Chapter 2 Part 1:The Hunt Begins

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Its been a few weeks since the practice and tomorrow will be the next mission.

"Hey... You okay there?" Sage walks towards Jett. Jett looks at Sage and smiled weakly at her. She lets out a heavy sigh with downcast eyes. "Sage it's tomorrow and the letter-" Jett explained. "Im worried about you..." Jett looks at Sage in grave expression showed on her face. Sage smiled at her reassuringly. "It's okay, don't worry I'll be fine" Sage replied locking eyes with the white haired girl. "Come here yo-" Sage said opening her arms wide for a hug and before she could even finish the duelist rushed in for a warm hug in the dark cold night outside. Sage hugs her back smiling warmly though the duelist cant see it. "Im a healer remember?" Sage reminded the white haired duelist. Jett breaks the hug and looks at Sage with frowned brows. "Still! What if im not with you? Can you manage?" Sage chuckled. "Of course, I'm an agent just like you. I can kill anyone from that kingdom with no hassle..." Sage smirked at her crossing her arms. The duelist punches the healer jokingly. "Lets head back inside its getting colder" Jett holds the healers hands dragging her inside the house.

"You guys! Get your items ready we'll leave soon" Killjoy shouted from the living room noticing the two of them enter. "Okayyyy!" The korean girl shouted back. Sage looks at her hand still being held by Jett. The duelist quickly noticed and lets go immediately. "Oh! uhm sorry!" She laughed awkwardly. "Im going to my room, I'll get my items" Jett pointed up the stairs the only reply she got was a nod. Sage went to the living room sitting on the couch with Kj and Raze. The two exchanged a look of a sly expression as Sage sits down. "What is it?" Sage noticed and asked immediately. "Oh nothing.." They both said in unison looking away.


"You guys ready? This is only 1 match if we lose, we lose there will be no second matc- The vehicle's here" Cypher pointed at the vehicle. The five of them went inside the vehicle and finally started going to their destination and before they know it they have already arrived.

"Alright I'll put a cage and my camera on site B. Who would like to accompany me?" Cypher asked while getting his tech ready. "I'll go" The chinese woman volunteered stepping towards Cypher. "Fine by me. Raze, Kj and Jett can go Site A, We can handle this right Sage?" Cypher looked at Sage for confirmation. She hesitated as she looks at Jett and the 2 others. "Yes, I agree. 3 can go to site A" Sage answered confidently. She was didn't let her worries overwhelm her but deep down she knows to herself that there is still a slight fear. The fear of failing the mission and not going home completely. That's the reason why she needs to do her best, for the sake of everyone on the team.

'The enemy could be after me it's best to let the others stay away from me or else they'd be in more danger, them troubling about the spike is enough I dont need them to get dragged into my own problem with Reyna...'

Sage tighten her grip at her vandal at the thought. The defenders team splits going on both different paths. 2 at B and 3 at A. Sage goes to the mid to put her wall up at least 3 seconds after the match started. She heads back to guarding the Site B with Cypher. Sooner or later a toxic gas has been released on site B indicating that Viper must be here at B. Cypher triggers his cage and hid waiting for the cage to be triggered. "Cage has been triggered" Cypher said peeking into where it was placed. Viper rushed into site B shooting her lethal poison at the floor behind the wooden wall where she suspected Cypher to be. Cypher grunts with his feet severely damaged. "Got you" Viper said pointing her Phantom at Cypher. Just in time Sage rushed closer to the scene to shoot the venomous woman. The masked woman hissed as a sting can be felt at her back. Cypher gets away from the toxin underneath his steps and took his chance to shoot Viper. He winced in pain as he falls into his knees. "Ugh.." Viper said with her voice pained. Sage rushed towards Cypher wanting to heal him as fast as possible however Omen creeps his way in the scene.

"Going somewhere Sage?" The cloaked man chuckled as he fired a shot at Cyphers weakened legs. The man scowled in pain. Sage pointed her vandal at Omen and shoots him several times. The man blinds her and carried Viper away from the scene. "F*ck where is he" Sage Turns all around to look for him and when the blind finally wears off, both of the enemies are already gone. Cypher was already laying at the floor. "Hang in there I'll heal you..." Sage said kneeling towards Cypher with her orb healing him. "W-Why cant your feet heal fully?" Sage frowned trying to heal his feet but it was no use for now both of his foot cant heal fully due to Vipers poison. "Sage we have to keep moving, we can deal with this later!" Cypher stubbornly refuses Sages healing orbs. "You might get an infection with an open wound!!" Sage shouts attempting to heal him once again. "Sage its no use, we have to continue defending" Cypher tries to stand up but ended up falling to his knees once again. "You cant even stand properly, I can deal with this just stay hidden and dont fight" Sage gets another one of her healing orb and gave it to Cypher. "Heal, you can go when you're healed" Cypher sighs and just nodded. He stays put in his place, putting one more cage nearby and a trapwire close to where he's located.

"Multiple Enemy spotted!" Raze shouted at their communication device. Sage rushed to Site A to help the 3. Sage panted as she continue running to site A. "Looks like they got this forest girl on their team.. She's pretty strong" Raze reported to Killjoy. "Sage! Perfect timing. We got Breach, Omen, Viper and Forest girl over there..." Raze said after noticing Sage enter the window panting. "Where's Jett?" Sage looked around noticing she wasn't near the two. "She went ahead of us" Killjoy said covering a wound at her arm. "We have to follow her, there's 4 of them there and she's alone?!" Sage takes a small peek at the window immediately seeing an enemy. "Go follow where she went I'll catch up" Sage commanded the two of them nodded. The two soon faded out of the scene and left Sage alone to peek at window. She immediately shoots as soon as she sees breach. The man was shot grabbing his attention and the others. "Omen give me the spike I'll plant" Breach said visibly in pain. "No, Reyna has a plan trust me" Omen refuses with his voice getting weaker and weaker the more blood he loses. Breach frowned and nodded stalling the defenders team, keeping them busy. He blinds the defenders team with his light and before Sage could run he had shot her in her abdomen.

The two rushed the A site where the enemies were, Raze throws her bomb to them. While Kj gets her alarmbot placing it behind them as they rush into the site. "Watch this!" Jett can be heard flying towards them as she throws her knives. Sage walked towards the site A with a slow orb in her hand enduring the pain in her abdomen. Breach blinds Raze and Kj and Omen blinds Jett mid-air. "Sh*t" Jett muttered to herself. She rushes to the side hiding from the bullets that could've shot her. Raze plants her bombs to launch herself while damaging breach and Viper who's sitting on the floor weakened. "Hey! Watch it!" Killjoy shouted at Raze. The blinds have worn out and Raze quickly switches to her gun shooting Breach. The man grunted as he falls into the ground. Sage throws her slow orb at the enemies. "Too bad, you got too close to each other" Raze said as she lands down and pointed her gun at Omen. Jett spots the Forest girl with her wolves hunting for them. She throws a knife at the raging wolf spiraling towards her. Eventually the wolf reached Raze while she was caught off guard and Killjoy shot the wolf till it vanished. "Oh you're not going anywhere!" Jett shouted at Skye the Forest Girl nicknamed by Raze. She throws her knives at her till she falls.

"aren't you getting ahead of yourself Raze?" Omen said when he reappeared behind her pointing a sheriff at her head, taking her as hostage. In reality he was just buying more time for Reyna and keeping the defenders busy. "I will not hesitate to shoot her, stand back!" Omen shouted at Sage as she was attempting to go a few step closer. They all were hesitant to coming any closer. The venomous woman started counting down as they all stood there confused and Omen laughing moving the gun to Razes throat. "... 3... 2... 1..." She finished counting down, Raze closed her eyes for the impact but... Nothing? All of them thought Viper was counting down to Razes death. Omen lowers his gun pushing Raze to Killjoy. "Y-You lunatic-" Killjoy said as she catch the Brazilian girl. In just a few seconds multiple shots can be heard.

"The Hunt Begins"

"See nothing"


Hello guys there will be a part 2 to this to be published this day as well!

Thanks for reading this one have a nice day or evening everyone!!!

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