The Imaginary Number District

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Ultimate Way Big struggled as the ginormous tree monster locked him in a massive hold.. as Ultimate Way Big continued to struggle, a massive root began to wrap around him.. and then more.. and then it was soon that Ultimate Way Big realized he was actually being ABSORBED into the creature.

"Wh-what are you doing!?" Ultimate Way Big roared.

"Your cosmic essence is currently the most powerful power source on this planet." said the tree monster. "By absorbing you, my growth is sure to increase with even greater exponential speed. I thank you, for your contribution.."

"Oh no you don't!! You're not... not.. raaaaaaggghhhh!!!!" Ultimate Way Big slapped the Omnitrix badge on his chest.. and reverted back into Ben... who was but a tiny ant on the creature's surface.

"If I'm going.." Ben muttered. "No way am I giving you more power!!!!"

Before he knew it... Ben blacked out.. and he sank beneath the surface of roots..


"NOOOO!!!!" Mikoto staggered over to the shore, as Orsola and Touma held her back. "BEN!!!"

"Damn... Mikoto, just because Ultimate Way Big disappeared doesn't mean he's gone!" Touma said. "Listen, he's probably just changed back that's all! He's probably alright!"

"He wouldn't change back!!" Mikoto said. "Not now! Something's wrong!! Something's really wrong!! REALLY REALLY WRONG!!!"

"It's ready!!" Index came walking over, holding what looked like a long silver javelin.

"Wh-what is that?" Touma asked.

"It's the spell I was creating using the ruins I inscribed on the ground." said Index. "I imbibed them into an essence of silver to create this javelin. With any luck, it should shut down that monster's targeting system. It took several chapters from the Book of Eibon and a few chapters some other books, but I got the inscriptions right. Now all we need to do is for one of us to get close enough to stab it in that thing's heart.."

Mikoto snatched the spear out of Index's hand. "And I just volunteered. I saw the emergency helicopter landed near here... "

"Y-you can't fly a helicopter!" said Touma.

"WATCH ME!!" Mikoto roared as she stomped of with the spear in tow.


Ben opened his eyes and groaned, shaking his head. "What the heck? That was different..

Ben looked around.. and was amazed to find himself in Academy City. He was sitting on a bench near a bus stop... and people were walking past him like he wasn't even there.

There was something even more different as well. Everything seemed rather hazy, as if it didn't belong... or rather.. Ben didn't belong here.

"What are you doing in here?"

Ben nearly jumped out of his skin as he suddenly saw a girl sitting next to him that wasn't there before.

SHe had long black hair, glasses, and wore what he recognized as a Kirigoake Girl's Academy uniform. And for some reason, she seemed rather familiar.."

"Hyouka Kazakiri?" Ben muttered. "I haven't seen you since.. well.. since you visited our high school months ago... do you know what's going on here?"

Hyouka shrugged. "Yes.. and no... I don't know how you got here, or why you're here. But I can tell you about this place and where it is. This is the Imaginary Number District."

"Wait.. no way.." said Ben. "You mean that urban legend about that district where you'll get trapped in if you cross between districts at precisely 4 AM?"

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