Chapter 18

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I wake up hearing voices arguing around me but I'm unable to move or open my eyes so I'm stuck just listening to them.

"What I don't understand is why she never told any of us about this but somehow you seemed to know all about it" 


"She didn't want to tell anyone because this was the consequence of her doing it. She was only trying to protecting herself." A soft reply comes. 


"That doesn't answer the entire question brother. How come you know about this and we don't?"


I don't hear anything else as I'm pulled back into a dreamless sleep. 


I wake up again feeling someone squeezing my hand, I try my hardest to do anything but I'm still unable to move or open my eyes.

"Come on Kath, I need you to wake up now. We need you. Everyone is losing their minds worrying." 

Nat... Open your eyes dammit. 

I start to get frustrated but I listen to her voice. "Thor threw Tony of the balcony yesterday, you know what Tony was like so he kind of deserved it." She laughs lightly.

"Loki has barely left your side, I finally managed to kick him out to take a shower" She continues but I fall back darkness.


The next time I wake I hear him, his voice is soft as he reads. 

"There is neither happiness nor unhappiness in this world, there is only the comparison of one state with another. Only a man who has felt ultimate despair is capable of feeling ultimate bliss. It is necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live." 

He pauses and everything in my fights against the darkness threatening to pull me back under. 

"The sum of all human wisdom will be contained in these two words. Wait and Hope." 


I wake again and everything is quiet, I test my eyes and they crack open, Blinking a few times in the low light I look around the room finding that I'm alone in the med bay. I slowly pull myself up into a sitting position, I swing my legs over the bed and let them hang for a moment. Seeing the water on the side next to me I'm suddenly aware of how thirsty I am, picking it up and greedily drink it all. 

Feeling somewhat restored I decide to try and stand, Lowering myself to the ground I keep a hold on the bed while testing my strength. After taking a few small steps around the bed I decide I can walk fine, maybe just slowly. I hold onto the walls as I stumble from the med bay, I walk past the training room and see it empty, going into the lounge I see it's dark outside.

No wonder no one is around, they must all be in bed.

I begin to feel tired so I stumble over to one of the couches facing the window to sit down, I stay there listening to the quiet and watch the sun slowly rise. 

"Kathy?" Turning my head you see Steve stood at the end of the couch looking at me. 

"Hey" I pat the spot next to me and he sits down gently "How long was I out for?" 

"You've been asleep for 3 days. I should go and wake up the others, they will want to know you are ok." He starts to stand but I put hand on his arm to stop him.

"I heard bits of conversations. Tony is mad at me." I take a deep breath "I know I shouldn't of kept it a secret but I didn't want to put myself in danger" 

He puts an arm around my shoulders and I lean into him. We aren't the closest but it was nice to have some comfort. "No one is mad at you, we have all been worried. You had your reasons and no one is going to ask you to use that power. I understand sometimes it's better to keep things to ourselves, probably more than you realise." 

I chuckle at the thought of him keeping some major secrets. Steve gives me a small squeeze and stands up, wrapping a blanket around me before he goes to wake up everyone else. I sit there for a few minutes enjoying the last of the quiet before everyone runs in. 

Soon enough I'm surrounded by Nat, Clint and Bruce all asking if I'm alright. They all back off as Tony comes in and stares at me. "Tony I..." 

"Don't. I'm talking and you're listening." My mouth snaps shut at his tone. 

"I don't care if you keep secrets from shield, we all have our own secrets to keep." He crouches down in front of me and holds one of my hands. "But we are a family. You put yourself in danger out there to save one of our own. I'm not mad at you but please, don't put yourself in that position again." I nod at him and he leans forward, hugging me tightly I bury my head in his neck until he lets go. 

Thor comes in next and wraps his arms around me. "I'm sorry little one, if I hadn't got hurt you wouldn't have been sleeping for the past few days" I can hear the emotion in his voice as he holds me. 

I push him back enough to look him in the eyes. "Do not feel guilty for getting hurt. You are my best friend and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Plus when I feel better I'm going to kick your ass" We laugh together as I look over everyone. "Where is Loki?" 

"I'm here" I strain to look over the back of the couch and see him walking towards me, his eyes are guarded, his face a perfect mask hiding his emotions. This isn't the same Loki I've spent time with. He comes around and stops when he is in front of me, his eyes scan over me quickly. 

"Thank you for saving my brothers life Kathy but please do not put yourself in that kind of danger again" He inclines his head to me politely and then leaves the room. 

What the hell is wrong with him? 

I look at Thor but he's just shaking his head at Loki's back.

Bruce checks me over and decides I just need more rest so they all make me stay on the couch for the day. There was always someone there to keep me company, we all ate together in the lounge for every meal that day. 

I only saw Loki a few more times throughout the day but he never said anything more to me, barely even looked my way. 

Night fell quickly, When my eyes got heavy Thor helped me lie down, putting my head in his lap he stroked through my hair while I watched TV. 

"Do you want me to help you to your room?" Thor offered. 

"No, I just want to stay here" I mumble sleepily. 

"Very well" He smiles down at me.

Everyone left shortly after, bidding Thor and I goodnight. 

"Hey Thor?" He looks down at me. "What's wrong with Loki?"

He sighs "Honestly I am not sure. While you were asleep he defended you, watched over you, I even caught him reading to you a couple of times while you were sleeping. This morning it was like he was different. My brother likes to hide his emotions and play games. I'm not sure what is happening between the two of you but just be patient with him Little one. He does not know how to show his feelings around others." 

I nod at Thor and soon fall asleep, thinking about his words.

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