Chapter 15

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After a while I drag Loki from my room, we make our way down to the kitchen, making sandwiches for lunch we sit and eat quietly together before he breaks the silence. "Thank you Kathy. No one has ever bothered to help me or really understood the way I felt before" 

I smile at him. "Well I'm not just a pretty face you know. I've walked this planet for long enough  to know how it feels to be rejected. I know your pain, I've lived through it. It takes time but you'll be okay, even I'm still learning how to open back up." I smile down at my plate, thinking of Nat. "Although I was recently told I should trust my feelings more"

"Maybe we both could use a bit of that" He admits. The silence comes back as we both descend into our own thoughts. We clean up after lunch and I decide it might be better to leave him with his thoughts for a while. 

"I'll be in the training room if you need me Loki" He takes my hand to protest but I shake my head at him before he can speak. "Stay here, read a book or something, settle your mind. I'm not far away and I'll be back in an and hour or so" 

"Alright Love, I'll be here" He pulls me in to him though, one of his arms wrapping around my waist, the other under my chin, tilting my head up to his. Our lips connect and he gives me one of the softest kisses I've ever had. He lets go after only a second and moved into the living room sitting down and opening one of his books. I can't help the blush that comes to my cheeks as I leave the room.


An hour later I've had a good work out and decide I want to have some fun instead. Moving some of the equipment out of the way I take of your trainers and stretch out my muscles. "Jarvis, could you play my dance mix in the training room" 

"Of course Miss Kathy" Music fills the room and I feel the rhythm take control of my body. The first song is slow and steady, I move around the room, my steps a perfect waltz, enjoying the pace and spinning. The next song comes on and it's a more sensual song. My waltzing comes to an end but my hips start rocking back and forth.

Hands softly rest on my hips, making me jump. I look over my shoulder and see Loki standing there with an amused look. "What exactly are you doing?"

"I'm dancing in a more modern fashion. You should give it a try" I say with a wink.

"All you're doing is moving your hips." He questions, his hands are still on me but he just stands there watching me.

"It's supposed to be intimate. Here let me show you" 

I weave my fingers into his, keeping them on my hips and back into him so our bodies are pressed together.  I slowly swinging my hips, making him move with me. "Now relax your legs, let your body take over and just move with the sound." He listens to me, relaxing his body. Soon we are both rocking our hips back and forth. 

"Good, you're picking it up quickly" I smile over my shoulder at him. I show him some other moves, dipping and grinding. A small smile hits me as he move his hands, tracing the edges of my body. I let one of his hands go and hook it around his neck, his hand goes around my waist, pulling tugging me closer into him. 

"You're a natural, Loki" I say a little breathlessly.

"I'm beginning to understand why you enjoy this type of dance." He murmurs in my ear before planting a soft kiss just below it. He spins me around and pulls me back into him so we are chest to chest. "Now before you fully distract me, I actually came here to talk to you about something" 

I can see his eyes are guarded, not letting whatever he is thinking through the barriers . I nod and speak into the room "Jarvis turn off the music" 

The music stops as he leads us out of the room and back to the lounge. We both sit down and face each other. "What's wrong?" I look at him concerned.

"There is a few things I would like to discuss with you about our conversation earlier." He looks over to me and hesitates before I nod for him to carry on.

"For starters I want to say thank you again for helping me earlier. Although you already know my story" I give him a small smile but stay quiet, letting him talk. 

"I want to get to know you better and I want you to get to know me too, not just from what you've heard but I would like you to know the real me, the small things" I see it then, the vulnerability in his eyes and the sincerity ringing out in his words.

Resting my hand on his cheek, I smile softly at him. "I would like that too, Loki"

He moves his head to kiss the palm of my hand. "I also wanted to ask, why you decided to sleep next to me last night?" 

I'm caught off guard by the question and I just stare at him for a moment, trying to figure out the words 

"Oh, well... I guess I saw you lying there by yourself when everyone else was together and I didn't want you to be alone, I wanted to keep you company." I clear my throat before continuing quietly. 

"I guess I also wanted to be close to you after last night" I feel heat creep up my cheeks as my thoughts go back to the showers. His eyes seem to glow as a seductive smile creeps onto his face.

"Oh yes, you must be feeling rather frustrated after our interruption." He leans in to me, his lips close to mine as he whispers teasingly. "I've noticed that I'm the only one initiating our encounters. Perhaps we should see how long it will take for you to come to me" 

"Do you really want to play that game, Loki?" I raise an eyebrow at him, he responds with a wicked smile.

"I'm not called the God of Mischief for nothing." 

I stand up and brush of my trousers. "Very well, lets see who caves first"

 With that I turn and walk off. towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?" He laughs after me.

"I'm going to finish cleaning my room and put a new door up. Then I'll sort out dinner for us both. Keep yourself occupied, God of Mischief"

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