Ultimate Railgun

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ACO TRIVIA: Ben has already talked to Mikoto's father once on the phone. He's more afraid of Mikoto's dad then he is afraid of clowns and his secret fear of peacocks. Mostly it is due to the fact that he knows Tabigake Misaka disapproves of him thanks to his dangerous life fighting aliens. Tabigake also believes that Ben is a lazy boy who depends too much on his alien forms, or so he says.. In Truth, Mikoto believes that Tabigake is only being overprotective, and in actuality he believes Ben to be a fine young man.

"BEN!!! STOP!!!" Mikoto lunged out of the way as Swampfire Infinity launched another flaming orange beam. Another skyscraper was carved apart by the blast as Mikoto struggled to keep her footing with her broken leg.

Swampfire Infinity let out a feral growl... obviously too far gone to listen.

Mikoto began to feel tears seep out of her eyes. "WHO ARE YOU!? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO HIM!!!?"

"I'll give you only one hint." said the voice. "I dwell in the deepest depths of your waking nightmares, I delve in the deepest darkness of the galaxy. I am horror, I am fear, I am the high lord of the Ectonurites... There is nothing that is impossible with the horrors I am capable of creating... come.. let me rend your flesh!!! No.. let.. TENNYSON REND YOUR FLESH!!!"

Swampfire Infinity roared and ran forward, the ground burning with his every step. The flames of death raging from the flower on his shoulder.

"Ben.. " Mikoto said. "Iisten.. you have to snap out of it, or this is going to consume your head. I know, that one time during the Daihaseisai, if you hadn't snapped me out of it, I would've.. I don't even want to think about it.. please.. if you're still in there.."

"WHAM!!!" Swampfire Infinity back handed Mikoto into the street before she could finish her sentence..

Mikoto coughed up blood and wiped some of the red liquid from her chin. "Okay.. if that's how it's going to be.. then sorry about this.. I'LL PULL YOU BACK MYSELF!!!"

Mikoto let out a scream and lightning radiated from her body.. ripping apart the sky. She thrust out a hand as she staggered back up, and a powerful lightning bolt along with massive waves of iron sand, slammed into Swampfire Infinity.

But there was another explosion of light, and Gravattack Infinity stood against the powerful storm. He had multiple faces all over his body with gaping drooling and moaning mouths.. and there were several massive planetoids rotating around his body.

A massive gravitational blast repelled Mikoto's attack with ease, and Mikoto yelled out in agony as she was sent slamming back into the ground, the powerful gravitational force immobilizing her.

"No... no.." Mikoto groaned as the silver spear rolled out of her hand, and Gravattack Infinity walked forward.

"B-Ben...." Mikoto blacked out...


Mikoto awoke on a beach.. amid a peaceful sound of waves and rustling tropical trees.

She blinked for a minute, unsure if she was dreaming.."

She sat up.. and was momentarily shocked...

Random aliens stood around the beach, wandering aimlessly. Chromastone, Goop.. Four Arms, Humungousaur.. over 98 aliens.. all of them wandering around aimlessly..

Even Way Big could be seen sloshing through the ocean in the distance.. as if he had grown mindless..

And a girl was sitting on the beach... looking winded and tired. She had the Omnitrix symbol on her chest.. a short black dress, silver hair, green eyes, and circuit board bracelets.

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix: Book 3, Magical Warfareحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن