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Jimin blushed as he watched the tattooed man walk up to him, smirking at Jimin's cute figure. Jimin gasped a bit, his eyes darting towards Jin in the kitchen minding his own business as he decorated cupcakes. 

"Taehyung, why are you here?" The man just grinned, looking at the menu, his hands shoved in his pockets.

"Mmhhh, just wanted to switch up my taste in beverage a bit, y'know?" Jimin giggled, nodding his head as he watched Taehyung decide what he wanted. Taehyung internally blushed at the little giggle leaving the boys lips.

"I want a hot chocolate, coffee is too...bitter." Jimin nodded, getting up and and making it for the older. Taehyung shifted his gaze to the back of Jimin's legs, admiring the cuts and rips in his jeans on the thighs, his tan skin on display. Jimin turned around handing him the hot chocolate. 

Taehyung pulled a credit card from his wallet, handing it too the younger. Jimin took it, playing with it as he rung up the card, charging him and handing it back. Taehyung jumped up on the counter, sitting near Jimin as they waited for people to come. Jimin's head shot up, flinching as the door slammed open, a very angry Yoongi walking towards Jimin. Taehyung glared at the man walking towards them, his eyes flicking over to Jimin who looked a bit scared.

"Jimin! Don't you ever ignore my questions!" Jin popped his head out of the kitchen, rolling his eyes as he watched Yoongi come in. His eye twitched as he saw Taehyung sitting on the counter. He walked out, grabbing Yoongi from getting any closer.

"Who are you and why are you on the counter of my cafe?" Jin asked, his eyes cold as he looked at Taehyung. He smirked, hopping off and grabbing his hot chocolate. 

"Taehyung, and because I wanted to talk to him." Taehyung smirked, nudging his head towards Jimin who just gaped at him. Yoongi's eyes widened, almost turning feral at the name.

"So your Taehyung?! How old are you anyway!? Stay away from Jimin you creep!" Taehyung chuckled, winking at Jimin as he shoved by Jin, almost knocking him over.

"21." Yoongi sighed, happy that he was younger rather than older. Jimin was also relived that he didn't say his real age. Taehyung waved his hand at Jimin, walking out of the cafe and lighting a cigarette, walking back to his bar.  

"Jimin, explain." Jin said assertively, crossing his arms and staring at Jimin. Jimin got a little scared until he remembered Taehyung's words..."Do whatever you want..." Jimin scoffed, picking up his phone and crossing his legs. 

"No. Your not entitled to know." Jimin glared up at Jin, shocking the older who looked a bit hurt by his words. Yoongi just scoffed, looking down and clenching his fists. "Oh, we have a customer." Jimin smiled, shooing Jin and Yoongi away. Jin looked back at Jimin, concerned with his words and attitude and the man from before. 

"Yoongi? Why-"

"It's that guy...Taehyung. He's corrupting our Jiminie." Jin just nodded, leaving the smol seething kitty to have a mini temper tantrum. He sighed, his eyes flicking to Jimin every now and then, noticing he smiled less. Once the day was done, Jimin packed up but Jin held him back. 

"Want me to drive you home? It's windy..." Jimin nodded, grabbing a little sweater and leaving the cafe, hopping in Jin's car. He got home, thanking and saying goodbye to his friend as he walked inside. 

"Jimin! How was work? No creepy people, right? Not to much sweets?" Jimin just smiled, sitting down at the dinner table his parents and brother were waiting at. 

"No mother. No sugar, No creepy people, yes it was fun." Mrs. Park nodded, serving her family and then glaring at her husband. 

"Babies, we have something to tell you both." His mother looked at Sungwoon and Jimin, an annoyed look on her face. Their father ate, stabbing at his food and glaring at his wife. 

"Were splitting up." Mrs. Park face palmed at the bluntness of her husband, glaring at him and shooting her kids a loving glance.

"Yes, now before you say anything, I promise you boys will be close." Jimin nodded, not quite processing this was actually happening. Sungwoon broke down next to him while Jimin just sighed, happy the fighting and hitting would be done between his parents.


"Jimin, your gonna stay with me and Sungwoon, your going with dad." Jimin dropped his fork, the sound echoing in the room. He stood up, his chair screeching against the floor.

"Y-you can't do that. Y-you can't s-separate us! This has n-nothing to do w-with this!" Sungwoon just stared at the wall, too in shock to argue against his parents.

"Jimin we are doing what's best!" The younger scoffed, throwing a glare at his father.

"Your right, I should say thank you. Thank you for finally making a decision that makes us human and not perfect! That gives me and Sungwoon a life. Thank you for letting us go from your perfect ideology." Mrs. Park just stared at him as he walked out of the house, the slam of the door breaking her out of her thoughts. 


Jimin walked through the door of the bar, he made his way up to Taehyung's bedroom, digging through his closet and finding a pair of black ripped up jeans and throwing them on, along with a dark purple, loose, button up shirt, the choker completing the outfit. Jimin turned to the mirror, making sure his earrings were okay and checking himself out. He walked downstairs, stopping at the bar counter.

"Whatever Taehyung has." Hoseok chuckled, pouring him a glass of whiskey and handing it to the boy. Jimin smiled, thanking him and taking a sip of it, scrunching his face up a bit. He looked around, spotting Taehyung leaning his head back, smoke swirling around him as he lazed on one of the couches. Jimin smirked, making his way over and lightly plopping himself down on the older's lap. Taehyung's head shot up immediately, sighing out smoke when he realized it was Jimin and not some hoe. 

"Baby, what you doing here? It's late." Jimin nodded, drinking the rest of his whiskey, shocking the older. The younger just giggled, grabbing Taehyung's entire bottle and taking a swig, impressing the older. Taehyung rested his hands on the younger's hips, groaning as Jimin pulled his lips away from the rim of the bottle. 

"I-I am here to...ahhh~ I don't even know." Taehyung smirked, his hands running up Jimin's waist, the small boy thinking nothing of it. 

"What happened?" Jimin flinched, remembering the argument. 

"My parents are brother is leaving with dad and I'm staying with my mom. So I don't know whats going to happen." Taehyung nodded, feeling a little bad for the kid. Jimin just sighed, tracing one of Taehyung's tattoos with his fingers, making the older groan. 

"I want one...a tattoo."


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