ᴘᴀʀᴛ 44

Comincia dall'inizio

"Well done, Draco. But I warn you," his eyes flicker between the fallen wand and me. I choke on my breath, shaking in my unthreatening stance. "Killing is not nearly as easy."


As the sound of the echoing pop wanes, you find yourself in front of the Astronomy Tower. You push open the doors, lightly stepping up on each step, your hand hovers the railing. You get to the top of the staircase, and you see a shadow beneath the higher level, right underneath the centered globe.

Your heartbeat rings in your ears as you approach the figure. However, when you get closer, it's not Draco. It's Harry. But you do hear his voice, Draco's, only above you.

Harry presses his finger to his lips and motions his eyes upwards. Your brows knit as your gaze ascends. You look back at Harry, and he leans as close as he can to the gap between the two floors, trying to understand the whole scene above him.

You step close to observe what's on the second story of the tower. Then you see him, Draco. Across from Draco is Dumbledore, wand-less. Draco positions his wand pointed at Dumbledore, but Dumbledore seems far from frightened. Behind Dumbledore, you notice fumes of black smoke spiraling in the far distance. Draco must've noticed as well because he flinches. You'd have to be studying him to notice, though.

"You're not alone. Are you. There are others. How?" Although Dumbledore speaks to Draco, he glances down at you, shock paints his face, only for a millisecond. His second glance implies that he's acknowledged your presence.

However, Draco probably mistook Dumbledores confusion for his own. Thinking that Dumbledore had stooped down to his level, that competent bastard, as he sneers a reply, "The Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement."

You freeze at Draco's answer. Dumbledore must've noticed because you could feel disappointment haunt you. Not that you cared about his opinion, but it still upset you.

"That cabinet has been broken for years," Dumbledore states steadily.

"I've been mending it."

You roll your eyes but catch yourself midway from doing the act next to Harry. Harry looks at you confused, but you shrug it off.

"Ingenious. Let me guess. It has a sister. A twin."

"In Borgin and Burkes. They form-"

"A passage, yes. Very good," Draco gets cut off, and Dumbledore changes his stance. Dumbledore shifts his eyes, but you can't figure out what he meant to do it for. "I once knew a boy years ago who made all the wrong choices. Let me help you, Draco."

"I don't want your help! Don't you see! I have to do it! I have to!" Your heart tugs at his desperateness. All pride has been thrown out, time was running out. You didn't want Draco to kill Dumbledore. Not really; because you knew if he did, he would never get over it. He wouldn't be able to live with himself. He can bare live with his current self. If he had blood on his hands, you didn't know what he'd do, and you didn't want to find out. "I've got to kill you, or he'll kill me," Draco's hoarse whisper deepens your worries.

For a split second, you contemplate running up, but that thought disappears. Because in that second you had unknowingly turned, Harry grabbed your wrist. With a glare, Harry shakes his head no. You press your lips together and throw off his hand. Resentfully you let the thought go. Though, after thinking about it, it was a good thing Harry stopped you.

"Say that again, Draco. But aloud this time." You can't see for sure, but in Draco's shadow, his wand lowers. Not very low, but it does lower.

But everybody's attention is drawn away and becomes focused on loud echoing footsteps. The upper-level door flies open, Bellatrix, Greyback, and others who you can't seem to figure out whom they are, enter the scene.

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora