Chapter 5

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The next morning I wake up and look at my phone checking the time, 10am, I had slept in later than usual. I sigh and lie back, recalling the events from yesterday. A smile makes its way to my face while remembering the way I'd kicked Loki's ass and the evening that followed. 

"Fine, I Yield!" At that everyone cheered as I got off Loki and stood up.  Thor went over to Loki and offered him a hand up but Loki just ignored him, getting himself up. I watched amused as he stalked toward me, getting in my face as he snarled "This isn't over" 

He paused to glare at me for a moment longer then continued to storm out of the room. I waved my fingers at his back as he left the room with a grin plastered to my face. 

After that everyone but Loki went back to the lounge and settled down, falling into comfortable chatter and laughter. Tony had ordered pizza for everyone and we all dug in. After a short while Thor decided to take some up to Loki, he clearly wasn't making an appearance tonight after getting his ass handed to him.

Thor returned with a frown and huffed as he let himself drop onto the couch next to me. Everyone else was too occupied with the conversations they were holding to notice. I had asked if he was okay. "Don't worry little Kitten, Loki is just in a poor mood after your little fight this afternoon. He's not used to losing when it comes to his magic. On Asgard he is the most powerful, with the exception of our Mother that is" he added with a smile. "I'm sure he will be fine after he comes to terms with it"

My stomach grumbling brought me back to reality, reminding me that I was late for breakfast. Getting up and throwing on some bed shorts and a baggy shirt that originally belonged to Thor I made my way to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and doing my business I leave my room and make for the kitchen.

"Finally you're awake! We've been waiting for you." Tony yells as me as I walk through the lounge into the kitchen. Looking around the room I take everyone in, Loki is sat on one of the couches reading a book and looking disinterested, everyone else is either sitting or standing near the dining table, dressed and looking like they're going out. 

I eye Tony suspiciously "It's Sunday Tony, where exactly are we going?" 

"I'm glad you asked Kit. You and Reindeer games over there aren't going anywhere." He starts, pointing over at Loki. I frown and turn back to him, opening my mouth to question him but he continues before I can say anything "You two are staying here to babysit each other while we all go and visit Fury to catch him up and debrief Thor"

"What?!" "You can't be serious" Loki and I say at the same time, making us frown at each other.

"Stark, are you sure this is a good idea?" Thor asks. 

"Of course it is, see they're already agreeing with each other. They'll be friends in no time!" I turn back to Tony with a flame in your eye 

"I never said I'd be your babysitter Stark, this isn't what I signed up for" I spit at him. Shoving past everyone I go into the kitchen and make yourself a quick sandwich. I had to eat something, I didn't want to talk anymore.

Tony walks over while everyone files out of the room mumbling goodbyes. He leans against the counter next to me looking out to the room behind me "Look Kit, we've got to go, I know it's not ideal"  

I turn my head to him "No it's not ideal, I didn't stay here so I could play babysitter Tony. I don't see why he can't stay here by himself?" 

He lets out a sigh, pushing off the counter and standing up straight. 

"Just try not to kill each other okay? I'll make it up to you." I ignore him, turning my eyes  forward and taking a bite of the sandwich. 

He sighs at me once more, putting his hand on my shoulder and giving it a small squeeze. "See you later" With that he and everyone else leaves. 

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