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Jimin groaned, rubbing his eyes as he woke up, looking around the black room, voices could be heard from the first floor. He yawned, his head pounding as he got up. He stepped out of the bedroom, looking for the stairs and walking down, meeting the eyes of four men.

"G-good morning~" Jimin sweetly spoke, smiling at the men. Taehyung smirked, swishing around the wine in his glass as he watched Jimin recover from his first hangover. 

"Morning baby." Jimin smiled at the name, ignoring the unsettling feeling in his stomach. 

"You guys serve breakfast?" Namjoon scoffed, taking a sip of his drink and pointing to the backroom behind the bar. 

"Find something in there." Jimin nodded, skipping over and looking through the shelves, giggling when he saw a small cake sitting on a shelf. He jumped up grabbing it and a fork from a random drawer, after he looked for 5 minutes. He walked back out, jumping onto the counter and taking a bit of his cake.

"That was supposed to be mine." He froze, a little afraid of the deep voice coming from Taehyung. His eyes widened, looking down and mumbling out sorry's, which were already forgiven by the older. 

"Whats your name, kid?" Jimin looked towards the unfamiliar one, smiling a bit. 

"J-Jimin..." Taehyung smirked, walking over to the counter and sticking his finger in the frosting and holding it out to Jimin. The younger, a little confused, licked it off, thinking nothing of it. Taehyung gulped at his innocence, walking behind the bar and grabbing a bottle of whiskey and sitting by Namjoon, both sharing a glance from Jimin's actions.

"Thats a cute name...say, have you ever drank before?" Jimin's eyes widened, shaking his head 'no' and placing his fork down, unaware of what Jungkook and Taehyung did to his drink the night before.

"N-no. My parents don't let me. I haven't done anything like that." Taehyung nodded, appreciating the innocence radiating off the younger. 

"Fuck your parents, do whatever you want." Taehyung said, staring at the younger. Jimin flinched at the tone, finishing off the small cake and going to join the boys on the couch. 

"I wouldn't. Ever." Taehyung nodded, rolling his eyes and smirking at Namjoon. 

"Baby, you know what time it is?" Jimin shook his head, his eyes widening as Taehyung showed him the time on his phone; 11:30.

"Oh my god! I have school." Jimin got up, yelping as a large hand grabbed his waist, pulling him down onto Taehyung's lap, the older keeping his hand wrapped tightly around Jimin. Jimin blushed, fear racking his body as he looked at the older and his smirking friends who did nothing, despite the younger's obvious discomfort. 

"Just stay for a bit." Jimin nodded, not really knowing how to turn them down and say no. He looked down, goosebumps crawling up his arms as Taehyung's hand moved down to his ass. He tensed, fearfully looking at the older who was looking down at his phone. 

"T-Taehyung right?" The older nodded his head, putting a cigarette up to his mouth and taking a hit before passing it back to Namjoon. 

"Yeah and that one," he pointed to the one he passed the cigarette to, "that's Namjoon, and the other one over there is Hoseok and that" he pointed to the one from yesterday, "that's Jungkook." Jimin nodded, smiling at them innocently. Taehyung smirked, taking the cigarette back and holding it up to Jimin.

"Wanna try?" Jimin shook his head, looking away, the smell making him sick. 

"N-no thanks." Taehyung smirked at his manners, adjusting the boy more comfortably on his lap, sitting him on his crotch. Jimin's breath hitched, wanting to just leave and get out of this place. He placed his hands on Taehyung's thighs, trying to push himself off, but Taehyung's grip just tightened. 

"Jimin, if your 16, what grade are you in?" Jimin stopped trying to move and looked over at Hoseok who looked actually really curious. 

"Um, 11th." The man nodded, shooting a warning glare at Taehyung who just scoffed. "I r-really need to leave. P-please, if you d-don't mind..." Jimin looked down, fidgeting with his clothes. Taehyung sighed, letting go and watching as the younger quickly got off. 

"I have some clean clothes upstairs if you want them. Your's smell like drugs and vodka." Jimin nodded, following as Taehyung got up, leading the boy upstairs. He went to his closet, pulling something out and handing it to Jimin. 

"I am not wearing leather pants." Taehyung stepped forward, looking at Jimin's thighs. 

"Why not? They'd make your ass look even hotter." Jimin looked away not saying anything, just taking the clothes and walking over to the bathroom. He locked the door, looking at himself in the mirror and gulping. He quickly changed, putting on the tight, leather pants and white, flowy shirt and boots. He wasn't going to lie to himself, he looked good. He walked out after fixing his hair and trotting down the stairs, grabbing his bag and heading towards the door.

"Jimin, baby." The said boy stopped, turning around as Taehyung walked closer to him.

"Y-yeah?" Taehyung looked over the boy, smirking at his attire. 

"Give me your number." Jimin froze, looking away but taking out his phone anyway. He knew it was wrong, but at the same time it was exhilarating. 

"W-why? How old e-even are y-you?" Taehyung smirked, grabbing the younger's phone once he unlocked it. 

"In case you wanna come here or if you need anything. I'm 27." Jimin gulped, a little nervous about his age. He nodded, taking his phone back and staring at the contact. He sighed, his breath shaking at how his mother would react if she witnessed the past 15 hours of his life. 

"O-okay..." Taehyung smirked, walking back to the bar. 

"C'mon, I'm not that old." Jimin nodded, believing his words. He had no relationship experience so he wasn't sure what was right and wrong, but he could tell this was not right. 

"O-okay, I'll be taking my leave now." Jimin walked towards the door, pushing it open before hearing the last words from Taehyung that made him wish he never went into that bar.

"Never delete that fucking contact, baby." 


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