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Caroline was very happy and nervous today. Hope was coming back after Elijah had blown up the safe house with Finn in it. Esther was in a vampire's body so she was not a threat for the time being. It was almost time to perform the blood bonding ritual with Jackson. Caroline knew that as it was coming close, Klaus was closing himself up. Any rational person would. Klaus was by nature a very possessive person and the fact that she had been spending so much time with Jackson for the ritual was just salt on the wound and her kissing him would just be staking him with a white oak stake.

Caroline wanted to talk to him about how she would always love him and how she could never be anyone else's but he was not giving her the light of the day. It was the perfect time now, he was painting in his studio and she could corner him before he disappeared again. She strutted her way up to his studio and closed the door while facing to his back, where he was painting vigorously, something he only did when he was upset.

Klaus hears the door close and spoke from his current position only, "I am not in the mood Caroline, please leave." Caroline's stubborn voice comes, "No, we are going to talk about this because you are closing up on me." Klaus stands up, sighs and says, "What do you want me to say Caroline?" Caroline runs a hand through her hair and says, "Anything Nik! Tell me you are upset, the fact that I have been spending time with Jackson and that I will be doing the ritual with him tonight is upsetting you." Klaus screams, "Of coarse I am upset. The woman who I love is spending time with someone else, she is going to kiss someone else! It is like Mystic Falls all over again."

Caroline's expression softens and she walks up to him, cupping both his cheeks with her hands, and he breaks eye contact, moving his head to the side. Caroline forcefully pulls his face towards her and says, "Nik I love you. And no one can change the fact that I will always love you. You should drill that in your mind. No one can come in between us, ever. So please talk to me when you are upset. Tell me that this is bothering you. Please baby I beg you." Klaus now too has tears in his eyes and says, " I am sorry love, I can't stand the fact that someone else will have a hold on your lips tonight, that someone else's blood is going to be mixed by yours. I do love you sweetheart and I am sorry I have been closing up on you." Caroline says, "We are meant to be together Nik. Don't you remember the prophecy? No one will ever come between us, ever again. Not Tyler, not Jackson and not Camille." Klaus laughs and says, "Why do you have to be jealous of Camille sweetheart, she is harmless."

Caroline frowns and starts to walk away. Klaus pulls her by her wrist and pulls her into a kiss. Caroline hesitates at first but then soon melts into the kiss. Suddenly a commotion is heard downstairs and Caroline breaks the kiss and starts running downstairs. She reaches the compound and sees Elijah and Camille with Hope in Elijah's hands. Caroline runs to Elijah and takes Hope in her arms and hugs her. She mutters a thank you to Elijah and starts swinging Hope forwards and backwards. Klaus and Katherine come down soon and Katherine hugs and kisses Elijah as Klaus and Caroline are playing with Hope. Camille excuses herself giving a last glance to the embracing Klaus and Caroline. Caroline sees this but decides to ignore it, not wanting to ruin the beautiful moment between her family.


Caroline had changed into her ceremonial dress which surprisingly looks very much like a wedding dress but Caroline was sure to find out that it was not like a marriage. She was currently playing with Hope who was sitting on the ground in her mat, surrounded by her toys. She says, "Mommy has this big thing to do sweetie, till then will you will stay with Cami. After that, I will hold onto you tight and never let you go. Okay?" Klaus is looking at the two most important girls in his world. He smiles as Caroline gets up and says, " Ready sweetheart?" Caroline moves a hand to his chest and says, "I am but are you?" Klaus stiffens and says, "I am not happy because of this but if it keeps out daughter safe, then anything." Caroline nods and gives him a peck on the lips.


The pack Elder Mary was doing the ritual. Caroline and Jackson were standing on the alter, with the guest in the aisles and Klaus, Elijah and Katherine were standing on the balcony. Mary took a bowl and asked both Jackson and Caroline to bring out their hands and made a cut through them with a silver dagger. As the blood mixed, all the werewolves were able to feel the spell working.

As the spell was coming to an end Mary says, "Jackson you may now kiss Caroline, as a symbol of peace and prosperity between the packs. With this kiss Caroline will share her special powers with the rest of the pack." and Jackson moves forward and kisses Caroline on the lips. Klaus flinches and moves his head, not able to look at the scene and Jackson breaks the kiss pretty soon, seeing that Caroline is not kissing him back.

Caroline smiles at Jackson sympathetically and mutters, "I am sorry Jack, I could not kiss you back. I just couldn't do it." Jackson mutters back, "It's okay Caroline, I know. We are friends aren't we?" Caroline nods and Klaus hears the whole conversation, breathing a sigh of relief and soon, the eyes of all the werewolves in the room, convert into hybrid. Everyone smiles, happy that the spell has worked.

Caroline nods and looks up to see Klaus, who is still looking aside with Elijah's hands on his shoulder, trying to calm him. Caroline frowns and soon everyone gets up and scatters towards the compound for the party. Caroline hears Hope's crying and decides to walk towards their room and sees Cami plying and trying to calm down a crying Hope. Caroline smiles and walks towards Hope and picks her from Cami's arms and Hope immediately stops crying, seeing her mother.

Cami tries to make conversation and says, "So, umm, If you don't mind me asking, have Klaus and you broken up? Because well you guys look distant and I personally think that Jackson and you look better together." Caroline gets angry and says, "Listen Cami. I see right through you and you really should try to be less transparent. Klaus are not going to break up, not now, not ever. He is mine, you should really drill that into your head. I love him and he loves me so you should not come in between us. If I ever see you coming between us, it will not be good for you." And giving her best Miss Mystic Falls smile to her, Caroline leaves a shocked Cami behind and starts walking towards Klaus, who he can see standing in the foyer.

She pulls him into an aisle and pulls him into a kiss, while holding Hope into her arms. Klaus immediately responds and pulls both his girls into his arms. Klaus starts kissing Caroline deeply, trying to make her and himself forget about the kiss with Jackson. Soon they break the kiss and they both look at Hope who is looking at her parents with a small smile on her face.

Caroline giggles and says, "Oh god, we just kissed in front of our daughter." Klaus smiles and Caroline says, "Don't be upset, please baby. I love you so much and Jackson means nothing. Okay?" Klaus says, "I am not upset sweetheart. I just could not bear to see the scene." Caroline nods and again kisses him before both of them start walking towards the party.

Klaus takes Hope from Caroline and walks towards the middle and says, "If I may have all of your attention, thank you. As many of you now, Caroline and I had a daughter, she has been lost, now she is back. Her name is Hope,. My girlfriend Caroline and I hope that you will be able to accept her as our own, as she is our own blood and a crescent. Cheers." He raises his glass and so does everyone in happiness that the city is finally in peace.


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