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Blood was stained on the walls of the bar, the smell of iron and toxins hung in the air. Taehyung lay on the ground, his body leaning against the counter of the bar, a half empty bottle of whisky in his hand, his gun in the other. He was covered in blood, none his own. His face had a few scratches on it, his jaw had a massive new scar taking place from a bar fight he had participated in. Obviously he won.

His eyes stared at the ground, emptiness and darkness filling them up. He lifted the bottle up, taking another sip and drowning himself in sorrow. The bar door opened, a deep chuckle being heard as the bells jingled. 

"V? What the fuck is going on here?" The said man looked up, his drunk face turning into a grin at the familiar face. 

"Joonie~! Ahah..." Namjoon sighed, his eyes closing before he stepped towards the man on the ground, his shoes squeaking against the blood covered floor. Taehyung handed him the bottle, getting up so they were both standing.

"It's been a week, Taehyung. He's not coming back." Taehyung glared at the man, his jaw clenching. 

"Shut up! Yes he is! I'm finding him myself because they," the man pointed to the dead bodies on the floor, the people who were his men, "are useless!"

"They're useless because you killed them." Taehyung just scoffed, his gun twirling in his hand. His eyes scanned the room, trailing over Namjoon then back down at the ground, flicking over to the bar stools.

"What about Wonho?" 

"What about him?" Taehyung sighed, his eyes turning into slits at the thoughts.

"He might know where Jiminie is. After all, he liked the boy." Namjoon nodded, pulling out his phone and looking up Wonho's address. 

"Wanna head over?"


Sun broke through the curtains, lighting up the room as the morning came around. Jimin groaned, curling up in the puffy, soft blankets, pulling them off of Wonho's body. He heard the older groan and giggled at that, yawning and trying to sleep more. 

He squeaked when a large hand grabbed his waist, pulling him against a hard chest body. To say that Jimin and Wonho bonded more would be an understatement. They slept next to each other for the full week, cooked for each other and spent every minute together. Jimin felt like he was in the clouds; no smoking, no drinks, no creepy men looking at him. He loved it. 

Jimin turned over, smiling up at Wonho's sleepy face, his hair messy as he yawned. Jimin sat up, his body covered in hickeys from the night before; yes, he had sex with him. 

"Want breakfast?" Wonho groaned, rolling over on the bed and burying his face in the pillows. 

"Noooo..." Jimin giggled, jumping on top of his back and massaging his shoulders, kissing the man's neck. 

" about coffee? Tea?" All Jimin got in response was a groan. He sighed, running his nails gently down to his arms. "You were talking in your sleep last night, again."

"Ugh, sorry..." Jimin giggled, rolling off of him and slipping on a shirt that was two sizes too big. Wonho watched him, smiling to himself. He's always had an attraction towards the small boy, ever since he met him. He wanted to protect him and take care of him. To bad for him, someone much more powerful wanted that too.

"I'm thinking pancakes with strawberries...?" Wonho nodded, also sitting up and stretching his arms out, cracking his shoulders. 

"Need protein. I'll make eggs. Cheese or no cheese?" Jimin fixed his hair, humming as he thought. 

"No cheese." Wonho nodded, standing up and grabbing a pair of sweatpants, throwing them on and making his way to the kitchen with Jimin trotting along side of him. "Think he's looking for me?"

"Yeah...he's probably sulking in the bar after going on a mass murder rage fest." Jimin gulped, guilt swirling in his stomach as he started making pancakes. 

"It's my fault they're dead. All of them; Yoongi, mother, dad...anyone else." Wonho smiled, kissing the boys head and walking to the fridge, pulling out the eggs.

"No its not. V is dangerous. Anyone who gets involved with him looses people." Jimin nodded, going back to what he was doing. 


A black Lamborghini pulled up to a nice looking home, the front painted a pretty lime color. The two men in the car stared at it, utterly confused. Guns were in their hands, knives shoved in their pockets as they looked over the front lawn. Little cute garden gnomes were by the flower beds, pink and purple tulips dancing around each other. 

Namjoon gulped, ignoring the Siri that told them they have arrived at their destination. Taehyung's mouth hung open, his eyes trailing from the cute cottage to Namjoon. 

"I doubt this is the right place." Namjoon shrugged, nodding and looking at the flowers. 

"I mean, maybe Wonho lives here..." Taehyung scoffed, running his hand through his hair and groaning. 

"Namjoon. Wonho isn't gonna live at a fucking cottage with an old lady!" Namjoon huffed, putting his gun down and watching as the little old lady watered her flowers.  

"Well, this is embarrassing." Taehyung scoffed, leaning his head back and crossing his arms like a child. 

"Shut the fuck up and drive!" Namjoon chuckled, doing as he was told and pulling out of the doll like neighborhood. They sped down the highway, Taehyung on his phone as he tried to find Wonho's address or any sign of communication. "Fucking asshole cut his ties."

Namjoon didn't say anything, his eyes wandering around the city. He pulled into a diner and shut off the car, surprising Taehyung. 

"What the fuck are we doing here?"

"Eating." With that, Namjoon slammed the door shut, walking into the diner and leaving Taehyung alone to sulk. 

"Fucker." Taehyung opened the door, crawling out of the car and locking it before also walking in. Sweet, slow music was playing as the booths were filled up with guests, the red leather having stains or stab marks in them from children playing with knives. 

Taehyung saw Namjoon at one of the booths, sipping a cup of coffee as he looked over the menu, his feet propped up on the other booth. Taehyung scoffed, sitting down across from him and pushing Namjoon's feet off the seat. 

The two of them looked over the menu a bit more, not talking which pissed Taehyung off. 

"Why are we fucking here?" He whispered, slit like eyes staring at Namjoon. The man groaned, shaking his head and finishing off his coffee. 

"Wonho's sister works here."


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