Chapter 22

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A week had passed by since our conversation, neither of us had said anything to anyone about what was going on between us, no one had bothered to ask either. Except for Tony, who wanted to know everything. We had decided to keep it to ourselves, give ourselves a chance before others got involved.

Honestly everything had been perfectly normal other than the secret moments Loki and I shared, He had slept in my bed more often than not during the week. I had to admit, I loved spending time with him, he was funny, smart, surprisingly romantic. I still wasn't sure what we were but I'd decided to just go with it. After so much pain in my past it was hard to just let go of the fear of rejection, of being shunned again but he always seemed to know when my head was going down that thought path, quickly distracting me from it. 

Just like he had this morning. I had been lying in bed quietly thinking everything over but he apparently didn't like my silence. It wasn't long before I was making noise again, with his head buried between my thighs. 


"Yes?" Looking up I hadn't realised Steve had been talking to me, to deep in my thoughts. We were all in the jet on our way to a mission and he had going over the plan with everyone, I had zoned out. He looked pissed.

"Did you hear what I said?" 

"Err..." I watch him grow more irritated but heat finds my cheeks as I realise what I was thinking about. 

"Would you mind going over it again?" I smile sheepishly at him.

He sighs while shaking his head. "Hydra have constructed robots to fight for them. We need to shut them down, we take down any robots that try to get to us so we can get into that building. Try and keep your head on"

I nod and sit up in my chair, pushing my earlier thoughts to the back of my mind so you can focus on the upcoming fight. I look over everyone's faces and see they're all relatively calm. My eyes stop on Loki, he's looking at me with a slight smirk on his face and I have to bite my cheek so stop the smile threatening to take over my face. 

"Okay guys we're almost there, are we ready?" Everyone checks their equipment and gets up just as the jet lands. I feel myself and everyone else go into battle mode.

"You know, you really should listen to the Captain when he's telling you something for your own safety." I look over my shoulder and see Loki looking at me seriously.

"I know what I have to do, same thing I always do. Fight the bad guys so we can go home." I wink at him before we all run out of the jet.  

As I get outside I can already see one of these robots running at me. I throw a dagger at it quickly but it continues running as if nothing had happened, the dagger practically bouncing from it, landing on the floor. I let my magic flow around me, flicking a wrist I watch as it comes to a halt before tearing in half. 

I look around and see everyone is putting up a fight already. 

"Guy's be careful with your attacks, they are more durable than they look." I call to them all. Everyone starts using more powerful attacks but I focus back on a couple of robots trying to surround me. 

"We need to get to that building, everyone try to clear a path." I hear Steve's voice say through the Comms. I look ahead at the building and then down to the robots running at us all. I take a breath before sending out a wave, using my magic to take out a few of them at a time as I push forward but more keep coming, surrounding me. 

"This isn't working guys, we aren't making progress and we are going to be exhausted before we get there" Tony calls through my ear. I look up for a second and see him hovering above us all, shooting at the hoard of robots trying to get at us all. I shift my eyes over everyone else and see they are struggling to make ground but I've somehow got ahead of them all, making some distance.

I huff loudly pulsing more power into my attacks. "Any ideas, Stark?" 

"I'm thinking, hang on" I look up again and see robots climbing the building and jumping toward him, a few clinging onto his suit. Using my power I raise a hand, watching as they break them and they fall off him but while I'm distracted one of the robots had got too close to me. I turn back just as something stabs into my thigh. 

I growl at the sudden pain and tear the robot in front of me apart. My vision starts to blur, shaking my head to try and clear it I look down at my thigh. A needle sat there, just hanging out of my leg, I rip it out quickly but it had already been emptied of its contents. 


"Guys we need to go, it's a trap!" I shout, trying to take a few steps back to the jet, I fall to one knee. My body is getting weaker too quickly, I'm fighting to stay awake from the haze threatening to pull me under.

"What? A trap for who?" I fall forward slightly, catching myself with my hands, focusing on the ground. 

"Me." I can feel myself shaking now, my arms suddenly collapse from under me, landing face first in the dirt. I hear shouting from somewhere far away, my eyes drift shut as I can no longer fight the drug flowing around your body.


When I wake up a while later I feel groggy and cold. I struggling to open my eyes against the harsh bright light in the room, I try to lift my hand up to shield them but I can't move them. 

Looking down to my arms I see metal cuffs around my wrists, held down to the metal slab I'm lying on. A door opening across the room catches my attention, swinging my head I look into the eyes of the man walking into the room.

He's tall and in a suit, his sort hair was pushed back, like his hands had been running through it, his dark eyes scrutinised me.

"Ah I see you're awake. I'm sure you have questions so let me give you all the information I'm willing to give you." He paused as he stops next to me.

"You have been captured, you are in a Hydra facility, the Avengers aren't going to find you here and you aren't going to escape." He finishes with a smile.

"What do you want from me?" I growl at him. My fingers flex against my palm, trying to tap into my power but when nothing happens I'm caught off guard. 

I look down at my hands again. "What have you done to me?" 

His smile grows into a wide toothy grin, he moves closer and leans down so his face is right next to my. 

"You can't access your magic here unless we let you. You're here so we can see just how much power you're hiding in that body of yours." 

"What are you talk about? I've never hid my power" I spit at him.

"I want to see exactly how much power you have, even if you've forgotten about it. When we have found out everything there is to know about your limits" He pauses and runs a finger across my cheek before his grin seems to grow again. "I'm going to siphon everything you have." 

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