Chapter 35

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Two weeks had passed by, Loki and I had spent every moment together and everyone had noticed the change in us. He had packed a bag and it was currently sitting in the bottom of my wardrobe beside mine. Ready to leave at any moment. 

For the past week it had been just Loki, Thor and I. Nat and Steve had left for a shield mission, Clint had gone home to spend time with his family and Tony wanted to spend some time with Pepper. 

"Boys, foods ready" I called from the kitchen, finishing of the pasta I had made and putting into bowls. 

"Kathy!" Thor called from behind me making you jump, his face came into view as he leaned over my shoulder inspecting the food. "Oh! Can I have that one!" He pointed to the biggest bowl.

I laugh at his antics, Loki was right, he did act like a child around me. 

"Sure Thor, go ahead." He took the bowl and almost ran back to the lounge where he had set up a film for us all to watch. I followed behind him carrying mine and Loki's food. 

"You could have at least got your own food Brother. Kathy made it, she shouldn't have to bring you your meal too" Thor scorned.

"Perhaps I did not want to get in your way Thor, considering you almost ran through the wall to get to the kitchen I fear what would have happened should I have gotten in your way" Loki stood up and took the bowl from me, giving me a soft kiss and a grateful smile. "Thank you Darling" 

"You're welcome, don't worry Thor it's fine" 

He grunted but was too busy eating to talk more, we all ate while the film played, setting our bowls on the table when we were done.

When the film had finished Thor had tried to persuade us to watch another one but I told them they had to clean up first. It was amusing watching them bicker while washing and drying dishes and pots. 

They were arguing about the amount of dish soap Thor had used, he had in fact used to much but he wouldn't admit to it. Laughing at them and decided to go out on the balcony for some fresh air while I waited.

Closing my eyes I lean against the railing enjoying the warmth of the sun on my face. A cawing noise makes me jump back, my eyes flying open to find a raven perched on the rail near me. 

How curious.

"Hello there" I give him a nod in greeting, he caws in response. I lift my arm towards him slightly "May I?" He caws again and I run my hand gently over his feathers. 

"Such a beautiful boy, what are you doing here?" 

"My love, who are you talking to?" Loki's amused voice comes from behind me, he moves to beside me, now able to see the raven you are petting. 

"He came to say hello" I smile at the bird as I hold my arm out and he jumps onto it. "Well you are just delightfully friendly" I coo at it, stroking him once again. 

"Thor!" Loki calls back towards the door. Thor comes barrelling out onto the balcony, Mjolnir in hand, I turn to look at him and almost laugh at the sight of him as he looks wide eyed at the raven on my arm.

"Brother, why is Huginn on her arm? I've not seen him perch on anyone but father" Thor was in complete disbelief.

"I assume he is here with a message from Odin..." Loki inspects Huginn for a moment before unclasping something from his leg and passing it to Thor. 

"This is one of Odin's ravens?" I inspect the bird again. before my eyes widen. 

"I'm petting one of Odin's ravens... Am I even allowed to do this?" I look at Loki but he just looks at me amused.

"Do not fret Love, it is the raven who chooses who pets him. Although he seems to be enjoying your affections." I smile at him and look back at the bird.

"Huginn, a beautiful name for a beautiful raven." I put my arm against the railing again and he hops of me, bowing my head at him slightly he seems to mimic me before cawing and flying off. 

"Brother..." Thor's voice sounding so serious makes me turn to him, seeing Loki do the same. "Father calls us home" 

"Us?" Loki repeats, Thor nods at him. 

"When?" There was a tension in the air almost immediately, Loki's body going rigid.

"Now." He turns on the spot and walks back inside, with us both following behind him. 

"What? Right now? Do you both have to go?" I didn't want them to go, I didn't want to be left here by myself. 

"Yes, he wants us back immediately" Thor replies as he walks towards the building entrance.

"I'm sorry my love, I do not wish to leave you but I have no choice in this, I must go." His hand holds mine tightly as I walk with them out to the entrance.

They stop and look down at me. Loki steps forward and takes my hands in his, bringing both of them up to kiss. "I will be back as soon as- " 

Both of our eyes go wide as the bracelet on my wrist starts lighting up, we lock eyes and his mouth opens and closes, struggling to find words.

It's time.

"Loki, I need you to listen to me" Urgency rushes through me, I take my hands out of his and put them on his cheeks, willing him to listen. He nods his head, I can see he is torn. 

"You have been called upon, I know you must go" He nods again, sorrow filling his gaze now. 

"I have to go too, when you return, find me." I pull him down to me and kiss him, pouring everything you can into it. I feel his arms fold around me, holding you close. We break apart and tears are in my eyes.

Why does this feel like goodbye?

It is, but only for now my Love.

I love you.

I love you, unconditionally, always.

Loki's hands drop from me as he walks backwards to where Thor waits. 

"Do not fear sister, I will bring him back to you before you even realise we are gone" I give a nod at Thor and a sorrowful smile, he had never called me that before. 

"Until we meet again, Brother. Loki, find me when you are back." I take a step back, trying to swallow down the lump in my throat.

"I will always find you, stay safe" He smiles sadly at me and in a flash of colour he is gone. 

I give myself a second to let a tear fall before turning and running back to my room, picking up a jacket I throw mine and Loki's bags onto the bed. I reach the bedside and pick up the picture of us three, running my thumb over Loki before pushing it into my bag. I grip each bag in my hand and pause in my doorway to look around my room once more. 

Time to leave.

I run through the compound until I get to the garage, throwing the bags into the bag seat I jump into a car and drive to the gates of the compound, looking back momentarily before taking off. No more time to waste being sentimental, I had to get somewhere safe. 

Loki's promise echoing in your mind.

I will always find you.

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