Ben V.S. Biago

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Ben rolled aside as a dozen crucifixes made of pure light blasted into the ground, and nearly carved him into pieces.

Biago laughed as Ben rolled aside once more and lashed out a hand full of magic. "You and your silly alien forms!! Your heathen friends who dare not to believe in the true glory of the church will die!! You were a fool for coming aboard this ship Tennyson!"

"Yeah.. and like killing millions of people is totally what Jesus would do." Ben said sarcastically. "You're the one who needs to sit back and take a freaking chill pill!"

"Hmph!! Do not think for a second that the way of God won't punish heathens for their sins." said Biago. "The Weight of The Cross Corrects the Haughty!!"

At Biago's chant, Ben was suddenly sent hurling to the floor by an immense gravitational push.

"Trying to use Gravity..? Well two can play at that game!" In a flash of green light, Ben changed into Gravitattack, who powered out of the magic gravity attack and thrust a hand forward, sending a powerful gravity blast at Biago, ripping icy mist from the walls with the attack.

"Let the weight of sins be bore by the cross!!" Biago chanted, letting a powerful shield of light shape itself into a cross and bare the brunt blast of the gravity.

Gravattack clenched his rocky fists, intensifying the gravitational push, pushing the shield and Biago back several meters.

"Then My Cross will Reject this Evil!" Biago sent out another powerful rain of cross projectiles that all exploded into Gravattack  in an explosion of magic and icy mist.

"OW OW OW OW OW OW OW!!" Gravattack roared as the crosses exploded into him.

Several chunks of ice fell on top of the planetoid alien from the force of the impact in the ship.

However there was another flash of green light, and Eye Guy rose from the icey chunks, a large eye stretching from his chest and glowing with green energy. "Eye see you!!"

Eye Guy fired a tremendous beam from the eye that shattered the cross shield in an instant. Biago barely sidestepped the beam as it ripped through all the walls behind him and fired straight into the distance over the ocean.

Biago scowled at Eye Guy. "look at those abominations.. those creatures you change into which bare no soul.."

"Hey! There's no place in the Bible that says aliens and dogs don't go to heaven!" Eye Guy snarled as he combined several eyes on his shoulder into a larger one. The larger shoulder eye fired another green energy blast which Biago blocked with another cross shield

The cross shield was frozen in a large icy chunk due to the beam's odd combined effect.

There was another green flash of light and Four Arms's fist came smashing through the frozen shield.

"Alright pal!!" said Four Arms. "Get ready to get pounded!!"

"The Cross Reveals the rejection to evil!" Around Biago formed several large cross-like weapons 3 meters in length.. and 40 centimeters thick.

"Behold monster.. these crucifixes represent the weapon of  St. Margeret, who used a cross to slay a dragon.." said Biago. "The power is enough that even your strength can't comprehend!!"

Four Arms growled and hurled a four armed punch combo at Biago. But Biago's crucifixes, slammed into Four Arm's fists.. and a tremendous shockwave sent the tetramand flying back.

"FINISH HIM!!" Biago, sent the crucifixes hurling down at the dazed Four Arms.

There was another flash of green light and Ben turned into Big Chill, who phased through the crucifix as it slammed into the floor and sent a shockwave hurtling through the ship.

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix: Book 3, Magical WarfareWhere stories live. Discover now