Chapter 23

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A day after I had woken up I was introduced to another girl they had here. Eliza was another witch but she was working with Hydra. She didn't have as much power as I apparently had though, even I could feel she was weaker, that's why they wanted me instead of her.

At first she had appeared as a friend, helping clean me up and feed me, she had spoken with me, trying to convince me to just give them what they wanted. She had soon changed when I had told her I didn't know what it was they were expecting me to do. 

By the time the second week had began they had injected a chip into me, it was a precaution for if I tried attacking them, it would electrocute me until I passed out, it only took me one attempt to decide I wasn't going to do that again. 

Since then they had dragged me from my cell to this room, I was strapped down to a wooden chair, leaving me with Eliza each day. 

I'd been here for a little over three weeks now, my body was drained and part of me just wanted to give in. Eliza had been torturing me at all hours, I barely had time to rest before she would come back and start it all over again, in some attempt at getting me to reveal a hidden power. 


"Come on, witch! There is more power in you, I feel it. Stop trying to hide it from me!" Eliza screamed at me again.  

I sat there irritated and looked up at her seething over me once again. "You know you're going to end up giving yourself a heart attack with all that anger. I don't know what you want from me, I've shown you everything I can do. You've clearly ran out of techniques, I don't understand what you people are expecting to happen" 

I watch as her face changes from the rage she had been holding onto, instead her face spreads into a sinister smile.

"There is one thing we haven't tried, witch." She turns around and walks over to a guard.

I swear if she calls me witch again I'm going to snap her neck.

She turns and walks back over to me, far to calmly to what I'm used to from her. She moves her arm from behind her and shows a small dagger, twisting the tip of it against a finger. 

"I heard a tale once" she starts circling me. 

"about a witch who was opened up by a group of savages who wanted to use her magic for there own gains. Now I'm not sure about gaining that power but surely, being close to death would bring out anything hidden." 

Her free hand comes up and pushes my shoulder against the chair to hold me still but my eyes stay on the dagger as she puts the tip at the crook of my elbow. 

"I suppose in this situation, I'm the savage one but don't worry dear, I don't want your power, I want to help you find your own." She doesn't waste another moment as she pulls the dagger along my arm, stopping at my wrist.

I let out a scream at the pain, watching as the blood raised slowly before changing into a steady stream flowing over my arm. 

She reaches for my other arm and holds the dagger in the same position, watching me for a moment before slicing down the other one, making me scream out again. 

"Come on Katherine, show me your power" She says in my ear. 

I open my mouth to plead with her but the pain has my voice caught in my throat. I look down at my arms again, watching my blood drip from my arms.

"Why don't we talk about that God you've been hanging around with. Loki, was it? Did you know you call for him while you sleep? Shame he wont get to see you again." She puts her face in front of mine so I can see the smile on her face. 

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