed away from the desk and began to tug nervously at her blouse. At the last attempt to lord some power of him, she straightened her back and looked down her nose at him. "Recently. Answer the question, Thaddeus," she said through clenched teeth.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Since you're here, oblivious to your daughter's..."

"My daughter? Oh, she's my daughter now."

Thaddeus rolled his eyes at her dramatic behavior. She was the one who wanted custody of Bree and went along with the girl's destructive path in school and social life. Whenever he made an effort to discipline her, Mya was the one to turn him into the bad guy.

"Cut the crap! What the hell do you want? The last thing that came across my way about Bree was a call from Professor Costas. He wanted to inform me of the school's decision on her expulsion. I take it you haven't checked your mail nor did she tell you about it. I'm done being the buffer between her and deserved punishments. She's acting grown, I will let her deal with her grown-ass issues. If you have nothing else to accuse me of, get out," he said getting to his feet. 

"Expelled? Why?"

Thaddeus was tired of her shit. He was tired of everything. Outsiders may say he's selfish for abandoning his duty as a father but they haven't gone through the crap he had to deal with. Raymond was right.
 "You know what. Get out. Get the fuck out of my office and don't come near me ever again. If you have an issue take it up with my lawyer. Russell is probably in some gang shit, his parole officer called me about a missed meeting. Since he called me three times it means you have been with your fuck toy. Bree has been bullying the kids in her class for months. Those little pranks you called them turned into full-blown town gossip. On top of that, the rumors going around her being involved with an older man in another town are now being ignored by me. Maybe you should start by looking for her there. Stop being a selfish bitch who thinks she's still in her early 20s and be a fucking parent. I tried, Mya, for years I've tried without your support, now is your turn. Again. Get out."

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