All of Us Together

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The Basilica di San Marco was by far Venice's most famous landmark. In reality, it was also the most important church in Venice. It was built up over several centuries starting in 832, and contained many byzantine mosaics in it's interior. The basilica was by far a very large attraction for tourism.

Under normal circumstances, after learning about the Roman Catholic Church's real murderous dislike of him, Ben wouldn't feel easy about knocking down the door of a place that was so obviously their territory. But when it came to his friends.. Ben wouldn't think twice about blowing up a memorial if he had to do it to save them.

Ultimate Humungousaur smashed his way through the church's front door. The massive church's main sanctuary hall was dim in the night, covered with beautiful paintings, and architecture.. columns lined either end of the pews that filled up the church.. a combination of dome and arches made up the towering masterpiece.. but Ultimate Humungousaur didn't care about this stuff.. he had a bone to pick with the alien that was standing next to the priest's podium in the far front of the church.

Index was lying at the Highbreed's feet, obviously knocked out.. and DNAliens hissed and crawled in the shadows behind the columns.

Ultimate Humungousaur lumbered forward, brushing aside pews as if they were just pieces of fluff with the back of his hand.

"Let her go." said Ultimate Humungousaur.

"Perhaps.. if you can take her from me you sniveling mongrel." said the Highbreed. "Academy City was supposed to be ravaged to the ground, it's irritating technology the only things advanced enough on this planet to even put up a slight fight against us all destroyed. But you.. you came.. and ruined EVERYTHING!! Not to mention, that there is still all that leaked intelligence from the Daihaseisai! The area can't even be sterilized for this.. YOU!!! I will have you begging for mercy at my very feet!!"

"Yeah.." said Ultimate Humungousaur. "Like I haven't heard that one before..Wanna rumble!? THEN LET'S RUMBLE!!!"

Ultimate Humungousaur and the Highbreed charged each other, Ultimate Humungousaur blocked the Highbreed's punch with one arm and slammed his massive fist straight into the alien's face.

The Highbreed staggered back as Ultimate Humungousaur continuously pounded him, using his massively superior strength to start quickly overwhelming the Highbreed.

"Really." said Ultimate Humungousaur. "I couldn't go full out on the iceship, since I really didn't want us to sink.. but here.. I'm going all out bub! So get ready to feel the pain!!"

Ultimate Humungousaur swung his tail around, and the Morningstar on the end of it slammed the Highbreed straight into the back of the church, cracking the walls, and plowing a gouge through the floor.

The Highbreed began to chuckle as he stood up. "You fool.. you didn't think I would lure you here, without considering every contingency!? The news of your ultimate forms spread throughout the galaxy like wildfire.. I WILL SHOW YOU THE SUPERIORITY OF THE HIGHBREED!!!"

The Highbreed took out a metal three clawed bladed gauntlet that fit perfectly over his left hand. the moment he put it on.. glowing red circuitboard-like markings burned all over his body.. and his muscles began to bulge.

"This is a Feral Destabilizer, developed by my home planet." said the Highbreed. "Now.. I am stronger then ever!!"

The Highbreed slammed his fists over Ultimate Humungousaur's head, and a massive shockwave of red energy burst out from the impact point.

Ultimate Humungousaur hit the ground, and a ginormous crater erupted from where he fell, and several columns shattered to dust.

Ultimate Humungousaur roared, got up and began grappling with the Highbreed, but the Highbreed let out a terrifying cry and and slammed his elbow into Ultimate Humungousaur's face.

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix: Book 3, Magical WarfareWhere stories live. Discover now