Chapter 26

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It was quiet in the room while I had been recalling everything that had happened the past three weeks to them. 

Everything from waking up and speaking to that man all the way through to the torture I had endured at the hands of Eliza. I left out a few of the details, making sure to keep quiet about Loki's mark. After his reaction to it, I thought it might be best kept between us for now. 

I was just finishing telling them about when I blacked out and met the Mother. 

"So she unlocked some hidden power within me. When I woke up it looked like no time had  passed, my body healed, I broke out of the restraints, snapped the guards neck, delivered the message to Eliza and then killed her." 

I pause trying to make sure I hadn't left anything out.

"Then I left the room and found Loki" I shrug at them like it was nothing, picking up the last of my food and eating it. Truth was, while the torture had been awful, when it came down to the last moment there, it was easy to do with the power I now had surging through my body. 

"I think we need to get a look at your new powers to understand the extent of them. Tomorrow I want you to rest but the day after we need to train. I need to call Fury and make him aware of the situation." Steve says while standing.

"Now hang on a moment, Captain." Loki stands up and moves in front of me protectively, I glance over to Thor as he stands to face his brother.

"Loki, what are you doing?" Thor asks him but Loki just waves his hand at him dismissively, never taking his eye of Steve.

"I understand you have a duty but if Kathy really does hold as much power as she claims, do you really think Shield wouldn't see her as a threat and just throw her a cell?" His voice is calm but there is an edge to his question.

"Fury wont do that Loki" I peak my head around Loki and look at Steve frowning at him. "Just because he locked you in a cell doesn't mean he will do the same to her." 

"Are you certain about that?" I can feel the anger radiating off him now. "I understand why I was put in a cell, I behaved like a monster but I will not let them lock her up when she has done nothing wrong." 

I reach a hand towards his, wanting to give him some support but I pause as Tony speaks.

"He has a point, Rogers" A few of us look at Tony shocked. 

"What?" Loki asks him, just as surprised as the rest of us. Tony just shrugs before looking at Steve.

"The cell they put him in was originally intended to put Banner in because of the Hulk, the government has wanted my tech more times than I care to count, they wanted to kill Nat but Clint decided not to and I mean if we are really honest about it, they wanted to use the tesseract to make weapons of mass destruction. Shield may not be the bad guys but they aren't always the good guys either."

Everyone looked back over to Steve, I could see the frustration on his face after Loki and Tony had ganged up on him. 

"Fine, I'll tell Fury she's back and safe but I wont tell him about Kathy's power boost until we know more about it." He looks over to me then "I'm glad you're back and safe" With that he left the room. 

Loki sat back down next to me, taking my hand back in his. "Do not worry Love, I'll keep you safe." 

I smirked at him then "I don't need protecting Lo. I'm more than capable now" 

Before he had a chance to reply Nat spoke up. "I can't believe you just agreed with Loki, Tony"

Tony smiles at her. "Tell me I'm wrong? As much as I don't like him half the time, I have to agree with him. If that upsets anyone then tough"

"I don't think any of us disagree with you" She responds quietly. Everyone nods in agreement. 

We all chat for a little longer and they tell you about what happened when you were taken. It's not long before the sun goes down and tiredness finally pulls at me. Everyone says goodnight and splits off, Thor, Loki and I walk down the hallway to our rooms. 

"I haven't forgotten about you two sleeping on the couch together, I can see there is something going on between the two of you. I'd like to know what that is when you are ready." I look at Thor as we all stop outside my door. 

"Actually Thor, we haven't really spoken about that yet" My eyes move between them before settling back on him. "I'm sure we will tell you when we figure it out. Goodnight boys" 

With a little wave of my hand I go into your bedroom and shut the door. I know Loki wanted to talk but I was too tired, the events of the past three weeks weighing on me. 

I undress, stripping everything off before pulling my shirt back on, climbing on the bed I let my body collapse onto it, surrounding myself with the blanket. I start to fall asleep until a knock at the door wakes me up.

"Go away, I'm sleeping" I groan into the pillow. I hear the door open and close quietly, my head lifts slightly as I squint into the darkness, I see Loki stood by the door in pyjama bottoms and a T-shirt, closing my eyes again I let my head fall back into the pillow. 

"Loki, I know you want to talk but I just got back from being kidnapped and I'd really like to sleep." I mumble sarcastically.

"I know that Love, that's why I'm here. If you wouldn't mind I'd like to sleep next to you tonight" I look back up at him. 

"I'm sorry I'm sure you want some time to yourself." He turns and opens the door.

"Wait" He freezes in his actions and looks over his shoulder at me. I shuffle over and pull the blanket back for him. "Stay" 

He shuts the door quietly and moves over to the bed. He takes his shirt off, dropping it to the floor before he slides into the bed next to me. 

He lies on his back, his arm comes around me, pulling me into his side. I rest my head on his shoulder, my body wrapping around him until it's like I'm clinging onto him. 

I feel his lips press into my hair, hovering there for a moment. "You have no idea how much I missed you" 

Placing a kiss onto his chest I snuggle further into him "I missed you too, Loki. Thank you for finding me" 

He kisses your hair again and rests his head against mine. "I will always find you" 

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