Chapter 8 Part 1: Nosy

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Sage was still laying in her bed; she covered her face again with the same blanket that covered her face a moment ago. She wanted to bury herself at that moment. What was I thinking? She thought to herself as she chuckle at her own actions, ridiculing it. But she somehow found a reason to why she said that.

"I just said that so she wont feel very sad since she already sounded a bit down..." She said to the bear that Reyna had given her. The Chinese woman removed the blanket on her face and then examined the bear and noticing the little details about it. It's soft, cute and it's eyes had a little hint of purple in color. It reminded her of Reyna and by the thought of that, she remembered how silly Reyna was hiding behind the bear. "I take back what I said to you earlier, I don't love you." She talked to the teddy bear as if it were listening to her.

'Seriously Sage you literally just started dating a month ago and you didn't even want to date her. Plus this relationship is forced, toxic and wilting.'

She thought as she stand up from her bed leaving the stuffed animal on her bed. The sentinel sighed before closing the door behind her and went to the living room back with the others. "This pizza is the bomb!" Raze exclaimed over at Pheonix as she savor her pizza. Sage made her way to the sofa now with her phone in hand. She seems to have lost her appetite after declaring her true feelings about Reyna. She looks at her phone with eyes that appears to be troubled.

"Something tells me that something is bothering you." A voice said behind her, making her turn around. It was Cypher with a can of ice cold soda in his hand offering it to Sage. She shook her head with a gentle smile, refusing the can of soda. "Suit yourself. Well, what is it?" Cypher sat down beside her as he opens the can of soda. The Chinese woman sighs, even she herself couldn't comprehend what really is her feelings right now. For all she knows is that she likes Jett romantically and hates Reyna with her whole heart, as it should be.

"Cypher it's nothing," Sage said with a short, half-suppressed laugh. "Really..." She continued as her short laugh faded away and was replaced with a reassuring smile. Cypher doubt her, judging by the look on her face awhile ago. "I wanted to thank you for reviving me last mission..." The man beside her said after taking a small sip from his soda. Sage couldn't help but look at him. "I must say... I was only doing my job as the healer." she said with her voice a bit weak.

Deep down inside her she knows she shouldn't be thanked. She regretted leaving Cypher alone. maybe if she didn't left him, he wouldn't have died and she didn't have to revive him, she thought. "It is my responsibility." She said shortly.

Cypher smiled at her weakly with his eyes fixated on Sage. He noticed her smile was not present anymore and soon his smile faded away as well. She seemed to be serious about this matter.

For Sage It feels as if everything is her responsibility. That if somebody got hurt it would be her fault since she is the healer. The "medic" in the team. If there was any casualties, it would be her fault. At least that's what she thought to herself.

She felt pressure. Her duty is to protect. Although at times, she does feel like she was not enough but she eventually realizes that the only way to overcome this is to make herself stronger than she is yesterday. She would even risk her safety to protect the others. There would always be no time to rest, especially if there is life on the line.

She knows that she is strong too and she shouldn't be getting tired. After all nobody is giving up so why would she? Being wise is her thing, it would be foolish for her to be slacking off and be reckless. She is not like that.

"Thanks for checking up Aamir. You don't have to worry about a thing." She said as she realize her smile had faded away, she beamed a smile at him once again. He smiled back at her. "By the way have you seen Jett?" Sage asked him as she look around the room. "Oh! I think she went outside." He answered looking at the door. She thanked him and stood up from the sofa and walked to the door. Cypher watched as she go while drinking soda.

"Sage looked like she needs some rest." Pheonix said, watching her walk outside as he sit beside Cypher. "I noticed as well but she told me there's nothing to worry about." He said then drinks his soda, taking a glance at the boy beside him. The British male hummed at him, curious about the situation. However curiosity does kill the cat.


The Chinese woman looked around outside searching for the white haired korean but to no avail she was nowhere to be found. Until she heard someone singing. It was coming from the shooting range. "Jett?" She called out as she walk towards the shooting range. The singing stopped the moment she called out her name.

She went inside the shooting range. Her footsteps could be heard in the area getting louder. "S-Sage?" Jett looked behind her, she seemed quite nervous. "There you are..." She smiled at her. "Were you... Singing?" Sage asked her with a smug smile before breaking into a soft laughter. The korean was flushed and was embarrassed. "What? Noooo..." She chuckled nervously at the sentinel.

"It was you!" The Chinese woman raised her brows at her. She walked over to where guns were at and got herself a ghost. (a semi-automatic sidearm pistol) She reloads its ammo and points it towards a target. "It was totally not me. I don't even know what you're talking about." The white haired korean walks over behind the sentinel, totally in denial. Sage could feel Jett's presence from behind. The Chinese woman let out a small giggle at the korean girl's response.

She shoots the target twice straight on the bullseye with perfect accuracy. "You have a nice voice." Sage looked behind her with her hand still pointed at the target. She made eye contact with Jett with her eyelids half-closed. She fully faced her after positioning her hand down with the gun.

The korean nervously chuckled at her and backs out a little bit from Sage. Her cheeks were reddening from the unexpected eye contact. Jett cleared her throat and then questioned Sage, "W-What are you doing here?" as she look away breaking the eye contact. Sage walked away from her and placed the gun back in its place. "I was looking for you... It's about Killjoy." Sage looked at her from the corner of her eyes.

The korean girl hummed at her confused. "About her?" She raised a brow then swifted her way near Sage. "What is it?" She asked curiously.

"Think about it do you know anyone named Sabine? " The sentinel asked her with a firm voice.

The korean thought about it and she didn't know anyone named Sabine. "Not that I'm being nosy about their relationship but you know?" Sage said with a bit of worry in her voice. "Well should we ask for like a picture of her?" Jett suggested and then approached her slowly, standing beside her.

"Will they think we're being too nosy?" The Chinese asked once again as she rest her head on the duelist's shoulders. There was no lie that this simple action made the korean's heart skip a beat.

"I actually saw more of their conversation before you went up to your room."

The sentinel lets out a small gasp at her and looked at her directly in the eyes with curiosity, wanting to know about the topic. She didn't have to say anything because her face already shows that she wanted to know what was their conversation about. Jett sighs and closes her eyes before answering her.

"She said our names but she said her girlfriend wouldn't care about us." She smiled at her, letting her know that there's nothing to be worried about. Sage lets out a small sigh of relief about what she just said but she couldn't exactly say that she was at rest now. She was still worried about it.

"Sage calm down its okay! It's going to be okay." The korean chuckled at her reaction. You can see what she was thinking just by looking at her face. The korean hugged her lightly. Sage was a bit shocked by the action but she didn't mind. "If you're worried about what others will say, it doesn't matter. It's none of their goddamn business." She chuckled at her before breaking the hug. Sage smiled at her, she looks a bit better now.

But Sage knows it is their goddamn business, especially Reyna.

Thanks for reading this chapter!!
Thank you for 4k reads everybody, it might not big for some people but wow just thank u everyone reading. I rlly appreciate it :)
have a nice day ❤️

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