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"Straight flush!" Jimin gasped, throwing his hand down and crossing his arms in disappointment as he lost. Hoseok giggled, flashing his cards around and smirking at the smaller boy. 

"That's not fair! You rigged it!" Jimin accused, pointing his finger at the ravenette who stood up, dancing around and taunting the younger. Jimin growled, lunging at him as Namjoon and Jungkook laughed at the two. 

"Get off! I didn't rig it!" Hoseok screamed, getting tackled to the ground by the smaller. Jimin giggled, reaching for the cards and screeching when Hoseok's fingers started tickling him. The door burst open and everyone stopped, silence filling the bar. Jimin looked up from where he was; on top of Hoseok's lap, the elder's hands at his waist and neck where he was tickling him. 

"What the fuck is going on?" Taehyung growled, his shirt and clothes stained with blood. Jungkook's and Jimin's eyes widened when the small, black cat stalked in behind him, hiding itself behind Taehyung's legs. 

"W-what did you do?" Jungkook muttered, slowly standing up from the leather couch. Taehyung just smirked, brows furrowing when the cat ran into Jimin's arms. The younger just stared at the cat that was pawing at his shirt. 

"Why is Y-Yoongi's cat here?" Jungkook looked at him, cocking his head in confusion. 

"You know him?" Jimin glared at the two boys, picking the cat up and placing him in his arms, tail swishing onto Hoseok's stomach. 

"Yes. He's my b-best friend!" Jimin snapped, his eyes tracing over the blood on his 'boyfriend'. Jungkook's eyes followed his, landing on Taehyung's figure. He stood up, pulling his gun out and pointing it at the elder. Jimin's eyes widened, he quickly got up and stood in between them, protecting Taehyung, the cat still clinging to him. "Let me talk before you shoot!" Jungkook nodded, not lowering the gun as Jimin turned around to face Taehyung, disgust in his eyes. 

"Hey, beautiful." Taehyung smirked, reaching his blood stained hand out to brush a strand of the younger's hair away. 

"Y-you killed him, didn't y-you?" Jimin asked, already knowing the answer. Jungkook gulped, his hands shaking around the gun. Taehyung licked his lips, looking away before staring Jimin and Jungkook down.

"Yes. Jungkook deserved it." Jimin's eyes brimmed with tears, a smug yet distasteful look on his face. He wanted to hit him, wanted to kill him but something held him back and he hated it. 

"Your a fucking monster. You've killed everyone I care about! Yoongi! My mother! My fath-"

"You killed your own father! Now, be careful of what you say and do, or Jin might be next. Then you'll have no one." Taehyung spat, his voice filled with venom and pride. Jungkook gulped, tears prickling his eyes as he stared at the gun in his hand. He put it down, shoving it back into his pocket and collapsing onto the couch again. Jimin held the cat close to him, his eyes strained on the floor. 

He understood now; he was in a trap. A trap that would never let him go. His eyes watered as he realized he was stuck with the elder. He knew if he did anything wrong, Jin would die and who knows who else. 

"Jiminie, run upstairs. I'll be up in a second." The younger nodded, holding the cat close to him as he trotted up the stairs, tear falling onto the black cat. He heard yelling downstairs and decided to just curl up at the head of the bed. A few minutes later and the door burst open, scaring the younger. 

Jimin scooted back onto the bed, cradling the cat in his arms for protection. His eyes glazed over with tears as he refused to meet the elder's eyes. He felt the bed dip and flinched, his fingers still petting the cat.

"Jiminie...I- I already killed him before I realized he was your friend." The younger didn't reply, leaving the elder to sigh. "I- I know it's hard and I felt so, so bad when I found out. There was a picture of you two in his room that I didn't notice at first...you were so cute..."

"Mhm..." Jimin hummed, looking up and stifling a gasp as he noticed the ravenette crying.

"I felt so bad so I wanted to give you something to remember him by...his cat." Jimin smiled, not realizing that half of that was a complete lie. Jimin relaxed a bit once he saw how bad Taehyung felt. 

"Why did y-you kill h-him?" Taehyung sniffled and looked away, completely playing the younger's feelings. 

"Jungkook...he betrayed me. No one betrays me. He said some really bad things...about us; you and I." Jimin frowned, a cute pout taking over his lips. Taehyung felt a smile twitch at his lips as he watched the boy.

"S-still...you shouldn't kill people because of t-that!" Jimin snapped, his plush cheek puffing out in annoyance. Taehyung didn't say anything, his eyes staring at the small boy. "What d-did he say?"

"Well, he had the audacity to ask if I have ever forced myself on someone..." Jimin nodded, not meeting his gaze. "I said no, and that I will never. He then proceeded to ask if I would do it to you," Jimin's eyes snapped up to him, clear terror on his face. 

"W-what did you say?" Taehyung smiled, shuffling himself closer to Jimin and petting his cat.

"I said it depends...depends on your actions..." Jimin's lips parted, clear shock on his face, along with a hint of disgust. "I don't plan to, baby."

"O-okay..." Taehung smiled, his hand moving from the cat to Jimin's thighs, his hands running farther up his leg.

"He then said that you don't love me. Is that true, Jimin?" Jimin opened his mouth to say something, but quickly shut it once he saw the death glare on Taehyung's face. 

"N-no! Of c-course I love you!" Jimin smiled, pulling his leg away from Taehyung a bit and playing it off as if he was adjusting the cat. Taehyung cocked his head, a small grin appearing on his perfect face. He leaned a little closer to the younger and his hand squeezed on his plush thigh, nails digging into his skin.

"Mhm...I love you, too." Jimin smiled, flinching as Taehyung's hand reached his shorts, his finger's gently hooking under the fabric. His other hand reached to Jimin's wrists, harshly gripping them as his finger tips pressed against his skin.

"T-Tae...s-stop. That hurt-" The elder smirked, quickly interrupting the smaller.

"Prove that you love me, baby."


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