Aliens In Venice

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Sunlight streamed through the window of a cozy bedroom. The entire bedroom was decorated with little green plushies of cute frog characters named Gekota.. there were Gekota posteers, Gekota bean bag chairs.. a Gekota clock, a Gekota piggy bank.. the entire room was practically Gekota world..

sleeping under the covers of the bed in the room, was the only thing in the room not adorned with anything Gekota..  A dark brown haired boy who wore black pajamas decorated with a green numbe 10 on the front. Sleeping next to him.. hugging him and smiling with pleasent dreams.. was a girl with chestnut brown hair and Gekota decorated pajamas.

While the boy Ben Tennyson, usually slept on the couch of the living room of the apartment.. that night, Mikoto Misaka had asked if he could sleep with.. (and emphasis on SLEEP!! Ben's not that kind of guy.) her that night.. just for the company..

Ben and Mikoto had just started dating the day before.. after of course, fighting an intergalactic conquerer and nearly destroying the entire city in the process..

Mikoto sat up from the bed, yawning.. she blinked for a minute.. dazed before smiling and poking Ben's shoulder. "Hey.. Ben.. oh Ben? "

Ben let out a mutter. "Eh? Not now mom.. five more minutes.."

Mikoto almost broke out into a laugh. "Come on Ben.. if I was your mom.. would I do this?"

Mikoto kissed Ben on the cheek.

"Yes.." Ben muttered . "But you do it pretty good too.."

Ben yawned and stretched as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Morning.. guess the Daihaseisi is over huh? Spring Break here we come.. or whatever...yeah.. I'm gonna sleep.. "

Ben fell back to bed as Mikoto giggled and began pulling Ben out of bed.."Come on sleepy head.. it's already 9'o clock.. you can sleep when it's night again.."

"Alright.. alright." Ben muttered as he shuffled out of bed and shambled like a zombie to the door of the room. "Now.. let's see.. I'll make some breakfast.."

Ben opened the door, however, the moment the door opened.. a certain red haired twin tailed girl, wearing rather skimpy pajamas, lunged out of nowhere, aiming a roundhouse kick at Ben's head. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE BEDROOM OF MY ONEE-SAMA!!!?"

There was a flash of green light.. and Ben had turned into a tall humanoid made of gray rock and magenta colored crystals.

A shiver went through Kuroko Shirai's body as her foot met Chromastone's hard surface.. and she fell to the floor, clutching her foot, muttering "Itai itai itai itai itai itai itai itai itai itai!!!"

Chromastone stared for a moment, his one eye blinking tiredly, so tired, that he was unaware he even transformed. "Eh?"

"K-Kuroko!?" Mikoto exclaimed. "Were you sleeping outside my door!?"

"NOT.... GIVING.. UP.. MY.. SISSY!!!" Kuroko growled, foaming at the mouth, still clutching her foot.

A little later.. Ben, Kuroko, and Mikoto were fully dressed.. Ben was scooping eggs out of a frying pan with a spatula and piling them onto Kuroko and Mikoto's plates.. while Kuroko gave Ben a steamy glare...

"I told you already!" Mikoto said. "Me and Ben didn't do anything! All we did was sleep!! That's it!!"

"To think.. she would sleep with that extraterrestrial oaf.." Kuroko muttered in Japanese. "And yet my Sissy won't even let me snuggle up with her.."

"Kuroko.. we both know why I don't let you do that.." Mikoto muttered darkly. "At least Ben doesn't do anything on the other hand.. are a full blown.. I don't even know.. you've just gotten worse lately.."

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