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Light's flickered in the dark of night, illuminating the alleys and streets. There was no noise, completely silent other than the hiss of some stray cat. The man had gotten good at keeping himself hidden in the shadows, staying away from any unwanted attention. It was probably about one in the morning, meaning Jimin was all tucked up in bed. The man had commanded Hoseok to guard him; keeping a close eye so he doesn't leave. 

The figure smirked, his dark hair flopped over his eyes as he stared up at the apartment from the dimly lit streets. He felt no sorrow, no guilt for his future actions. He looked around, spotting no one and approaching the front door. He placed the key in the locked, grinning when it clicked. He had stolen the key from Jungkook, one that he stole from Yoongi. 

He looked around the area, smiling at the nice beige aesthetic it had. He looked towards the stairs and slowly creeped up them, stopping at the top to listen for any signs of life. He noticed a cat patrolling the halls and smiled at it, his lips curling into a creepy grin. 

His eyes drifted to the sightly cracked door down the hall, a bit of light shining through it. He quietly made his way down the hall, stopping at the door and looking through the crack. The boy was asleep in bed, his gorgeous hair all strewn about. His pale skin glowed from the little nightlight by his bed. Taehyung sighed, biting his lip at the angel laying in bed. 

He understood why Jungkook loved him; he was gorgeous, calm and liked cats. Yet, Taehyung had his baby who was a thousand times more than what this boy could ever be. He pushed open the door, wincing as it creaked. His footsteps were light as he made his way next to the small boy. He took his time and crawled over him, straddling his hips and placing his hands on either side of the boys face. 

Yoongi groaned at the mattress dipping, his head turning to the side a little. Taehyung had his gun in his back pocket and his knife in the palm on his hand, poking into the pillow. The small boy flinched when Taehyung's breath hit his neck, the feeling sending shivers down his spine. His eyes fluttered open, widening at the sight of an extremely attractive male above him. Before he could scream, Taehyung clamped his palm over his mouth, keeping his quiet. He smirked at the tears welling in the corners of the boys pretty eyes, reminding him of Jimin. 

"Hello, Yoongi." Sadly for Taehyung, he didn't remember that this boy was the one who got mad at him in the cafe that one time. "I'll only be here for a second, I- I won't touch you...unless you want a quick fuck before you die." The boy started to shake in his grip, his legs trying to kick out but the elder was too strong. 

"Trust me I won't. I've actually got my own baby boy at home. His name is Jimin, Park Jimin. All mines...mine, mine." Yoongi's eyes widened as he now remembered this man; the asshole that manipulated Jimin. 

"Actually, I've come here because of Jungkook. He betrayed me, and well, your paying the price. I dearly hope you don't mind." Yoongi had fresh tears now streaming down his face, his chest rapidly rising in fear of dying. Taehyung smiled down at him, picking the knife up and ripping Yoongi's shirt. The boy whimpered into his palm, scared for his life. 

"Now, I'll do you both a favor. I'll mark you as his, so no one in hell or heaven can have you!" Yoongi was now shaking, his head leaning as far back as he could get it. Taehyung lowered the blade down to the boys chest and collarbones, slowly carving the letter J into his chest, blood spilling from the wound. Yoongi screamed into his palm, hyperventilating from the pain. Taehyung just chuckled, moving onto the next J, pushing down a bit deeper. 

"Shhh, your okay...almost done." Taehyung then moved onto the K, grinning at the pained whimpers leaving the boys throat. "I aught to do this to Jiminie." Yoongi's eyes snapped open, his body instantly thrashing at those words. 

"Oh? Do you know him?" Taehyung's eyes widened as he answered his own question, realizing this was the same Yoongi as Jimin's friend. "Well, shit." He finished the K, slowly carving a small heart next to the initials. Taehyung smiled, grabbing his phone and snapping a quick picture of Yoongi's tear stained face and carvings. 

"Alright, sadly we part now. I wish you...actually nothing, bye bye." With that, the elder stabbed directly into Yoongi's neck, giggling when a choked scream elicited from the boys throat. Blood spilled onto his hand from Yoongi's mouth, blood draining from the hole in his neck. 

Taehyung stood back up, brushed off the blood onto Yoongi's blanket and walking out of the bedroom, trotting down the stairs and stopping at the front door. He looked at the cat that sat on the kitchen table then back towards the door. He sighed, turning around and walking into the kitchen. He grabbed some canned cat food and the cat, hoisting the hissing feline into his arms before walking out of the house. 

"Your going to belong to my Jiminie, now kitty." The cat just hissed again, his black tail swishing at the news. Taehyung hummed as he walked down the street, sighing in the fresh air once again. He used to like this feeling; the feeling of being alone and having no one. But now that he's met Jimin, he can't seem to be happy, or at least content, without him. 

It really was true; he loved him wholeheartedly. 


ᴄʀʏ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴇ | ᴋ.ᴛʜ + ᴘ.ᴊᴍOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora