mentally unstable vampire

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It's been a few days and Caroline is back from Mystic Falls. She wanted to stay longer to make sure that Alaric's girls, Lizzie and Josie who she had started to love like Hope, were comfortable and that Alaric would not have any problems, but everyone convinced her to go back and make sure none of the Mikealson's got killed. When she reached New Orleans she was immediately told of the fact that Stefan, who had left Mystic Falls the next day to make sure Rebekah is safe because she was not picking up her phone. 

Caroline reached the Mikaelson Mansion with a bag and Hope in one hand. After having a fight with Jackson about trusting Klaus for Hope's safety, she could not live in that apartment anymore. She was worried, that Aurora may hurt Hope of worse. She reaches the study and sees Klaus and Elijah and Freya arguing. She makes her presence known by a small cough and everyone looks at her and Hope.

Klaus gives a big smile, Elijah nods and presents a small smile while Freya comes to hug Hope and Caroline. Caroline hugs Freya back and says, "Umm, I was wondering If me and Hope could stay here for a few day, till the time things settle down?" Freya nods happily Elijah says, "There is always a place for you here Caroline." Caroline looks at Klaus and he says, "There is one thing that you will always find here sweetheart, a home." and Caroline gives a warm smile to him. 


Caroline just put down her phone after giving Rebekah another worried and concerned voicemail and looks at Freya and says, "Both of them are MIA, I am scared Freya." Freya sighs and says, "I know Care, I am worried, this has something to do with Aurora or Tristan, I am sure of it." Caroline nods when suddenly the main door bell rings. She races down with Freya behind her and sees a coffin. She hears Klaus, Elijah and Katherine entering the hall at Freya's request.  Caroline shakily latches open the coffin lock and starts opening it. She gasps to see a desiccated Stefan, lying in the coffin. She immediately bites open her wrist and puts it on Stefan's mouth to wake him up. 

After drinking blood for a few seconds, Stefan wakes up awake from the coffin and Caroline immediately hugs her best friend. Caroline then asks, "Stef, what's going on? Why were you in a coffin and where is Rebekah?" Stefan's expressions suddenly change  into angry ones and he says, "I will kill them, I will rip them apart. Me and Rebekah were in Miami, looking for ways to bring Kol back, when that woman form Strix appears. Then I remember nothing but darkness for a while. I think I woke up a day later, Rebekah was in her original body. I could hear her calling out to me for help, but they were desiccating me using a witch. I couldn't do anything Care, I don't know where she is." Caroline listens to the whole story and seeing her best friend break down, makes her almost cry but she maintains her composure.

She hugs Stefan in order to comfort him but breaks the hug at the sound of breaking of a chair. Everyone looks back and sees Klaus with golden yellow eyes and his fangs dropped. Caroline immediately understood what happened. Klaus was transitioning because of all the anger. She immediately speeds to him, cups his cheek and says, "Klaus no, now is not the time. We must remain calm and cool. We will find Rebekah, just match your breathing to mine. Come on!" and she tries to  calm him down.

Klaus's hands instantly go to her waist out of instinct and he joins his forehead to hers to calm himself down. The rest of the them wait patiently knowing that if they disturbed them, Klaus will have even more problems. After a few seconds, Klaus's eyes turn back to normal. He turns to the crowd who was now looking after Stefan's wounds and says, "It has to be Aurora, She is Rebekah's first sireline, I will find out what she wants, using extreme measures, if I have to." Elijah's forehead crinkles, thinking about those extreme measures and he says, "Are you sure Niklaus? Last time you were absolutely disgusted by her seduction." Caroline's mouth falls open and she exclaims, "Wait a minute, so there extreme measures include you having sex with her?! Ew! Gross" in a jealous tone.

Klaus notices the tone but does not say anything and then says, " My sister is god knows where, in the hands of a mentally unstable vampire. I am not taking any risk. I will do anything to save her, even if it means that I will have to seduce a woman I don't love." and looks at Caroline with that last sentence. Caroline feels a  stab of pain in her heart. She breaks eye contact as Klaus tries to look at her. Caroline feels her tears coming so she immediately says, "Umm, Come on Stefan, lets get you a shower. After that we will talk." and starts walking back upstairs. Stefan looks at Klaus with a worried look but walks after Caroline and Klaus immediately speeds out of the mansion. 

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