Chapter 1

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The soft ding of the elevator woke me from my nap. 

Now what? I think to myself. Everyone is supposed to be out

As a witch I had many talents, telekinesis, accelerated healing, shape shifting and summoning. Shape shifting was one of my favourite things. I enjoyed being many animals when the need required it but I preferred being a cat to any other. It was easier to get around without getting unwanted attention. Plus 'cat naps' were a blessing. That's how I had acquired the nickname Kitten and all it's variants, Little Kitten, Kit and Kotenok thanks to Nat's Russian heritage. 

Voices coming from the elevator brought my head up while yawning. 

"Brother just give them a chance, things have changed since you tried to take over the planet." I heard a deep voice huff. 

Wait, I know that voice, Thor is home. He was supposed to be back a week ago. I feel my excitement as I stand and stretch knowing we were about to play our welcome home game. Jumping down from my spot on the couch I walk on all fours toward the voices. 

"I'm only here because Mother asked me to aid you and your pitiful friends, otherwise I wouldn't be here at all"

"Come now brother, you've already apologised and everyone knows it was because of the mind control so there is no need to keep up this attitude" 

I come to a stop just as they round the corner and give my best innocent kitten face, meowing to get the attention of my friend before he walks through me. Thor stops suddenly, putting an arm out to the other man to still him, I watch as his eyes scan the room before landing on me and lighting up with joy. 

"Little kitten, it's been a while" he smiles at me while crouching down. I walk over to him and start purring when he scratches behind my ears, using his knee as support I lean up and lick his cheek in greeting. With a grin he picks me up and stands. 

"I missed you too little one, I was gone longer than I anticipated. I hope you're not too mad at me" 

He turns with me in his arms while I rub my head against his to show my forgiveness. Thor is one of my closest friends out of the Avengers, even if I did try to kill him when we first met.

"This is my younger brother, Kitten. Prince Loki of Asgard, God of Mischief and Lies" I look across at this Loki and see him frowning at me, clear annoyance and confusion on his face. Looking past that I focus in on him, reaching out with my power I flinch slightly at the force of his power surrounding him. He's the magic user everyone has been talking about! Excitedly I start to reach my paw over to him while meowing until he takes a step back. His gaze goes back to Thor, anger taking over his face.

"Thor get this creature out of my face. You sound like a child, talking to an animal as if it understands what you're saying. Just show me to my room so I can at least try to get settled in before I have to see the rest of those Idiots" 

I look up at Thor who is holding me closer to his chest after his brothers outburst. He looks angrily at his brother for a moment before peering down at me, softly he speaks "I'm sorry little one but do you know if Stark has his room ready and where his room is?" He sounds defeated after listening to Loki snap. 

I meow and wriggle in his arms until Thor leans down slightly Loosening his grip enough for me to jump from him to the floor. I give a quick look at Loki who continues to frown at Thor. I start jogging towards the stairs, looking back over my shoulder to make sure they're following. I lead them up the stairs and onto mine and Thor's floor. 

Well he seems rude. How can he just think I'm an animal? Can he not sense my power? 

I huff to myself as I make my way down the hall. I come to a stop in front of the door that sits in between my room and Thor's. 

Looking up I see Thor smiling to himself "I see they thought putting him between our rooms would be the best decision" I nod back, but hiss at Loki as he shoves past me to get to his door. "A cat having it's own room, clearly Stark has more money then sense. Idiot mortal" he grumbles as he slams his door shut behind him.

Thor sighs but turns his attention to me "Sorry about him Kat"  He smiles slightly before he says "So are you going to stay like that all day or give me a real welcome, Kitten?" 

I look back at him with an innocent look before I dash past him knowing he's going to be chasing right behind me. 

We've played this game since the first time he left and came back from Asgard, he hadn't told me back then how long he was going to be away for and I was lonely without him, he was the only one I would talk to in the beginning. He'd returned a week later but I was still mad at him. I'd shifted into a cat not long after he'd left and refused to shift back even when he'd returned. He ended up chasing me around for hours pleading with me until I shifted back and forgave him. 

I no longer got mad when he left for prolonged time but we still played this little game, even if it was a bit childish, what is life without a bit of fun? 

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