To The Office We Go

Start from the beginning

Sang swallowed hard her lips starting to tremble. "James..."

"It'll be fine," She said trying to sound assuring for the both of them.

By the time they made it to the office, James had hidden any emotions behind a blank slate. Her body relaxed despite the nerves coursing through her. Anxiety was always a bitch but James was always good at putting on a mask.

Principal Hendricks was waiting for them outside the office door. His piercing gaze boring into them James couldn't help but want to twist her nose up in disgust instead she stayed calm.

Still, relief flooded through her body as Sang and she entered his office. She was grateful McCoy wasn't joining them. Kota's look was reassuring James got the feeling the boys were keeping an eye on them.

Or at least an ear.

Didn't they bug the offices?

Sang and James had provided the others with a layout of an office before. She was sure The Academy had set up some type of system.

"Both of you should take a seat," Hendricks clicked the door shut. "I insist."

Sang gave James a look one that looked absolutely terrified. James felt for the girl, the blonde had probably never been sent to the principal's office before. And how the conversation went the last time James and Sang were set to McCoy's office she was probably a bundle of nerves.

James sat on her hands to keep from tapping them shooting Sang a soft look. The blonde relaxed at that moving into the seat next to James.

"I noticed you were out of class yesterday Ms. Jones," It wasn't a question his eyes were curious. Questioning. "Family issues?"

James made sure she didn't tense at that instead she gave him a small smile. "Wasn't feeling too hot actually a pretty bad headache. I'm ahead In all of my classes so I didn't see the harm."

It was a pretty basic lie Hendricks looked like he didn't buy it for a minute though. Just what information was he digging for?

Hendricks hummed, "I thought perhaps you were being recruited for The Academy."

Sang and James both glanced at the man shocked. "E-excuse me?" Sang questioned her finger coming up to push against her bottom lip.

"Well I thought perhaps The Academy sent a member in sooner," motioning towards James, "And then planned on coming this year. But after looking at your previous transcripts I've seen no mention of the Academy. You've been to every other school but."

"Well, perks of being an orphan having to deal with the foster care system. I move from place to place meaning more school transfers then I'd like." James joked trying to hide her frustration. What was his deal with The Academy? And why was he coming to the girls for answers?

"Neither of you seem to be apart of The Academy." He paused. "Yet."

"Yet?" Sang repeated his words, "Sir-"

"Mr. Blakcbourne has seemed to take a liken to you both. You know he has no other students for his music classes. Are they trying to transfer you into their school? See if you're deemed acceptable for this Academy?"

"We've never even been to it," Sang said truthfully.

James nodded, "We don't know anything about it. We just happen to be friends with the new kids-"

"Says the girl who's been isolated from the school," Hendricks quirked an eyebrow, "Either that or you're causing trouble." A crocodile smile crossed his lips as he sat forward in his seat. His hands coming to rest under his chin.

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