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Tears streamed down the boys face as he ran, ignoring the incoming traffic as he speed through the streets. He aggressively wiped his eyes, bumping into people as he ran, little light footsteps splashing into puddles as heavy tears from the sky met with his. He stopped running, slowing down his pace as he realized he was far enough. He looked around, spotting the familiar cafe and walking in, soaking the floors. 

"Were closed at the moment." 

"I-it's just m-me, Jinnie." The brunette picked his head up, placing down the broom and frowning at the drenched boy. Jin walked towards the small boy, clearly concerned that he was out past his curfew. 

"What happened to you?" Jimin broke down once again, springing forward and clinging onto Jin, drenching him in the process. 

"M-mom..." Jin nodded, understanding the situation. Jimin and his parents had a very strained relationship; his parents still treated him like a young child even though he was almost 17. They took fun and freedom out of the boys life, shoving grades and corruption in its place. Since he was a child Jimin has never even smoked, drank, engaged in anything sexual; god, the only way he could even know about this stuff was from his freshman health classes. His parents put a burdening amount of rules on him; curfew is 6pm, no friends other than Jin and Yoongi, grades have to be 98+, and the worst was...never have a relationship until 20. 

"What did she do this time?" Jimin sniffled, rubbing his eyes and collapsing onto one of Jin's expensive leather couches, which caused the older to tense.

"She got a-angry and s-started h-hitting dad who also got angry." Jin nodded, rolling his eyes and picking up the boy bridal style, walking him up to his apartment room above the cafe. "I-I can't s-stay. It's already 10." Jin smiled, placing the boy in the bathroom.

"I know. Just take a bath and change your clothes. I'll call your mom and let her know your with me, okay?" Jimin nodded, closing the door and getting a bath ready. Jin sighed, rubbing his face and walking back downstairs, dialing Jimin's mother on his phone. 

"Hello, Mrs. Park." He heard a frantic 'hello' in reply. "Jimin is with me. He's taking a bath and I'll let him stay since he's very tired." 

"Okay, thank you J-Jin...can you bring him to school tomorrow?" Jin sighed, agreeing to the deal and hanging up, locking the doors to his cafe and checking the streets. Jin walked back upstairs, knocking on the door to the bathroom. 

"There are some clothes out here, they came from the dryer so they're warm." 

"T-thank you.." Jin smiled, walking to his bedroom and waiting for the small boy. A bit later he came out, cuddled up in Jin's hoodie, his nose slightly red from the icy rain earlier. 

"Your mom said you could stay." Jimin nodded, flopping onto the bed and curling up into a ball.

"I have school tho-"

"I'll bring you, gotta work earlier. Deal?" Jimin giggled, nodding his head and grabbing Jin's hand, bringing him down to lay next to him.


"I heard what happened, you good?" Yoongi asked the younger, walking with him into the school. Jimin nodded, his head down as he clung onto Yoongi's arm. 

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Yoongi chuckled, wrapping his arm protectively around Jimin, earning cruel glances from other students. 

"I'm your brothers best friend." Jimin smiled, leaning into Yoongi. They reached Jimin's classroom, Yoongi saying goodbye and walking to his classes. The boy walked in, ignoring the voices that died down, the squeals from the girls and the hungry looks from boys. He didn't quiet understand what they meant, but he did know he was labeled as "Prettiest Boy". Girls constantly after him, but he never felt anything towards them. 

"Jimin!" The said boy turned his head, smiling as Jihyo called him over to her, patting the desk next to her. He smiled, placing his stuff down and sitting next to her, cold glares hitting him. 

"You okay? You seem down?" Jimin nodded, not quite comfortable telling her everything to his life. 


"Your late again- oh! Yoongi!" Jimin sighed as the attention was brought off him, immediately getting to work behind the counter. Yoongi smiled at Jin, a conversation uprising in seconds. Jin dragged Yoongi to the kitchen, leaving Jimin to tend the counter and orders. He sighed, resting his head on his hands as he waited. The door swung open, the tiny bell ringing throughout the room. Jimin's head popped up, smiling at the dark haired costumer. 

"Hello! What would you like?" Jimin spoke, his angelic voice causing the man to smirk as his eyes trailed over the menu.

"Yeah, banana milk and a latte." Jimin nodded, rushing to make the drinks, unaware of the dark eyes that trailed down to his ass. Once he was done he placed them on the counter, typing something into the cashier register. 

"$8.95." The man smirked, taking out a bulk of cash and placing it on the counter. Jimin frowned, taking the ones and sorting them before wishing the man goodbye. Jin glared from the kitchen, fully aware that the guy was eyeing him. A couple hours pasted, and Jimin was exhausted. He plopped his head down, sighing, thinking of his home and how he really didn't want to go back to that hell. 

"Jimin, I'm closing up, go home." Jimin nodded saying goodbye to Yoongi and Jin. He grabbed his bag and walked down the street a bit, stopping at a dark building with neon lights and a couple people lurking inside it. He sighed, deciding to risk it and just go in. He wouldn't get a drink, just stay as a place to avoid his family. Can't beleive I'm going into a bar. 


First chapter complete!

- M

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