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My name is Touma Kamijou... And I am the most unlucky guy in the entire world...

Touma Kamijou stood in front of the stand that was being run by the Kirigoake Girl's Academy. He never usually participated in these sort of things.. it was a lottery that was held on the third day of the Daihaseisai.. not one he was particularly interested in winning.. since his luck was worse then a tail slam in the face from Humungousaur..

As proof to my terrible luck.. I can give an accurate account of how terrible from just exactly how stupid my week's been..

I've been bitten over 20 times in the past day by Index the over eating nun who lives in my dorm.. much to the misunderstanding of some of my other friends..

All in all, this lottery was part of the Daihaseisai's final festivities.. Basically, you wrote down a number on a piece of paper, estimating the amount of visitors that had come to the Daihaseisai this year.. and depending on how close the number was, the better the prize you might win..

It had plenty of chances for losing.. as any number of people could come up with an estimate that was at least closer then yours by one. As the one who was famous back in his hometown for being a jinx, (not that he remembered due to a secret situation of memory loss..) Touma was very keen on NOT getting his hopes up.. but hey, a lottery where you didn't have to pay for your ticket.. a poor high school student had to take advantage of something that was at least free.

The day before yesterday, I nearly had my head taken off by a murderous intergalactic conquerer, who wanted to take my friend Ben's head..

After that, I got bit by Index.. again..

Touma just knew that with his history (though he didn't remember much of it.) He was pretty much doomed to experience the sad failure of watching somebody else actually walk off with a prize while he sat in the shadows.. and tried to figure out how to fill his continuosly empty fridge.. while a certain little nun constantly yelled out: "TOOOOUUUMAAAAA!!! FOOOOOOOOOD!!!!"

During the festival yesterday at noon, Biribiri bet that Ben couldn't eat an entire pile of corn dogs in one gulp, so he turned into Upchuck.. but Upchuck misaimed his 4 tongues.. and ended up swallowing me instead.. Upchuck then spit me out.. but misfired, and I ended up with my slimey face in Himegami's chest...

After that, Himegami and Fukiyose both kicked me in the face.. causing me fly back into Upchuck's mouth on accident.. and get swallowed again..

Yes.. He.. Touma Kamijou.. would never win any sort of prize.. not with Misfortune like his own..

Last night, Ben and Mikoto went to the Bon Fire Folk Dance together.. well, that was nice, seeing them together all happy and such.. till Kuroko came and demanded I go in there an break it up.. when I asked her why, she kicked me in the head.. and I fell into Gwen's chest...

Gwen understood it wasn't my fault... Fukiyose still punched me though.. and I fell in the way of Kuroko as she was trying to roundhouse kick Ben... and because the Omnitrix automatically turns Ben into Chromastone whenever Kuroko tries to kick him.. she ended up kicking my head into a chest made of extremely solid silicon.. and my head is still throbbing..

Yes.. Touma Kamijou, was nothing but an unlucky adolscent boy.. so unlucky, that nothing would ever change that ever..

Yes.. I Touma Kamijou, am nothing but an unlucky-

"CONGRATULATIONS!!! We have a winner!!" The girl at the stand rang a bell cheerfully as the other girl next to her clapped.

"Wait... what!?" Touma said, not sure he had heard correctly. "What did you say!?"

"Your estimate was the closest out of all our participants!" said the girl with a wink. "You have won our grand prize: an all expense paid trip for 4 to Venice Italy!! We've got four tickets for you right here!! Enjoy yourself and seethe sights!!"

"What!?" Touma just stared.

Hold on.. did I just get lucky?

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix: Book 3, Magical WarfareWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt