DNAlien Isolation

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"I... am a monster... fear me... I... am death... respect me... I am fate.. you must cannot avoid me... I am the Old One...magic holds no sway on me.."

-Diagon The Destroyer during the Great Age Of Magic..

"ZAAAMMM!!!" Eye Guy's powerful eye beams blasted through the ice golems as they slid across the icey floor through the ship, attempting to take Orsola and Ben down.

"Come on!!" Eye Guy snarled. "That all you got!?"

"Ben... we've only seen around 12 of them." said Orsola. "I don't really think this ship is that secure... and we've only been attacked 4 times... don't you find that strange..?"

"Well.. yeah." said Eye Guy. "Kinda.. but it's security anyways.. maybe Ice Golems in small numbers is all they really need to keep others in line what with the strange prison outfits they give their workers."

Eye Guy slapped the Omnitrix badge on the belt around his waist and returned to his human form. Ben stepped forward and looked around. "Gotta say though.. I've seen weird places... but this definitely takes one of the top spots... it doesn't feel cold in here, yet everything's made of ice.."

"Of course.. the Roman Catholic Church is one of the world's leading magic societies." said Orsola. "Overall it's not surprising that they have such a large force of magic behind them."

Ben popped the ring of his Omnitrix and began dialing through the holograms. "To be honest, I'd rather have a better understanding what we're up against.. then at least I know exactly what aliens to use against them.. sometimes having too many choices is kind of a hassle.."

Ben peeked around a corner. "So.. you'll know what these Lucia and Angelene people look like right?"

"Found them!" said Orsola.

Ben frowned. "Wait.. that easy!!!?"

Before Ben could turn around to check, a girl's hand thwacked him in the back of the head, and two nuns pounced on top of him, pinning him to the icey floor.

One of the nuns was a very young girl with freckles and long honey colored hair, her nun's outfit was slightly too big for her body. The other girl was a tall girl with short blonde hair and vicious blue eyes...

The two girls struggled on top of Ben, the both of them pounding on him with their fists.

"TAKE THAT!! AND THAT!! YOU WON'T TAKE US ALIVE HEATHEN!! YOU WON'T!!!" The tall girl exclaimed.

"OW OW OW!!!  HEY!! WHAT THE HECK!?" Ben covered his face. "Hey!! Give me a break! I don't even know you two!!"

"Please!! Stop!!" Orsola exclaimed. "He's on your side Lucia!! He is!!"

"It's... IT'S THE SINNER!!!" Lucia pointed at Orsola and tugged the little girl Angelene away from Ben. "This proves it, they're trying to silence us!!"

Lucia pulled from her back a large old fashioned wheel with wooden spokes. She smashed it against the floor.. and it exploded into hundreds of wooden sharp projectiles that hurled themselves at Orsola.

"OH NO YOU DON'T!!" Ben dove in front of Orsola. In a flash of green light, he became a large turtle-like alien with massive flipper-like arms and stubby tortoise-like legs. on the stomach of his shell, were eight holes arranged in a pattern similar to that of an electric fan.



Species: Geochelone Aerio

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix: Book 3, Magical WarfareWhere stories live. Discover now