Nothing Special

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Soooo i don't know exactly why I'm making this...but I'm bored and it's 2 am so I have no one to talk to right now. So I was just thinking about some unpopular opinions I have- well they may be unpopular because I don't really know if you guys think the same as I do. But anyways...

First unpopular opinion is...I don't ship stelena or delena to be honest and here's why. Honestly when I first started watching the vampire diaries I shipped Delena and just thought that Stelena was cute. But now I've come to realize that both of those relationships were doomed, unhealthy, and very much selfish. Now first we obviously had Stelena. I think Stelena was literally the cutest, they were like so pure and adorable and stuff. It made my heart warm. But then...Elena starts developing feelings for this man's brother who already has feelings for her (which I feel like aren't real but we'll touch on that later). Then the relationship went to shit...well for me it did. We all knew that she had "feelings" for him and so did she and What she should have did was end things with Stefan as soon as she figured discovered them instead of stringing him along. But let's also not act like Stefan was aware that at some point Elena developed some kind of attraction for Damon and watched it happen or ignored it. Everyone is in the wrong here and everyone was being selfish. Damon was being selfish (as he's stated many many times) because even though Stefan is already with Elena, he feels that he needs her for himself. And despite him knowing it would hurt his brother, he does if anyone. Elena was selfish because she didn't think about how her having feelings for Damon would affect Stefan in the long run. She should have just accepted them and let Stefan go, saving him from the overdue inevitable heartbreak. And Stefan was selfish because at some point he knew that Damon and Elena both had feelings for one another and still chose to stay with Elena, despite knowing how fucked up it would be in the end.
Then...Delena. God. What a disaster. Let me just say that, that relationship changed both of them for the worst. That relationship was so over hyped and we were drastically underwhelmed (well I was). The only thing they cared about was the two of them being happy, they literally didn't care about anything around them. At all. *cuts to the scene of Delena kissing down the hall from the room Caroline's mother just died in* See? You see this shit? Who the fuck does that! Like "oh I don't care how anyone else feels, I'm happy!", like what the fuck. Their arguments literally got people killed. Elena (who already had issues before) became the worst version of herself, literally the opposite of character development. Basically worse than Katherine if I'm being honest. Other than that their relationship was just over all boring. All they did was fight, break up, get someone killed, fight again, have sex, and make up.
Moral of those relationships are, they both sucked. Majorly.

Second opinion...Stefan and Damon's obsession with Elena is fucking weird. And we're not gonna act like it's not guys. These two literally are in love with a girl who has the same body and face as their ex girlfriend, that they fucking shared. Does that even sound right to you? I honestly think that both of them never truly got over Katherine. Damon obviously, but I feel like Stefan never truly grieved her. I feel like Stefan was trying so hard to find a sense of normalcy and that's sort of what he had with Elena. A typical teenage romance, something he never got to have with Katherine.
Let's be honest guys, Damon literally pushed the feelings he had for Katherine on to Elena after he realized that Katherine really didn't feel the same. Katherine and Elena literally have the same face, so why wouldn't Damon immediately be obsessed with Elena? SHE LITERALLY HAS THE SAME FACE AS THE BITCH WHO JUST BROKE HIS HEART AND YOU EXPECTED HIM NOT TO BE IN LOVE WITH HER?!??!? come on. These two were still very much in love with Katherine and just projected it on to Elena. Not to mention they both also stalked shawty for four whole months before they met her (or was that just Stefan? Let me know) That's fucking weird. AND THEN...before season two, they didn't even know that Elena was involved in the supernatural world. So literally put her in harms way because "they had to know her", bullshit. Admit it bitch, you're still in love with Katherine and Elena looked just like shawty so you said "welp, I might as well" and sent that shit. Like Elena over here asking if she was just a rebound. Like yes Elena sweetie, you were just a rebound and you still are.
Y'all can't tell me that Stefan didn't still have feelings for Katherine after you saw the way they acted towards each other in season 6.
Let's also not forget that Stefan and Elena's pull towards each other could have just been the Petrova doppelgänger curse Qetsiyah made. This shit is kind of comical. 

Third unpopular opinion. I actually kind of liked Elena in season one and kind of two. Her attitude was much better and even her outfits were better. Until she ended almost dying everyday so she didn't have enough time to put together a decent non-bland outfit. I told you guys she had character underdevelopment. She just kept getting worse and worse.

Anyways that's it guys. Sorry about that. I was just bored. You guys probably just want to know when the next update is. Which surprise! Will be coming soon!

Other than that you guys and stop reading now.

Okayyyy byeeeee.

Oh! By the way, let me know what you guys think about my opinions. I wanna know yours too.

K byeeee.

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