Chapter 13

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I get back to the lounge to see that everyone has got comfortable while waiting for me. A thought passes in my head, making me pause. 

"Guys? Hate to be that person but I don't think you're all going to be able to sleep properly if there is eight of us and only 4 couches" 

They all either frown or grimace at the revelation.

Loki clears his throat but keeps his eyes away from the others. "I think I might be able to help with that if we can move the couches back some" 

Everyone gets up and helps move them back a few steps leaving a decent sized empty space in the centre. Loki stands at the edge of the space before waving his had, a green mist shimmers across the empty area but when it dissipates it's filled with numerous blankets and pillows. More than enough for everyone to be comfortable. 

The guys soon pile in, thanking Loki before arguing over spots better to see the TV. I giggle at them all and shake my head. Not an hour ago was there explosions in the building but everyone is making the best of it. 

I go and sit down next to Thor leaning up against one of the chairs, he offers me some of the popcorn he has open and we share it as the film starts. Halfway through I have my head onto his shoulder and his head is resting against mine, a few people have already fallen asleep. 

"Are you feeling alright after earlier?" He whispers to me, careful not to wake anyone.

"I'm doing okay, how are you feeling?" I respond, keeping my voice quiet too. 

"I'm well. A lot of excitement for one day. You should try and get some sleep." 

I hum at him, lifting off his shoulder I stretch my arms above my head and let out a yawn. I look across the room and it looks like everyone else is asleep too. 

"I will soon, you should too." I move away from him slightly and shift into a cat and sitting next to him. He scratches my head lightly and then shimmies his way down into his blankets, lying back with a sigh. 

"Goodnight Kit" He says through a yawn, soft snoring following shortly after. 

I jump up onto the chair behind me and sit watching the TV for a little while before looking over everyone again, with the mess of limbs and soft snores I was grateful that I could make myself so small and find a comfortable spot out of the way. 

My eyes catch on Loki who had forgone the group and chose to sleep on one of the couches. He was facing outwards but most of his face was hidden behind his blanket. With one arm tucked under his pillow his other had slipped out of the blanket, his hand hanging just off the edge of the seat. 

I'm not sure what makes me move but I stand and walk across the chair, jumping down I weave through legs and arms until I'm stood by hid dangling hand. Maybe it was the though of him being left out, even if he had done it himself or perhaps it was me, needing some form of contact from our earlier activities. 

I nudge his hand with my head a couple of times before he groans and pulls it back, his eyes open sleepily and he looks down at me. 

"Kathy? What's wrong?" I shake my head in before putting my front paws on the edge of the seat. 

There is confusion on his face before understanding takes over, he shuffles back slightly, moving the blanket with him and pats the space in front of him. I jump up next to him curling around myself trying to get comfortable before stopping when I notice him still watching me, my tail flicking lightly. 

I lean my head close to his, licking his cheek before I settle myself against his body, my head by his chest. 

He drapes the blanket over me, his hand dropping onto me and his thumb rubbing slowly between my ears. 

I begin to purr as the sensation makes me slowly sink into sleep.

"Goodnight, Love" he whispers, his thumb never pausing.


I wake up in the morning to the grumbles of the team. Opening my eyes I find my view is partially blocked by the blanket covering me but I can see that almost everyone is awake and sitting up on the couches, except for Thor who is still lightly snoring and cuddling a pillow. The smell of coffee reaches me as Clint walks in with a steaming cups on a tray.

You turn my head to face Loki when I feel his hand brush down my back and see him looking down at me with a small smile. 

"I didn't want to move and risk waking you little one. You were awake later than everyone last night" I make a noise at him and close my eyes again snuggling back up to him enjoying the warmth and comfort, more then happy to go back to sleep. 

"Wait is Kit lying with you? I thought she had been squeezed to death between Thor and his pillow" I hear Tony say. 

I feel Loki nod and move the blanket back a little so everyone can see me lying there as proof. I  yowl at him as he moves the blanket further back letting out all the heat, sending him a glare as he ignores it and starts moving to sit up. 

I jump away from him and walk over to Nat, leaning up her leg, she leans down and rubs my head but doesn't let me jump on her. "Sorry Kathy but everyone else is awake"

I turn back to Loki and glare at him while shift back into my human form. I stomp over to him snatching the blanket from off his lap and curling up under it on the other side of his couch. 

A few quiet laughs sound at my dramatics, waking Thor up in the process. He pushes the pillow away and looks around at everyone while sitting up and letting his body fall back against one of the chairs. "What is everyone laughing at?"

"Loki woke Kathy up and wouldn't let her go back to sleep" Tony says while snickering at the glare I send him. 

Thor's eyes flick between Loki and I before he lets out a heavy sigh, dropping his head backwards. "They were getting along so well" He seems to just speak to the universe itself. 

"I don't really see what the big deal is" Loki states, looking at his brother. 

 "You've been here for nearly a month now. Have you ever seen any of us wake her up unless it was necessary?" He grumbles, not moving his head. 

"She's going to be pissed all day now" Tony sighs before a pillow flies into his face.

Loki looks back at me but I'm already glaring daggers at him, his eyebrow raises as he surveys me. 

"You can't honestly be that upset about being woken up?" 

Without warning a pillow goes flying towards his face but he manages to catch it before it can hit him but his body tenses.

He lets the pillow drop to the floor and waves a hand over his lap, a tray filled with pastries, bacon and eggs, juice and a cup of tea appears. He lifts it up and holds it out to me in the space between us. 

I look at him suspiciously for a moment, looking over the tray quickly before moving into sitting up and tentatively taking the tray from him. He seems to relax as I start eating quietly.

Looking up, I notice everyone looking at me, clearly having watched the interaction and waiting for some sort of response from me. I skim your eyes over each of them before letting them land on Loki, holing his eye for a minute I don't move until I let a small smile tug at my lips. 

Loki smiles back before waving his arm again, everyone receiving their own tray off food. Nat catches my eye and sends me a suspicious smirk, I cock my head at her but she just looks down at her food and continues eating. 

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