Chapter 7

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A few days pass by steadily, just the usual training with Nat and Cap to perfect my fighting style, although I'd never tell them that I could quickly subdue any of them, it was more fun when they looked shocked. Still it was better to have the practise, no point in getting sloppy. The only person excluded from it was Bruce. Couldn't risk him going Hulk on you all if he got pissed off. 

Other than that we all just hung out, Tony and Bruce tinkered in the lab, Thor and I did some magic training and even got Loki to join in a couple of times but most of the time he was more interested in reading.

It felt like there was a semblance of calm, everything seemed to be going so well until this morning.

I was sat on a Yoga mat, out of the way near the windows, meditating and honing your third eye. I have been trying to practice seeing my surrounding with my third eye, at the moment I could barely make out the shapes of furniture surrounding me. It could come in handy if I perfected it, you never know when you might be blind on a mission. But it not likely to happen when Stark keeps throwing balls of paper at me, to see if I have figured it out yet. He's the only person in the room who wont leave me alone.

Another one hits your chest making my eyebrow twitch "Tony stop it, you're pissing her off" I hear Nat say "She's going to punch you if you carry on." 

"I'm just trying to help her" he responds, throwing another paper ball at me. 

I take a deep breath and stop meditating, opening my eyes I look over at Tony who has his feet propped up on the table, leaning back  and balancing on the back legs of a dining chair. I figure he deserves a piece of his own medicine so I launch a pillow at him using my telekinesis. Which had enough force behind it that he falls backwards and lands on the floor. 

"Oops" I smile innocently as everyone else bursts out laughing, even Loki lets out a chuckle.

"You did that on purpose!" Tony shouts across the room, he gets of the floor picking up the pillow and stalks towards me, raising it above his head just as Cap walks in a snatches the pillow from him. 

"Sorry guys but play times over. We've got a mission so everyone suit up. That includes you Loki, time to start helping out. I want everyone but Bruce on the Quinjet in 5 minutes" 

Jokes and training forgotten we all spring into action and run to get changed. In less than 5 minutes we are all piling into the jet. 

As the jet takes off Cap starts going through the plan. "Okay guys we've got intel that a big group of HYDRA trying to get at some SHEILD tech, we want to keep this contained that's why we don't have Bruce on this one. We're going to be heading to the building to make sure it's secure before they even know we are there. Nat, you're with me, we're going to go in through the east side doors. Tony and Thor I want you on the west and we will meet in the middle. Hawk, stay on the roof and keep us on our toes, we don't want anymore of them coming through our defences if we can help it. Kit and Loki I want you on the ground, take out as many of them as you can. If you get overwhelmed call us through comms and we will provide back up"

We all nod at Cap and get ready to leave the jet. "Stay alive kids and dinners on me" Stark quips as his helmet comes down over his face. I let my power rise and watch as the purple mist slithers around my hands.

Everyone jumps into action as soon as the doors to the Jet open, we all get into position and hold as we wait for the fighting to begin. Loki and I run together to clear out the space in front of the building giving a perimeter for everyone else to do their tasks. 

"Hey, Loki. I bet I can take more out than you" I call over to him while blasting people away with an energy field.

"Do you really have to play this game every time we go on a mission Kathy?" Cap buts in.

"Oh, now that sounds like my kind game, very well, you can't be mad when you lose though" He laughs, ignoring Cap's comment, as he summons more daggers throwing them at the people trying to rush at him.

"Bring it on, Pretty boy" I laugh back. Noticing him falter at my words it gives me the chance to take out a couple of guys on his side, giving me the lead.

"You guys a weirder than I am. No flirting on the battlefield please, I don't want to throw up in this suit" Stark chimes in.

Loki grabs the back of my collar and pulls me into him, my back hitting his chest "I think that's called cheating, Little Kit" He says as I watch a bullet fly past where my head just was. 

I look at the shooter and scowl, throwing a dagger at him. I watch him drop as two different coloured daggers land in his chest. Looking up at Loki I see him scowling in the direction I had just fired. 

Looks like the guy's double dead.

"Guys we've got incoming!" Hawkeye's voice rings in my ear, snapping both of us out of the moment and back into the action. 

What feels like an hour later Loki and I have taken out most of the HYDRA agents with a little help from Clint. "Cap how are we looking in there? We are almost clear out here" I ask him, wanting an update. 

"We've just finished clearing inside guys. Finish up out there and we can head home as soon as Shield get here." 

"Ok Cap, we're on it. Hey Loki, you want to finish this with a flare?" Putting your arms down and turning to face him a few meters away. I watch as he takes out two more agents then straightens and faces me with a polite smile.

"Of course, I'm bored of them now." He walks toward me, stopping to face the last of the agents when he reaches my side. "What's the plan?" 

"Just get your daggers ready" My eyes glow bright violet, as you summon up a massive amount of power, freezing and pulling every agent still on the battlefield toward us both, Loki takes them all out with dagger throws. We make quick work of it together.

"Well I guess we can just call this one a draw" I smile at him, taking a seat on the ground, tired after the power drain. He shakes his head with a smile and brushes off some dirt that got onto his sleeve.

"Cap we're all clear out" Clint says as I land on the ground. "And those two make scary a good team"

I laugh at his comment while watching Shield vehicles arrive.


That evening everyone is in the lounge sat around relaxing and laughing after coming back from the mission. Tony made good on his word and brought us all Chinese food. You, Thor and Loki are all sat on a couch together, Nat and Clint are sat on one and Bruce and Cap are sat on another while Tony walks around you all.

Clint is talking to everyone about how you and Loki took out the HYDRA agents.

"I'm serious you guys, one minute they look like they are surrounded. The next minute it's an empty field and Kathy is sat on her ass laughing like a crazy person. I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of those two"

"Oh calm down Legolas, Kit and Reindeer games? I think you hit your head and started imagining things" Tony piped up.

"What would you know Shell head? You weren't there"

I look over at Loki with a smile while Tony and Clint keep arguing "Actually we did make a pretty good team out there. We should train together sometime, without trying to kill each other"

He smiles back at me "Of course, my Lady. Anytime."

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