Peace, Obtained And Unobtained

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The song is the theme for the Highbreed Race.

Ben never before stopped to consider just how real magic was before. Of course he knew it existed, after his first fight with Hex Lord it had always become quite obvious it existed. However, he never really stopped to consider that it was thoroughly imbedded into every fragment of society on Earth, as a side that stood in religion.

He never had to the time to consider it of course, as his life was more preoccupied with those who came from beyond Earth. Even with Gwen, who herself, was a novice magician, had never really brought it home to Ben, especially since Gwen's magic powers were more related to their alien grandmother then anything based in religion.

But now, after taking on Route Disturb in the Daihaseisai, and being caught on the Queen of the Adriatic's fleet in the middle of the ocean, Ben was starting to see there was a whole other war happening in the world, one that had been happening for centuries without him even noticing.

Anyways, Humungousaur and Mikoto made their way down the icy hall, following where Touma had gone.

"So what are going to do once we find the spell?" said Mikoto. "Do you think Touma can negate it?"

"Don't know." said Humungousaur. "I'm no expert on magic, best I can guess on how to take out this weapon, is for me to punch it till it breaks.."

"That's your answer for everything.." said Mikoto.

"Well, it's not like I'm ever left with any other options.." said Humungousaur.

"Good point." said Mikoto. "hold on... maybe it isn't... you said Brainstorm was able to analyze the spells used by Natalia and the rest of SEEKER right?"


"If he can analyze magic, Brainstorm might be able to analyze the weapon and shut it down!" said Mikoto.

"Okay, that's WAY better then Humungousaur punching something I don't understand." Humungousaur said. "Alright, we'll give that a whirl."

"But first we have to get there." said Mikoto. "How long is this hall!?"

"Not very long if we move fast enough!" There was a flash of green light, and before Mikoto knew it, XLR8 was carrying her and speeding down the hall.

In about 0.1 seconds, XLR8 burst through a door into the main command center of the ship.. setting down Mikoto.

Agnese Sanctis and Touma Kamijou were there.. standing next to the ginormous magic sphere.

"Touma!" said XLR8

"Stay back!!" Touma held out a hand in warning. "Don't move.."

"Touma it's us!" said XLR8.

"I know! that's not what I meant!" said Touma. "Careful.. it's watching us.."

"Watching us?" said Mikoto. "What's watching us?"


A giant hulking Highbreed fell from the ceiling, shaking the ship as he landed, he looked like a normal Highbreed, except, his body seemed to be made out of twisted tree roots. And it seemed to be growing.. getting larger and larger by the minute.

"What the heck is that!?" said XLR8.

"A failsafe the Highbreed created in case we failed to destroy Academy City." said Agnese. "It must have sensed there were too many intruders in the main room for the Queen. It's been activated! I don't know the full details, but it will keep growing and growing until it grows massive and destroys everything!!"

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix: Book 3, Magical WarfareWhere stories live. Discover now