The Highbreed

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Ben and Orsola snuck through the ice filled cabin of the massive ship.. carefully avoiding nuns and other different individuals as they snuck through the ship.. once or twice, Ben saw large suits of armor made completely out of ice prowling the halls...

According to Orsola, these were probably ice golems.

"Ice golems, catholic ninjas.. battle nuns." Ben muttered. "It's like Christianity turned upsidedown. Since when did Jesus ever condone holy warfare?"

"It's not all surprising really." said Orsola. "Crusades and war over religion has been quite common over the centuries.. despite the contradictions of these ways provided in the bible. It is rather sad to see what has happened to the Church that should be emphasizing compassion and prayer."

"In any case." said Ben. "We should find a place where we can sit and think so we can figure this out."

They did, as it so happened.. they found an empty room.. and it was by far, an odd room. The bed.. the desk.. the couch.. the desk lamp.. was all completely comprised of ice.

"Glad to see they have some form of 'comfort'." Ben muttered sarcastically as he knocked on a cold hard frosty pillow with his fist. "Well.. Touma says you were rescued from execution right? Maybe that's why you were attacked.. what exactly were they trying to execute you for?"

"I was trying to destroy a document of there's called the Book of The Law.." said Orsola. "However, it's quite odd.. I was under the impression that Necessarius settled that dispute."

"Apparently not." said Ben. "But then again.. they could've been trying to take me out too.. and you were just caught in the middle. I'm supposed to be an enemy of the church now."

"Maybe.." Orsola murmured. "But the fact that we ended up on this ship seems slightly coincidental.. though I do think it odd that they would make a spell to let one in.. but not out.."

"Kinda like a prison of some sort.." said Ben.

At that moment.. the door of the ice ship creaked open... and in walked a rather young looking nun.. who looked around 13.. she had braided red hair visible under her habit.. and her outfit was short hemmed, consistent with that of a battle nun.. except oddly enough.. it's design was filled with odd gaps that made the outfit look like it was made of bird wings or black moths sewed together. In her hand, she carried a long wand with a lotus flower-like design on the end.

The nun stared at Ben and Orsola for a minute, looking rather stunned. She then pointed at Orsola. "YOU!!"

The girl attacked Orsola with her Lotus Wand.. only to be knocked off her feet by a low sweeping kick from Ben.

"Get off of me!!" the nun shouted as Ben slammed her agains the wall.

"Calm down and stop trying to kill her.. then I'll consider it!" Ben growled.

the girl knocked her wand against the floor.. and immediately, through some magic, Ben felt a strange sensation hit his gut.. as whatever dammaged done to the wand, was done to him..

Ben fell back, feeling positively winded as the girl moved on Orsola again. There was a flash of green light, and Ben turned into a large humanoid reptilian creature with black, white striped pants. the creatures large arms and torso were covered with green blinking, slitted eyes, all of varying size. All of the eyes seemed to glow slightly.  Ironically, the only part of the creature's upper body with no eyes, was it's face, which was just a mouth, and two large pinkish bat ears.


Eye Guy

Species: Opticoid

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