Chapter 8

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The next morning everyone is back in the training room, although we are taking it considerably easier after yesterday. Most of the boys are just using some of the gym equipment whereas Nat and I are sat opposite each other going through stretches and yoga positions, giving into some girl time we chat between ourselves. 

"So basically you're telling me you'd rather not see him again then?" I grin at her. 

She'd been trying out dating some guy who had the courage to ask her out. I had to hand it to him, she could be intimidating.

"The guy tried to order my food for me, I mean who even does that anymore?" She scowled as she leant into another stretch. I copied her movements, shift my body to lean over my right leg and reaching for my toes letting out a quiet laugh. 

"I can't even begin to imagine how much dating has changed. To be honest it sounds exhausting" I shift my body and switch to the other leg as she cocks an eyebrow at me. 

"Hold on, when was the last time you dated someone?"

"Gosh I don't know" I pause for a moment trying to think "Maybe 10 years ago?" 

She splutters for a moment as we move onto out backs, bringing a knee up and holding it to our chests she turns her head to face me again. 

"Maybe? What about sex? Surely you've been active in the past 10 years?" She lets go and switches to the other leg. I shrug as I switch legs considering my answer. 

"I don't know Nat, It's hard to find guys I like. Plus like you've said, dating is difficult, It doesn't hold a candle to the way things used to be done. Guys would woo you and there would be the flirting, the anticipation. I don't really want to go out and sleep with some jerk guy just to get some pleasure." I glance over and notice some of the guys are pretending to not be listening to our conversation. 

I jerk my head in there direction and Nat notices too, we grin at each other before I clear my throat and speak a little clearer. "Although I've got to admit Nat, with the advances of technology who even needs a man these days?" 

She smothers a laugh, her eyes twinkling "Well I suppose you're right Kat, why get a guy to do it when you can do it better yourself" 

The squeak of a shoe echoes through the room before a thud and coughing sounds surround us. We both shoot into sitting positions and look over at the men, Steve is sat on the floor next to a swinging boxing bag looking dazed. Tony seems to be transfixed on a set of weights and Thor is sat on a bench red faced. Loki is running steadily on a treadmill but he has a small smile on his face.

I glance at Nat and she looks like she's barely holding herself together but nods at me to continue. "You know I heard you don't even need that, some women choose other women over men because..." 

My sentence is cut off by Thor, Tony and Steve all jumping up and walking out of the room all mumbling about having other things to do. Nat and I burst out laughing at them only simmering down as Loki slows on the treadmill and walks over to us. 

"My father always did say women were troublesome when left together" He grins at us. "Lovely trick ladies" 

With that he bows his head at us and strolls out of the room casually with his hands behind his back. 

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