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City lights shone on puddles, quickly going blurry as the small boy's feet splashed into them, running as fast as his feet could carry him. His breath was ragged as he sprinted down the empty road, every part of his body searing in pain. The small mewls of the feline could be heard as he tripped, his breath stuttering as he did so. 

He didn't know where he was or where he was going. He had ruled out going to Jin's, feeling as though Taehyung would find him. He gasped when he heard screams behind him in the distance, fear coursing through his body. He had nothing to lose by doing this: no family and barely any friends, plus Namjoon would protect Jin. 

He screamed as he bumped into someone, falling to the wet pavement, the cat hissing and clawing at his bag. He couldn't see the person above him since it was so dark out, the only thing that was visible was the mans bulky outline. 

"Jimin?" The said boy let out a breath, one he didn't know he was holding. He recognized the voice and threw his head down, smiling as tears slipped past his eyes. He felt strong arms lifting him up, pulling the boy to his feet. 

"Oh my fucking g-god...Wonho..." The man chuckled, finally coming to view when Jimin was closer to his face. Jimin smiled, his glossy lips spreading as he sighed from the kind and familiar face. 

"Whats going on? Why are you out here? What about Tae-"

"Please, s-safe place. Now. I'll explain l-later..." Wonho nodded, grabbing the boys hand and dragging him behind a dark brick building. The younger gulped when he saw a black lambo, the headlights turning on as they got closer to the car. "W-will you give me b-back to Taehyung?" Wonho scoffed, helping the boy into the passenger seat and getting in on the other side, immediately starting the car and pulling onto the highway. 

"No, fucking hate that guy. Won't let you near him again, don't worry." Jimin smiled, pulling the pissed off cat from his bag and placing him on his lap, cuddling it as he drifted off to sleep. Wonho smiled down at the sleeping boy, sighing as he kept driving. 


"What the fuck is wrong with you cunts!?" Taehyung screamed, throwing glasses and liquor bottles around as his men stood in his bar, flinching and ducking when something came flying their way. A couple didn't notice, being unlucky enough to get half a smashed bottle sticking into their skull, leaving them to bleed until dead. 

"V! W-we didn't help h-him! I s-swear!" A man called out, cowering behind his hands as he heard V's footsteps get closer. 

"I don't think you understand...HE'S GONE! MY PROPERTY IS GONE! When have I ever let that fly?" There was no answer, leaving Taehyung more angry. "When!?"

"N-never, boss!" V hummed, stepping away from the cowering male and slamming his fist onto the counter, breaking the glass that was there. 

"Find him. None of you come back until you've found him." The men nodded, leaving the bar and contacting Taehyung's other crew members. Namjoon sighed, walking out of the backroom with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. 

"Need a drink?" Taehyung sighed, a dark chuckle leaving his lips as he nodded. 

"Fuck yes."


Jimin groaned when he was shaken awake, tilting his head farther away and whining. He shuffled in the seat, whining louder when the shaking wouldn't stop. 

"Jiminie? C'mon...we're here." The boy whined again, pulling the cat flush against his chest and pouting, his glossy lip jutting out. 

"Noo~ want sleepies~" Wonho smirked, his eyes grazing over the males ethereal face; beautiful plump lips, long and dark eyelashes, perfectly smooth skin, and an adorable nose. His hand moved to Jimin's cat, petting it gently as it purred from their touch. Wonho leaned back in his seat, sighing as he looked up at his penthouse. 

"Jimin. I have a hot tub." The boy's eyes immediately opened, throwing the cat off him and scrambling up and out of the seat, throwing open the door. 

"I'm up- woah!" Jimin's eyes were blown wide at the stunning penthouse in front if him, shocking the boy. "You live here...?"

"Yeah, c'mon. It get's better inside." Jimin nodded, holding his cat as Wonho held the boys bag in his hand, his other palm resting on the small of Jimin's back. The walked inside, stepping into the gold interior elevator and going up the the twelfth floor. Jimin's eyes wandered from the buttons to Wonho's bulked up chest, a quick blush spreading on his cheeks before looking away. 

A ring was heard as the elevator stopped, the doors opening and a gasp leaving Jimin's cute lips. He stepped out and smiled, his little feet tapping on the floor as he trotted into the home. It looked like something a king, or Lucifer, would own. 

"It's so cool!" Wonho chuckled, locking the elevator to his place so it couldn't go down without his say so. He didn't want Taehyung's men after him. His eyes watched Jimin look around, adoration in his eyes as he smiled. 

"Jiminie...did you eat yet?" The small boy looked back from the balcony, skipping back into the room and humming in thought. 

"Uh, no...TaeTae said breakfast was enough?" Wonho's jaw clenched in anger, his eyes shutting at the idea. 

"That fucker. C'mere...lemme find something for you." Jimin nodded following the elder into a room filled with snacks and drinks. Wonho grabbed some fruit and cereal from the shelf, walking to the fridge to grab milk and serving it to the younger. "Eat up."

"T-thanks..." Jimin smiled, trotting over to the couch and plopping down, shoving his face full of food. Wonho watched him, placing down a bit of chicken and water for Yoongi's cat, figuring that Taehyung refused to feed it right. Jimin finished, running to the kitchen sink and washing his dishes before plopping down on the sofa, yawning. 

"I'm guessing your tired, right? It's two A.M..." Jimin nodded, yawning again and stretching his arms out, groaning as they popped. 

"Yesh..." Wonho chuckled, disappearing into a room and coming back with a long silk top and a pair of underwear. He shuffled over to Jimin and tossed the clothes on his lap. 

"Um, here...I'm sorry but I don't think my pants will fit. You can try a pair on to see though?" Jimin smiled, remembering when Taehyung did something like this, but the way Wonho did it was sweeter and kinder, more loving. 

"It's alright, thank you." Wonho only hummed, checking the locked doors and balcony before dimming the lights. "W-Wonho...?"

"Yeah?" Wonho asked, tidying up the space a bit and throwing on a pair of sweatpants and leaving his chest bare, causing Jimin to gulp at the show of muscles unlike any others. 

"C-can I sleep with you?"


sorry, kinda want Jimin to experience a decent relationship before everything goes to shit.

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