Chapter 25

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In the jet on the way home, everyone kept asking questions but I told them all I would explain after you were home. I was in desperate need of a shower and needed a real meal in front of me as soon as possible. 

I could see some people wanted to disagree but they understood. When we landed back at the compound I couldn't help but smile at the sight of being back home. 

Loki hadn't left my side since we found each other in the corridor. He stopped everyone from following us as he walked me up to my room and stopping outside of my door.

"I want you to know, I'm sorry I couldn't save you before they took you. I tried to fight through them, we all did but..." I put a finger to his lips to quiet him.

"Loki, do not feel guilty, there was nothing that could have been done. In a way I'm glad I had to endure the past three weeks, I know that sounds confusing right now but it will make sense when I explain everything." I move my finger away and he looks over me with his brow furrowed.

 "Now I'm going to shower, If you plan on waiting for me then you may as well come in and sit down while you wait." 

I turn my back to him and walk into the room, smiling to myself when he follows. 

Silly god.

He sits on the edge of the bed while I go over to my drawers, taking out fresh underwear. Going over to my wardrobe I just pick up the first things I can get my hands on. 

I walk into the bathroom and hear the TV turn on as I shut the door. 

Peeling the clothes of my body and stepping into the shower I let out a hiss when the warm water hits my stomach. Looking down at it I see the branding that Eliza had given me, it was still blistered over, even with my power working to try and heal it. 

I couldn't really make out what it was over the blistering but it was shaped like an S. I decide I will ask Loki about it when I finish showering but for now I just wanted to get the past three weeks of my skin.

After spending far too long trying to get clean and combing the knots out of my hair I exit the shower, drying off and putting on my clothes. I stand in a pair of jogger shorts and sports bra when I crack the door open.

"Loki, I need your help with something" I call out, tilting my head to the side to towel dry my hair. 

"What do you need?" The seriousness in his voice catches me off guard and I turn seeing him in the just inside doorway. 

"Jesus Loki!" I push his chest lightly for him to step back a bit, he takes a single step back before I continue. 

"Before I found you in that hallway I was being tortured, by another witch. Before I killed her she spoke about you, about us, told me I wouldn't see you again. Then she gave me this" I gesture down to my stomach where the blister was. Loki looks at it for a moment before crouching down to get a better look. 

"Did she say what it was?" He puts his hand next to the burn, looking at the shape of it. 

I can feel the hum of his magic when he touches my skin, an instinct rises within me before it takes over. 

Taking his hand off me I hold my palm to the back of his hand, weaving our fingers together before holding his palm flat against the burn, our hands covering it. 

"What are you doing Kathy? You're going to hurt yourself" His body is stiff as he looks up at me, pleadingly but he doesn't move.

"Loki, I need you to trust me. Do you trust me?" I look him dead in the eye and he nods at me. 

"I need you to use your magic with mine. I don't know how but I know this is going to help." 

My fingers flex against his, my magic flowing around our joined hands, Loki watches my eyes for a moment before looking down at our hands. 

He flexes his fingers and I watch as his magic shimmers to life around yours. The green and purple glow of our power seems to caress each other before slipping below our hands. 

I breathe easier feeling the discomfort of the blisters going away underneath his hand. 

We pull away after a minute but he doesn't let go of my hand as he stares at my abdomen, I follow his gave and look down to the burn. 

It looks more like a tattoo now than the scar it should be, two snakes twisting around each other, it was infused with magic, giving it a constant shimmer of gold and green.

"Why exactly did she say to you?" Loki demanded, I'm taken aback as he shoots to his feet, his hand drops mine as he watching me. 

"She said she wanted to give me something to remember you by... What does it mean?" 

"It an old insignia of mine. Very old. Now it is branded onto your skin for life" He starts pacing back and forth, his hands run through his hair as he is try to contain his anger but I can see it's slowly slipping.

"Why are you so angry about this?" I ask him quietly.

He stops pacing in front of me and stares at me it disbelief. 

"How are you not angry? You have had my markings put on your skin, you've infused it with our magics so there is no chance of it ever going away. You've basically been tagged as mine now. Do you have any idea how dangerous that could be?!" He finishes on a growl.

I step up to him, unbothered by his temper. "I didn't know what it was Loki and even if I had, how is it any different from people knowing how much time we spend together?"

Hi voice lowers as he looks down at me, his frown deepening. "You don't understand, this is dangerous. The enemies I have, what they would do to hurt me"

I rest my hand against his cheek. "I know you are concerned for me but I can take care of myself Loki, I'm not scared of your enemies and for what it's worth, I'm not scared of being called yours either."

I smile at him softly before backing away and picking up a shirt. "I need to eat and tell the others what has happened. Come on, we can talk about this later." 

I put your shirt on and he takes my hand, silently leading me from my room to the lounge where everyone is waiting. He sits me down on a couch and wraps a blanket around my shoulders, sitting down next to me he picks up my hand again and holds it close to him.

We will be continuing that conversation later but for now, while we are here you are not leaving my side.

Nodding at him I sigh as I look over everyone else "I guess it's story time then."

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